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Part 24: Hot Headed!
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Part 24: Hot Headed



Looper, the little Tangela hopped on the spot as she was summoned to the field. She waved her vines excitedly in anticipation of the battle. I knew her type advantage over the opposing Sandslash was greatly outweighed by its strength and experience. I was just hoping that the vine Pokémon had a few tricks up her sleeve.

I quickly scanned my Dex for some advice on what attacks to use as Looper continued to spring up and down on the spot.

‘I’ve had enough of this. Sandslash, use your roll out attack!’ AJ grunted, growing infuriated.

I frantically searched the pokedex, desperate to find some attacks I could use. I glanced up just in time to see Sandslash advancing towards the playful Tangela.

‘Looper, get out of there!’ I screamed; my heart was in my mouth.

Just before Sandslash steam rolled over the vine Pokémon, she happily hopped sideways, avoiding the roll out attack. Sandslash unravelled itself and came to a skidding stop, facing the dancing Tangela.

‘Good job, Looper. Now use mega drain!’ I ordered, almost laughing in disbelief.


Looper let out a battle cry and swung two vines into the air.



 She then froze and gave me a puzzled look. I stared at her for a moment before the blood started to drain from my face.

                Aly and Salvadore almost fell over in astonishment.

‘Haha, asking your Pokémon to carry out an attack it doesn’t even know. Man, you are pathetic, haha!’ AJ and his supporters laughed heartily. The gym leader then smirked confidently ‘Sandslash, use slash attack!’

Sandslash nodded and lunged towards a panicked Tangela.

‘Looper, try to use absorb!’ I cried.

Tangela stopped flailing recklessly and focused her gaze on the oncoming Sandslash. She then stretched out a pair vines and shot two red beams directly at the mouse Pokémon. Sandslash squirmed as its energy was sapped from its body.

‘Sandslash, get out of there and use dig!’ AJ commanded. For the first time in this battle he was the one who was taking the back seat.

The Sandslash cried out in pain as it dived to the ground and hacked its way into the earth, barely escaping the attack. It dug at a rapid pace and disappeared from view within seconds.

Looper hopped happily on the spot, pleased with her absorb attack. She then realised that Sandslash had vanished underground and became anxious. AJ gave me a cold stare, snickering as the Tangela started cocking her head in all directions, unsure of where the Sandslash was going to resurface.

‘Looper, get out of there!’ I screamed, hoping that she could avoid the attack.

The Tangela began to run, crying out as she fled from the concealed Sandslash. She scuttled nervously around the battle field, almost tripping over her own vines.

‘Follow it Sandslash and use dig!’ ordered AJ

Looper continued to run helpless around the rugged gravel. Suddenly, the earth beneath her feet exploded and Sandslash burst from the ground. It hacked furiously at the Tangela as she was hurled into the air. With one final strike, Sandslash swiped hard at her vines and flung her to the ground. I stared in disbelief as she lay there, fainted.

‘Tangela is unable to battle. I declare AJ and Sandslash the winner of this round, and therefore the winner of this gym battle’ shouted the referee, rousing all of the gym leader’s supporters. AJ simply grunted and smiled in satisfaction.

I closed my eyes and sighed as I returned Looper to her pokeball. ‘Thanks Looper, you did great’ I whispered to her, choking on my words. Without another word I turned on my heels and began to walk towards the exit. Kiro walked beside me, gazing up at me in confusion.

‘Hey kid’ AJ called out.

I stopped, but did not turn to face him.

‘Try bulking up your Pokémon some more and actually learning their moves. You might actually be a challenge sometime, unless you give up of course, which wouldn’t surprise me. Only the best make it to the top. There’s no point even trying otherwise’ he snickered and the rest of his fan club laughed at his crude advice.

I paused for a moment and then continued to walk out of the gym, my head hanging low. I blocked out the laughs and jeers, and the cries of Aly and Salvadore. I reflected on the battle and what AJ had said. Were my Pokémon really that weak? Had I not raised them better? Maybe they didn’t trust me. Or maybe...

‘I take it as you lost then?’

I jerked my head upright, surprised to see Juni standing in front of me, leaning against the outer gym wall. I sighed heavily, not wanting to talk to anyone.

‘What are you doing here?’ I mumbled ‘And how do you know I lost?’

Juni stared at my depressed, sullen look, amused. ‘Let’s just call it a lucky guess’ she said, rolling her eyes.

I stared at her blankly, unsure of whether I should say something or just walk on.

‘Look, I want you to defeat that jerk more than anything in the world, but as much as I hate to admit it, he’s a really strong trainer who knows what he’s doing. If you’re going to win the next time then you’d better start training harder! Robin...?’ She gazed curiously at my stiffened expression. I stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

‘It’s just that...’ I muttered, struggling to finish the sentence.

‘Just what!?’

‘Maybe I’m not cut out to be a trainer. My Pokémon were completely overpowered in there. Maybe AJ is right, maybe I would be better off giving up’

Without warning, Juni grabbed me by the jacket and slammed me against the wall. She pinned me up against the gym with her balled fists, glaring furiously into my eyes. ‘Listen here, Robin, I didn’t come back here to hear your stupid sob story. Someone needs to put AJ in place and you’re the one to do it. Kiwi’s too concerned for me and doesn’t want me to stay here any longer. I heard about you defeating Emmett in Saffron. If you can beat him, you can beat any gym leader in Kanto and don’t you dare think otherwise. All you need is a bit more training’ she said encouragingly and somewhat threateningly at the same time.

‘Are you going to train me?’ I asked nervously.

Juni eased her grip as she tried to hide a smile. I slumped to the ground, relieved to be free of her deathly grip. ‘I’m truly flattered, Robin, but no, I must continue to journey with Kiwi’

I gave her another puzzled look ‘Then what do you want me to do?’

The professor in training readjusted the bobble in her golden hair and brushed down her lab coat. ‘Well, to the west of here there is a secret ninja school. Ninjas use a unique blend of jujutsu and Pokémon battle techniques to outwit their foes. I’m not saying you’re guaranteed to defeat AJ afterwards, but it might help you develop as a Pokémon trainer’

‘Wait a second, a ninja school? You want me to train at a ninja school? You’ve got to be kidding me’ I stared at her, bemused.

Juni gave me a cold stare that could freeze a volcano ‘Do I look like I’m joking?’

I coward back against the gym’s exterior. I could feel a lump forming in my throat as she continued to stare me down ‘N-no, not at all’ I squeaked ‘But how do I find this place if it’s a secret?’

‘As I said, go west of Vermilion. I’ve been there once. It’s not that far outside the city. Ninja students will be hiding everywhere as part of their training. The chances are, they’ll find you long before you find them. When you find one, ask for Trixa’

I gave Juni another puzzled look. Who was Trixa? And how did she even know about all of this? My mind raced as I tried to comprehend what advice Juni had given me. My trail of thoughts came to a quick close as the gym doors swung open.

Juni rested her hand on my shoulder and her eyes softened ‘Robin, please do this. Find Trixa. Train and learn as much as you can. Defeat AJ. Do it for you and your Pokémon. Do it for my father.’ I could see her eyes beginning to tear as she stepped back and wiped her face with her sleeve.

 ‘Oh, you wanna fight, huh!? You think you’re so tough with your muscles and your stupid face!’ Aly screamed as she was dragged away from the gym by Salvadore. The giant iron doors slammed shut before she could free herself from the breeders grasp. She kicked the door in anger and yelled a slur of curses at the trainers inside. She then took a series of deep breaths as she attempted to calm down.

‘Sorry Robin, but as you can see, we got a bit “caught up” inside’ Salvadore smiled nervously ‘so, what’s the plan now?’

‘Well Juni here-’ I paused mid sentence after I realised that the professor had disappeared. I looked around, amazed that she had slipped away so silently and without a goodbye. I then turned back to my friends and smiled reassuringly ‘We go west. I’ll explain everything on the way’



* * *



After quickly healing my Pokémon at the Pokémon Centre and a late lunch, we left Vermilion City. I gave Aly and Salvadore a brief explanation of what Juni had said to me, although I was sure Aly became suspicious after I mentioned ninjas. Salvadore on the other hand seemed very excited about going there, though he never said why.

We ventured out of the city suburbs, along the coast. The rugged path meandered in a sharp incline by the ocean. We were soon trekking along daunting cliffs which were being battered by the rough sea below. Dark clouds approached us, guided by a cool breeze. We knew it wouldn’t be too long before it started to rain so we decided to stop for supper while it was still dry.

‘Hmm... This soup smells amazing’ said Aly, inhaling the strong aroma of chicken and vegetables.

‘It shouldn’t be too long more before it’s ready’ Salvadore said as he continued to stir the broth.

‘So Robin, how are we supposed to find this “ninja school”’ asked Aly as she wandered over to me.

I was lying against a large, smooth rock, my hands cushioning the back of my head. I gazed up at the cloudy sky above us as Kiro rested peacefully at my side. I turned to the dragon tamer and shrugged ‘Apparently they’ll find us’

She tickled Togepi playfully on the nose and giggled before asking me, ‘Do you really think this will work? I mean, do you really believe they can help you? From what I’ve heard they’re just creepy trainers who like to hide and surprise people. I just don’t see how they could be that strong’ she said as she shrugged her shoulders apathetically.

I propped myself up against the rock and raised a questioning eyebrow ‘Well, I’m going to try everything I can to strengthen my chances against AJ. You seem pretty confident in yourself. Would you really fancy your chances against one in battle?’

Aly smirked and rolled her eyes in a snobbish manner ‘Of course I would. I am a dragon tamer after all’

I gave Aly a sly look ‘So you firmly believe that you could take on a trained ninja, even though you only have three Pokémon, one of which is still a baby and your Charmeleon won’t even listen to you?’

Aly frowned in anger and hugged Togepi tightly. The little spike ball Pokémon seemed to be gaping at something curiously. The dragon tamer then exhaled and composed herself ‘My Pokémon are perfect just the way they are. We just need a little time to develop. Of course, I wouldn’t expect a trainer like you to understand that’

I immediately jumped up on my feet and glared at her ‘Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?’

‘Well, you make rash decisions and ignore good advice. Ninja’s may be able to teach you some battling techniques, but they can’t teach you how not to be an idiot’

I clenched my fist as my face turned a bright purple with anger. How dare she insult me as a trainer. I was furious and there was only one thing I could think of as how to settle this. ‘That’s it! I’m sick of you always looking down on me. You wanna prove a point? Then let’s battle!’

Aly scowled and nodded ‘Fine’

We then both turned to Salvadore and screamed in unison ‘Salvadore! Referee! Now!’

The breeder looked at the broth and then pouted back at us ‘But... but the soup...’ he said disheartened. We continued to glare at him until he finally gave in ‘On the other hand, the soup can wait’ he said nervously.

Aly and I stormed opposite ways and turned to face each other. Salvadore abandoned the broth and made his way over to the centre where we would be battling. Togepi and Cubone sat by his side. Togepi became fascinated by Cubone’s bone and tried to grab it. Cubone wasn’t happy about this and the two Pokémon began a tug of war.

‘This battle is between Robin from Viridian City and Aly from Viridian Forest. This will be a one on one Pokémon battle. There is no time limit... unless you actually want some soup?’

We both glared at Salvadore again who instantly took a cowering step backwards and raised his hands in defence. He cleared his throat ‘there will be no time limit. Let the match begin!’ he said quickly and gave us the signal to start.

‘Alright Kiro, let’s win this!’ I yelled confidently and balled my fist with anticipation. I then froze and glanced sideways to see Kiro shaking his head and walking over beside Cubone and Togepi. I almost fell over in disbelief ‘Hey, what’s the big deal!?’

Aly giggled ‘Seems like Kiro doesn’t want to battle because he doesn’t want to take sides. That’s so sweet’. The dragon tamer gave the silver Eevee a warm smile before staring back at me with a determined glare. ‘Better chose another Pokémon to battle my Dratini!’ she yelled and summoned her Dratini into action.

The dragon Pokémon coiled elegantly along the rocky surface, poised and ready for battle.

‘Gee, thanks for nothing’ I mumbled as I glared at Kiro through the corner of my eyes. I then focused my thoughts on the battle and released a pokeball from my belt. ‘Peeks, I chose you!’


The peak-eared Pikachu cried out fiercely as static crackled across his cheeks.

‘Ok Dratini, let’s start this off with a twister attack!’ Aly commanded.

‘Dodge it and use quick attack!’ I screamed promptly.

Dratini spun its snake-like body in a circular motion and created a twister at the end of its tail. With a loud battle cry she sent the twister in the direction of the opposing Pikachu. Peeks, however, propelled himself with his springy tail and side-stepped the twister as he dashed towards the Dratini. Dratini cried out as Peeks crashed into her under belly and bundled her backwards.

‘Dratini’ Aly cried out, ‘are you ok?’

The dragon Pokémon managed to prop herself upright and nodded back at her trainer. Then, without warning, her miniature horn began to glow a light blue and projected a draconic aura around her body. Aly and I watched in astonishment as the powered Dratini rammed into Peeks. The Pikachu was launched backwards from the sheer force of the attack and cried out in pain as he struggled to his feet.

Salvadore gasped in shock ‘Wow, Dratini learned dragon rush!’

‘Dragon rush? I never knew you could do that. Great job Dratini’ Aly congratulated her Pokémon before giving me a menacing look ‘Its time to put this kid in his place. Use dragon rush again!’

‘Thunderbolt!’ I yelled at Peeks.

Just as Dratini’s horn began to glow blue once more Peeks screamed and unleashed a powerful jolt of electricity. The dragon Pokémon cried out in pain and could not complete her attack.

‘Dratini, please try to fight it and use your dragon rush attack!’ Aly urged her Pokémon.


Dratini yelled loudly and swivelled her body, freeing herself from the onslaught of the thunderbolt attack. Her horn began to glow once more, summoning a draconic force that sheathed her body. Just as she was about to propel herself towards the weary Pikachu an outburst of electricity enveloped her body, causing the draconic aura to diffuse. Aly shrieked in disbelief. I balled my fist up and smiled at the opportunity which had been gifted to us. Dratini was paralysed!

‘Ok Peeks, this is your chance. Try an iron tail attack!’ I ordered.


The peak-eared Pikachu nodded back at me and sprinted towards the helpless Dratini. After building up enough speed he leaped into the air and flipped into an attacking position. As he soared towards the dragon Pokémon, his tail shined a solid metallic colour.


Peeks slammed his hardened tail directly atop of Dratini’s horn and buried her face into the hard soil beneath. Dratini lay motionless on the ground- fainted.

‘Dratini is unable to battle. This match goes to Robin and Peeks’ Salvadore declared hastily ‘Now, how about we have some-‘

‘Wait!’ Aly screamed, interrupting the breeder.

Salvadore and I looked at Aly as she returned Dratini to her pokeball and thanked her for her great effort. Her face then stiffened as she glared across at me ‘One more Pokémon’

At first I stared at her, puzzled. I then smirked and jeered at her ‘Fine. If you wanna lose again then that’s fine by me. Peeks, are you up for one more battle?’

The Pikachu shook off his tiredness and nodded back at me.

Aly unhinged a pokeball from her belt and sighed ‘Look, I know we don’t always get on that well, but I really need you to listen to me now. We need to win this won. Let’s do this as a team. Charmeleon, you’re up!’

An uninterested Charmeleon was summoned to battle. His arms were folded and he snorted out a puff of smoke through his nostrils. Aly’s face seemed to be anxious and we all knew why. It was a reckless decision.

‘Ok Peeks, let’s start this off with another quick attack’ I ordered.

‘Use fire fang!’ Aly screamed.

Peeks set off towards Charmeleon at dazzling speed. However, Charmeleon would not cooperate with Aly and merely turned his head arrogantly. He paid the price for his disobedience as the Pikachu surged into him at full speed, knocking him off his feet, on to the ground.

Amidst the battle, Togepi was wailing loudly as Cubone refused to let go of his bone. Kiro began to scowl the lonely Pokémon and Cubone also erupted in tears.

Aly scowled her Pokémon’s stubbornness. Charmeleon responded to the attack promptly as he leaped back onto his hind legs and bellowed ferociously to the heavens. He then stormed towards Peeks, his pointed claws at the ready. Aly tried calling him back, but he would not listen. Instead, he swung at the Pikachu with a slash attack, hacking him backwards. Peeks bundled over- fainted.

I gritted my teeth as I returned Peeks back to his pokeball, muttering my thanks for his great battling skills.

‘Ok, everyone has proven their point here. There’s no need to continue this battle’ said Salvadore sternly.

I raised my hand as to silence the breeder ‘No way. If she gets to use two Pokémon then so do I!’ I yelled as I took another pokeball from my waist and tossed it into battle ‘Growly, you’re up!’


The Growlithe barked intensely as he prowled on all fours, waiting for my orders. The wind howled even louder than before as a misty rain set in, amplifying everyone’s feeling of anger and hurt.

‘Growly, your fire attacks won’t be that effective in the rain so try your take down attack!’ I screamed.

‘Still as stubborn as ever, I see. Use your slash attack!’ Aly ordered.

The Growlithe nodded back at me before taking off at blinding speed towards the fire lizard. However, Charmeleon disobeyed his orders once again, exhaling a powerful flamethrower attack. I cringed, expecting the worst, but to my surprise, Growly seemed to glow red and absorb the attack. I quickly deferred to my Dex:

Growlithe’s ability: Flash fire- This ability enables the Pokémon to absorb fire attacks and strengthen their own fire based moves.

Pleased with this new discovery, I encourage my Pokémon to give it his all as he barrelled into a baffled Charmeleon. The flame Pokémon struggled to his feet, massaging his injured shoulder.

‘See what happens when you don’t listen to me!’ Aly grumbled at her Charmeleon.

Charmeleon sneered at her and then exhaled a large smokescreen at Growly, shrouding the whole battle field in a thick opaque gas. Without warning, the Charmeleon rushed into the smog, his claws at the ready.

‘Growly, watch out for Charmeleon’s slash attack and fight back!’ I warned the Growlithe.

Our vision was completely blinded by the smokescreen. All we could hear were the growls and grunts from our Pokémon. Aly and I shouted words of encouragement at them, refusing to back down. The rain started to descend even heavier. After a while, the smokescreen began to clear. We watched anxiously, unsure of what had happened inside the cloud of smoke. To our surprise, the smokescreen cleared to reveal neither of our Pokémon.



All our eyes turned to both Charmeleon and Growly who were locked in combat near the cliff edge. Growly was up on his hind legs, wrestling the Charmeleon. The two Pokémon sneered and growled violently into each other’s face. This was now a match of brutal strength. We all gazed anxiously as the two Pokémon edged closer and closer to the cliff face.

‘This is getting too dangerous. I declare this match a draw. Both of you recall your Pokémon... Now!’ Salvadore demanded.

Aly and I glanced at each other nervously and then looked over at our Pokémon. We didn’t want to show any sign of weakness, but our Pokémon’s safety always came first.

‘Charmeleon, stop it!’

‘You too, Growly!’

Growly looked over at me and nodded, easing his body at my command. However, Charmeleon ignored his trainer once again and saw this as an opportune time to take advantage of the Growlithe. With a final surge of strength, Charmeleon drove Growly backwards. The unaware Growlithe lost his balance and toppled onto his back.

To everyone’s horror, Charmeleon was unable to slow his momentum and tripped over the Growlithe, staggering towards the overhang. His hind legs stumbled too far and fell over the edge of the cliff. His claws buried deep into the ground as he desperately tried to scramble his way back up to the land. Growly looked down at the Charmeleon and then back at us, whining for someone to help him.

‘Charmeleon!’ Aly screamed deafeningly and sprinted over to his aid.

‘Aly, wait!’ I yelled and ran after her.

Just as Charmeleon lost his grip on the rugged surface and fell backwards, Aly leaped and stretched out, grabbing his claw firmly. However, the momentum of her jump carried her passed the overhand and off the cliff. She screamed as her free arm flailed wildly, a last stitch attempt to grab the edge. She swung her hand, but the only thing she managed to grab was thin air.


I threw my hand out and clasped her arm tightly. Aly looked up at me with a somewhat relieved smile. Half my body stretched out over the cliff as Salvadore anchored down my legs. Aly and Charmeleon dangled in a blustery wind over a two hundred foot drop. Waves crashed threateningly into the rocks and cliff base bellow.

‘Hey, we should hang out more often’ I said jokingly, trying to brighten the situation. It didn’t work.

‘Seriously, Robin. Not the time!’ Aly scowled.

She was right. We had to concentrate on getting her and Charmeleon to safety. My mind raced furiously, trying to think of a way out of this situation. I could feel my gloved hands losing grip on her arm; the pounding rain wasn’t helping either.

Aly seemed more calm than most people would if they were hanging over a two hundred foot drop. She smiled reassuringly down at her Charmeleon, who returned a vigilant stare. A tear welled up in the corner of his eye as he started to realise that she had risked her life to save him. He bowed his head in shame of the way he had acted and disrespected her. A tear rolled off his jaw and fell to the foreboding sea bellow.

‘Hey, don’t cry’ Aly said softly. Charmeleon looked up at her, surprised. She gave him a warm smile ‘You’re my strongest Pokémon and you have to set an example for Dratini and Togepi. You don’t want them to be crying all the time, do you?’

Charmeleon sniffed and shook his head.

‘Good, now how about we get back up to the surface and start working at a team; you and me, together!’

Charmeleon smiled and nodded.

‘Alright!’ Aly cheered for her Pokémon.

She did it. She actually got through to Charmeleon. I had never seen the two look happier together than now, despite the fact that they were only two hundred feet away from death’s grasp.

The touching moment was interrupted as two tiny feet scurried up my back and hopped onto my head. I rolled my eyes up in horror to see Togepi dancing cheerfully on my head. She waved at Aly, unaware of the danger she was in.

‘Togepi, get back!’ Salvadore called out.

‘No no no no no!’ I shrieked as the baby Pokémon wobbled unsteadily.


Togepi squealed as she toppled off my head and over the cliff edge.

‘TOGEPI!’ Aly cried out as the spike ball Pokémon fell right past her...


And further...

Falling into the safety of Charmeleon’s claw. Charmeleon smiled at Togepi and then gave Aly a reassuring nod.

I was able to breathe again, but only momentarily. I could feel myself losing grip on Aly’s arm and wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold on. We really needed a miracle.

It was a real cliff hanger situation.



To be continued...