DLA016-0129  Transcription


9th February, 1925.

Messrs, J. Walter Thompson Co.,

Bush House,

Aldwych, W.C.2.

Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter, I am desired by Mr. de Laszlo to say that he has just terminated the portrait of the American Ambassador, Mr. Kellogg [5917] which is to be officially presented to the American Embassy, here, in continuation of the portraits of the past Ambassadors. The portrait will be photographed to-day and, as Mr. de Laszlo promised you, he will let you have a photograph for publication in America.

Mr. de Laszlo also would be glad to know when he will receive a copy of the paper with the Queen of Rumania [3200],[1] and he would like to know what you have arranged about the portrait of H.H. The Pope [6690] which is being, today, officially placed at the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Yours faithfully,


Editorial Note:

J. Walter Thompson Company, pioneering international advertising agency.




[1] In February 1925, de László’s portrait of Queen Marie of Romania [3200] was reproduced in Pond’s Extract Company Magazine, February 1925, p.12, ill.: Toilet Goods. The Message of a Beautiful Queen / to More than Twenty Million Women.