Matentines... It's a month to indulge in one's desires in a huge celebration. While some may choose against participating, Hokuto is not one of those few. A friend of his referred him to the blind date program hosted by the church and out of curiosity, the Greed bun had signed up.

His leg sways back and forth as he sits on the wooden platform built underneath the oak tree, an ochoko in hand as he sips on the sake he's brought with him. Hokuto waits for his date with anticipation, wondering about the bun he'd meet on this fateful day.

This whole situation was a mess.

Fuyu hadn’t initially intended to sign up for this blind date nonsense. He was never one to be swayed by whatever holidays were happening, and yet here he was. Not to mention that he was running slightly behind, no thanks to a rooming related debacle back at the inn.

After much stress, and the likely addition of a few gray hairs, Fuyuhiko had finally made it to the appointed meeting location. He scanned the area, and his eyes locked on one bun in particular. A familiar figure, one he’d even argue that he happened to know quite well.

And suddenly he was praising the decision to finally celebrate one of these strange events that swept Burrowgatory by storm.

The breeze that blows past tickles his skin. He raises a hand to brush away the strands of hair that get in his sight and when he turns his head, he'd find a familiar sight standing in the distance. His brow raises curiously then. A coincidence? Surely a possibility. It's not certain that the other bun is his date, however...

"Hey!" With one free hand, Hokuto raises to wave at the other, gesturing for him to come over as he pats the free spot next to him. He'd reach for the second ochoko that he has prepared next to him as well, pouring sake onto it and hoping to offer it to the other once he approaches. How curious.

Fuyu cocks his head, long reddish brown locks falling to the side.

He takes a step forward, joining the other bun. He sits down, rolling his sleeves up and tying them back.

“Hey… It’s been a while.” He offers a gentle smile. He wasn’t too sure if this was his blind date, but he was praying to Go— err… Murmur—that it was.

“What are you doing here.. ?” He’d ask softly, crossing his legs and getting comfortable while he did so.

Hokuto’s smile seems to grow as the other approaches, the second ochoko held up in his hand as he offers it to Fuyu.

“For the blind date,” he replies simply, with a hum. “Am I safe to assume you are too? Because if so, what a coincidence.”

He grins, raising his glass before he drinks from it in one swig, one of his arms propped up for him to rest an arm over it as a soft laugh escapes his lips. “I’d be glad it’s you, at the very least.”

Fuyu accepts the ochoko, taking a small sip of the sake. A shiver runs down his spine after doing so, a sort of warmth now radiating through him.

“One thing led to another, and yeah… I ended up here for the blind date thing.” He peered down at the beverage in his hand, a faintest of smiles gracing his features.

“I’m not entirely sure who my date was supposed to be… But I wouldn’t mind ditching them to spend time with you.”

There's a soft hum, then a tilt of his head. He stares at Fuyu for a while, a chuckle then slipping past his lips as he leans forward against his knee. "I don't see anyone else here." He muses, his lips pulling into a grin. "Do you think that I may very well be your date? If that's the case, you're saying you'd ditch me for me."

Hokuto's teasing, of course. It is a funny thought, though, if that is actually the case.

Fuyuhiko’s face turns a deep shade of crimson at the Greed bun’s teasing. His mouth is agape, almost blubbing like a fish in this moment.

“I..! You know what I meant…” He frowns, averting his gaze with a furrowed brow.

Fuyu wasn’t used to being teased, at least not like this. He had no clue how to act.

Hokuto couldn't help but laugh at the way the other's face turned so red over a little teasing. It's cute. He thinks it's very cute, but it makes him look so... eatable as well.

"I do." Thankfully for Fuyuhiko, Hokuto decides to spare him temporarily. He places down his cup and presses his arms on either side of him, leaning back slightly to tilt back and stare at the leaves of the tree swaying with the wind for a good while. He tilts his head to the side then, glancing towards Fuyuhiko with a softened gaze.

"How have you been, Fuyuhiko?" He starts again with a question, the teasing lilt back in his voice. "Did you miss me?"

In the moment of peace between their conversation, Fuyuhiko lets a yawn slip past his lips. He had missed his mid-morning nap to be here… Not that he was complaining, just that his vice had him in a vice grip.

Hearing those questions, though, his ears perk up. He rubs any ounce of sleepiness from his eyes, instead now offering a gentle expression.

“I have. I’ve missed you very much.” He responds, almost without missing a beat.

“Have you been traveling much, Hoku?” In a small gesture of endearment, or perhaps just feeling familiar and comfortable enough, Fuyu found it safe to shorten the other’s name. Something he didn’t often do, feeling the need to upkeep a certain level of traditionalism or professionalism.

There's a brief pause. Then, a little look of surprise. Hokuto definitely hasn't expected him to be answering so honestly, which, instead, seems to have painted his cheeks a light pink instead. His tail seems to be wagging a little behind him as well, especially upon hearing the nickname.

"I've missed you too," he mutters, his smile growing a little sheepish despite him trying to act all casual about it. "I have, yes. I've been visiting the Heavenly Embassy quite often, learning about their way of diligence and all. It's very... amusing."

Hokuto hums, reaching for the bottle of sake to pour up his ochoko again, taking a sip out of the cup. "What about you, Fuyu? Have you been at the inn?"

Fuyuhiko listens in earnest, his eyes trained on the other. His sheepish expression wouldn’t go unnoticed, but Fuyu would spare him instead of pointing it out. For now, he’d lock this visual memory away inside a special little vault in his mind.

“I’ve heard about all of that through patrons… I have to admit, I have grown quite intrigued.” The bun nods.

“I hardly ever leave the inn… My bed is there after all.” He lets out an airy chuckle, pulling his knees to his chest after setting down the ochoko that was in his hand.

"Why don't you visit and experience it for yourself?" Hokuto would suggest with a tilt of his head, one hand resting on the wooden platform underneath as he leans back slightly. "If you're interested, we could head there together."

He hums, setting his own ochoko down once he finishes the drink. "I suppose I'll have to drop by more often if I'd like to see you, then." Is he teasing? Perhaps. Though, there seems to be sincerity in his words as well.

Fuyuhiko nodded at his offer to visit the Embassy. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to, and he certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable going alone. It was the perfect opportunity.

“I’d love to go with you.” His gaze softens, eyelids almost seeming droopy.

“You know we’ll always have a room for you… As long as you don’t mind sharing the bed.” He couldn’t help himself, Fuyu had to poke just a bit of fun. The more he and Hokuto talked, the more he felt like he could come out of that mostly reserved shell.

In Hokuto's little mind, he's already made plans to go to the embassy with Fuyuhiko. He'd pick the other up at the inn, get themselves ready for their little trip-- But then he blinks, his thoughts pausing at the other's words.

A laugh escapes his lips then ; recalling the memory of when the two had first shared a bed together. "I wouldn't mind sharing at all. I can't say that I don't miss having your presence next to me." He grins, adding a little wink at the end of his sentence.

Hokuto can't lie that he does enjoy spending his time with the other as well. He finds himself wondering about the innkeeper occasionally during his little travels since that night. He has an inkling that those occasions would be more frequent after today... Not that he's complaining.