Literature Mrs. Cary: In February, we will be taking a poetic journey back in time as we read Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s famous poem, Paul Revere's Ride. While this tale of Revere’s midnight ride is rooted in American history, we quickly discovered that Longfellow’s words bring more than just facts—they bring feeling, rhythm, and a deeper understanding of how poetry can turn an event into an unforgettable story. As we analyze the poem, we will explore the way Longfellow uses rhyme and meter to create a sense of urgency and excitement. Each stanza seems to build upon the next, pulling us along with the same rapid pace Revere experienced during his ride. The way Longfellow incorporates historical detail with vivid imagery makes it clear that poetry isn’t just about beautiful language; it’s a tool for storytelling, too. Mrs. Pearson- January starts a new novel for us. This month we will be reading Wonder. Our focus will be on Theme and how a theme is developed and understood in depth. | Math Mrs. Brouwer 8th grade: This month we will be working on all things exponents and scientific notation. We will learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide in scientific notation. Unit 4 test is on Feb. 3rd and Unit 5 test is on March 4th. Algebra 1: This month we will be working with polynomials. Test 2/26 Both classes need to work on their weekly online skills! These review skills that are needed for new concepts. Mrs. Pearson This month the focus will be on integers with exponents and scientific notation. Students will have the opportunity to understand how integers can change a LARGE or small number. Be sure to work on weekly IXL skills. |
Science ⚛️ This month, we will charge full steam ahead into the Periodic Table unit! We will learn about elements, compounds and mixtures. Additionally, we will learn how to count the atoms in various compounds before dissecting the periodic table piece by piece! In class, we will analyze various trends and properties that apply to the various groupings. Finally, we will end the unit by drawing Bohr-Rutherford diagrams. Quarter 2 Science AR Due: March 27th | History For December, we will continue our unit on the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. The test for this unit will be on December 16th. |
English In February, we are starting our first essay unit on suspenseful narratives. Students will learn/review various skills needed to write a narrative essay. | Computers In January, we will reinforce our typing skills from 7th grade. We will then review some concepts from Microsoft Word. We should finish the month by creating websites. |
Assignment sheet link- 8th grade assignments
Reminders: 11:30 Dismissal- February 14th 2:30 Dismissal- February 19th AR Points are Due March 7th Science AR Point due by February 27th Math IXL skills are assigned on Monday and due the following Monday |
Important Dates: 8th Grade Gown money and Baby pictures are due by March 28th. Gown’s are $20 and can be paid to the office. Baby pictures can be brought in or emailed to Mr. Sanders at