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audition packet
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


General Information

-Registration and Fees

Since we are putting together Helena High School’s first musical, it is important to remember that we have many things to pay for including set, costumes, makeup, performance rights, orchestra, and script materials, etc. For this reason, we are expecting every cast member to sell at least 3 program ads to help with defraying the cost.

Headshots are required prior to audition and can be made at any time during 7th period with Ms. Johnson (photography). You must remember to bring a headshot to audition. (preferably 2)

If your finances are an issue, see Mr. Casey individually about your situation.

-Roles and Casting

There are many unique and special roles in The Music Man. Some focus on singing, others on dancing and some very important parts are strictly acting parts. Since The Music Man is set in an American town, we have characters of all ages and sizes. That means there will be some middle school actors involved in the play. Casting will be based on an actor‘s age/grade, rehearsal availability, interests and audition.

-Time Commitment

The Music Man Team is dedicated to providing a quality educational and artistic experience to as many students as possible. Since we all have many time obligations and family commitments we are striving to give you detailed information on rehearsal schedules so you can make informed choices for your student and your family. We will do our best to honor the schedule we present by making as few or no changes to the schedule and by always starting and stopping on time.

-Parent Meeting

We will be holding a parent meeting after our first rehearsal on Thursday, December 10th, from 5:00-5:30. We strongly encourage parents to attend. This is a great opportunity to meet the Music Man Teaching Team, find out more details about the production process and ask any questions regarding the show.


Costumes will be organized a little differently in order to make our production efforts more efficient. The costumes will be designed and provided for you by the costume designer. More information regarding our hair and make-up will be sent home before our tech week. Actors will need to provide the following basic costume pieces by tech week:

GIRLS: White or black opaque tights (you will be told which color depending on your character), shoes and a short sleeved leotard or a swim suit to wear underneath your costume. More specific information on costumes and shoes will be provided in the first two weeks of rehearsal.

BOYS: Plain white t-shirt and dark shoes. More specific information on costumes and shoes will be provided in the first two weeks of rehearsal.

-Important Dates

Dec 1-3 = Auditions for Music Man

Dec 9&10= Cast orientation and parent meeting

Mar 7-11 = TECH WEEK

Mar 14 & 15 = Dress Rehearsal

Mar 17 - 20 = PERFORMANCES

-General Rehearsal Schedule

In general, rehearsals will be Mon-Thur. On rare exceptions a Friday or Saturday rehearsal may be called, but if it is you will know in advance to be able to make plans accordingly. Otherwise, look through the schedule and know what days you are called as it is listed.

-Weekly Rehearsal Schedule

Most weeks we will rehearse in the auditorium and the choir room. Due to high demand for the auditorium space, we will not always be able to be there. The schedule that you will have is one that we will stick to as best as possible and encourage you to do the same. IF you are not listed for a specific day, do not come as it will only add to the distractions in a room.

-Tech Week Schedule

Mar 7 - Makeup team trains actors on basic makeup and has them practice, Costume fits actors in clothes and makes notes, Test sounds, Work on focusing lights, try to finish set

Mar 8 - Program lights, work on set, actors time and test transitions, costume crew alters garments, makeup has actors practice their own and judges

Mar 9 - Actors practice transitions with lights and sound, etiquette and protocol for the show is gone over.

Mar 10 - Act I runthrough complete with sets, lights, and sounds while SM calls it.

Mar 11 - Act II runthrough complete with sets, lights, and sounds while SM calls it.


The Drama website will be a means of communication. E-mails to parents will be a primary method of communicating home. We plan to post all schedules and pertinent show information to the website. Please check the website often and your school gmail calendar. All rehearsal schedules will be posted there. Also, the SM will have the ability to contact you if needed via remind or text.


Please list all of your conflicts -- standing conflicts (each week), long-term conflicts (vacations, etc.) on your audition sheet. This is the only way we can put together a rehearsal schedule for the students. All conflicts approved by the director at the time of auditions will be considered excused absences. Illness and/or injury are also considered excused. Please make every effort to report absences before the rehearsal time. That way the teaching team can adjust the schedule to accommodate. Long term illnesses or injuries may require some modifications to a student‘s role.

For the Good of the Order


Memorizing your lines is one of the major responsibilities for all actors. We‘re in this together! Actors who struggle with lines make it difficult for the entire cast to rehearse. The due date for memorizing Act One lines is January 28. The due date for memorizing Act Two lines is February 24. Actors who are not actively working on memorization by the due dates may be asked to meet with the teaching team before tech week to discuss the continuation of their role.


Rehearsal conflicts are difficult on everyone. Actors who have three or more unexcused or unreported absences may be asked to meet with the Music Man Teaching Team to discuss their role in the show.


Since all kinds of things can happen during our rehearsal period, understudies may be assigned as we go along. This can help to cover conflicts, illnesses etc. Should the need arise to use understudies, the Teaching Team will inform the understudy and the actor they are helping of any changes to schedules or rehearsal responsibilities.

-Little Players

Little Players is our group of actors from the middle school. They will have the opportunity to sing and dance in our big production this year. We will have them with us at 2 rehearsals a week. When the Little Players are here, you are expected to be exemplary and shining examples of professionalism here at HHS. Bullying of any sort will not be allowed and will be means for an automatic dismissal from the show. Registration for these roles is currently available if you would like to sign up in advance.

-Behavior Discipline Policy

The cast follows the same rules of conduct as students are expected to follow during the school day, as outlined in the Code of Conduct. For daily rehearsals the Music Man Teaching Team and chaperones will follow a ―three strikes--you‘re out policy. Details of our rehearsal policy will be outlined at our first rehearsal and our parent meeting on December 10th.

-Closed rehearsals and chaperones

Music Man rehearsals are considered ―closed rehearsals. Siblings staying after school not in the show must find somewhere else to go. Friends are asked to find new rides home. CELL PHONES WILL BE KEPT IN BACKPACK so as to provide no distractions. If student is wasting rehearsal time on cell phone without notifying SM or ASM first, cell phone will be stored in box with SM or ASM and they will be able to get your attention in case you are needed. This keeps our noise level and distractions to a minimum. However, parents, if you would like to observe rehearsals we encourage you to become a rehearsal chaperone. You can sign up for one or more rehearsals depending upon your availability. Chaperones will be asked to help monitor noise levels and student activity during rehearsal times, as well as supervise daily clean up.

-Volunteer Requirements

It takes a small army to make these productions! That‘s where our parents come in. We ask that each parent take on a pre-production and a production job so that we share the workload. If you have a special area of expertise that you would like to offer help with, we would be love to hear from you! We will be covering volunteer jobs at the parent meeting on December 10.

-Contact Info

Jefferson Casey - Theater Director -

Cissy Johnson - Choir and Vocal Director

Jeff Burnside - Band Director

Margaret Blankenship - Dance Aide

Jennifer Russell - Choreographer

Audition Steps

Fill out an audition form. Attach a headshot photo to the back and bring this form to the audition on December 1st. Headshots can be made Thursday Nov 19 or Monday Nov 30 during 7th period in Ms. Sky-Johnson’s room.

Prepare for the audition using the information provided in the audition packet – monologues and songs included.

Callbacks will be posted on the HHS Drama website on Wednesday evening and be sent out to the remind group for The Music Man Wednesday. If you are listed, come to the callback audition on Thursday, Dec 3.

Look for your part in The Music Man posted on the Auditorium doors Monday morning, December 7th if it is not sent out before then via Remind. If you accept your part at that time, sign beside your name. If you do not, then see Mr. Casey to let him know.

Audition Info

-Audition Schedule - it is best to plan from 3:30-6PM all days

Dec 1 - Dance Audition

Dec 2 - Song and Scene Audition

Dec 3 - Call backs and Middle School Auditions

-General Auditions

In the general auditions, everyone will be expected to sing the National Anthem and participate in the dance audition. Only those interested in a speaking part should take the time to perform a monologue of their choosing. Please indicate your interest on the audition form so that we don’t ask you to be something you wouldn’t be comfortable doing.

-Call back Auditions

All students under consideration for a leading role (major speaking/singing part) must attend the callback auditions. Callbacks will be on Thursday December 3rd from 3:30-6:00. At Callbacks you will be expected to perform a specific song of your choosing from those listed in the packet and to act at least one scene that will be handed you at that time. If you have a time conflict with Thursday callbacks, please contact the director to set up an alternate callback audition time. Attending the callback audition DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL BE CAST IN A LEADING ROLE. We have 18 lead roles available as well as many specialty and ensemble parts. The cast list will be posted on Monday, December 7 in the morning.


An affectionate paean to Small-town, U.S.A. of a bygone era, Meredith Wilson‘s The Music Man follows fast-talking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys‘ band he vows to organize – this despite the fact he doesn‘t know a trombone from a treble clef. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when he falls for Marian the librarian, who transforms him into a respectable citizen by curtain‘s fall.

Music Man Character Breakdown


***Lead characters need the highest level of commitment to the show. They will be expected to rehearse on all scheduled dates on the schedule. They will be expected to be here for each day from Tech Week until the last performance. They will be expected to be as professional as possible in their role for the good of the cast.


Harold Hill

Charlie Cowell


Marcellus Washburn

Zaneeta Shinn

Gracie Shinn

Mayor Shinn

Tommy Djilas

Mrs. Paroo


Winthrop Paroo

Constable Locke

The Pick-a-little ladies

-Eulalie MacKecknie Shinn

-Alma Hix

-Maud Dunlop

-Mrs. Squires

-Ethel Toffelmier


***Specialty parts need to work together closely as a group. Line and lyric memorization will be a top priority for these players. They will be expected to put forth time and energy outside of rehearsal to make sure they have their parts well learned and prepared. They will also be expected to follow the rehearsal schedule.

Traveling Salesmen 








Town Council

-Olin Britt

-Jacey Squires

-Oliver Hix

-Ewart Dunlop


***Not everyone is a dancer, but our dance troupe will be made out of ensemble/chorus members and will be expected to come to rehearsals prepared to learn and improve routines in appropriate clothing. They will also be scheduled to rehearse with the full cast when noted on the schedule. Remember we are in high school and any and all touching of bodies should be part of the choreographed routine.


***The Music Man ensemble has more stage time than ensembles in most other major musicals. Ensemble members perform the following numbers: Iowa Stubborn, Trouble, 76 Trombones, Columbia Gem of the Ocean, The 4th of July scene, Wells Fargo Wagon, Shipoopi, The Chase and the Finale. There are several lines for members of the ensemble to speak in the large scenes that are separate from any other character parts in the show. These will be assigned in rehearsals. Chosen cast members will form the “marching band”. On the schedule, the complete ensemble is referred to as the Town.

Audition Monologues

Please choose one of the following monologues to memorize for your General Audition.

The Train Conductor

River City! River City! River City! We‘re cross the state line into Iowa. River City! Population twenty two

hundred and twelve. Seegarettes illegal in this state. All aboard!

Eulalie MacKecknie Shinn (the mayor‘s wife and local busy body)

Professor, her kind of woman doesn‘t belong on any committee. Of course I shouldn‘t tell you this but... she

made brazen overtures to a man who never had a friend in this town till she came here—old Miser Madison.

When he died he left the library building to the city... but he left all the books to her!

Zaneeta Shinn (teenage daughter of the mayor)

Egads! Are you beckoning to me? I didn‘t have any idea you was beckoning to me. I‘m not going home. I

have to go ta the liberry, Egads!

Mayor Shinn (a blustery ―take charge character)

Professor Hill, by the time your band plays its first concert the individual members‘ll have to foregather in wheel

chairs on account of the broken legs they‘ll get from tripping over their beards! I‘ll tell you something, my fine

young feathered—my feathered young—never mind. I want this man‘s references and I want  ̳em tonight.

Don‘t let him out‘a your sight! He‘s slipprier‘n a Mississippi sturgeon!

Marian Paroo (town librarian--she suspects Harold Hill is a con man)

Professor Hill? Professor of what? At what college do they give a degree for annoying women on the street

like a Saturday night rowdy at a public dance hall? And another thing Mr. Hill. I‘m not as easily mesmerized or

hoodwinked as some people in this town and I think it only fair to warn you that I have a shelf full of reference

books in there which may very well give me some interesting information about you.

Charlie Cowell (rival traveling salesman and all around bad guy)

You gullible green-grass goats! Can‘t you get it through your heads that you‘re being swindled out‘a your eye

teeth right now—this minute? There‘s a burglar in the bedroom while you‘re fiddling in the parlor! I‘m talking

about Harold Hill—road agent—highwayman—pickpocket. There isn‘t any band, there never has been any

band and there never will be any band! And if you don‘t hunt this man down right now like a mad dog, there

won‘t be any Harold Hill either! He‘ll be on the next train out of town.

Harold Hill (traveling salesman and con artist)

Mothers of River City! Heed the warning before it‘s too late! Watch for the tell-tale signs of corruption! The

moment your son leaves the house does he rebuckle his knickerbockers below the knee? Is there a nicotine

stain on his index finger? A dime novel hidden in the corn crib? Is he memorizing jokes out of Captain Billy‘s

Whiz Bang? Are certain words creeping into his conversation? Words like... ―swell‖ ....and ―so‘s your old

man? If so, my friends—

Ya got Trouble, Right here in River City

With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool!

You‘ve surely got Trouble. Right here in River City

Remember the Maine, Plymouth Rock and the Golden rule.

Audition Songs

Please be familiar with one of the following songs to sing for your Callback Audition. These are famous musical theatre songs. We will only be singing a few lines of each. You can find many examples of the tune by looking them up on the internet. We will review the music to all of the songs as a group before music auditions begin on the Callback Audition day.

Good Night My Someone

Good night my someone, good night my love

Sleep tight my someone, sleep tight my love

Our star is shining its brightest light.

For goodnight my love, for goodnight.

Seventy Six Trombones

Seventy Six Trombones hit the counterpoint

While a hundred and ten cornets blazed away

To the rhythm of Harch-Harch-Harch

All the kids began to march

And they‘re marching still right today!

Wells Fargo Wagon

Oho the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin‘ down the street

Oh please let it be for me

Oho the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin‘ down the street

I wish, I wish I knew what it could be.

Dance Auditions

All students will learn a dance to perform together as a group at auditions. Please make sure your uniform choice is comfortable and flexible so you can move. Tennis shoes are a good choice for footwear. Dancing in boots, high heels, or without shoes is inadvisable and can count against you in casting. There will be a few minutes before auditions to change into more comfortable dance clothes if you want to bring them with you to auditions.


Actor‘s Name:________________________________ Grade:_________

Parent‘s Name(s): ___________________________________________

Home Phone Number: ________________________________________

General Auditions – Dec 1& 2

Callback Auditions – Dec 3

Rehearsals – Dec 9- Mar 15

Performances – Mar 17-20


ENSEMBLE – Mostly Group Work & a few lines

.................................................. ________

SPECIALTY PART – Lots of Line Memorization

………………………………….. ________

DANCE TROUPE – Mostly Movement

………………………................. ________

LEADING ROLES – Biggest Time Commitment

……………….............................. ________

CONFLICTS – Our program runs from Dec. 8 – March 20. Please list all conflicts. This helps us group actors together. No rehearsals Christmas Break Dec. 18- Jan 3.

**Standing Conflicts - These are weekly recurring appointments such as lessons or clubs. (Please write “NONE” if you have no standing conflicts on a given day).






**Long Term Conflicts or Individual conflict days -- These include conflicts that  

span several days or a week ie: vacations, sports tournaments, etc. Please write “NONE” if you have no long-term conflicts


**The callback list will be posted online Wednesday evening, Dec. 2.

**The cast list will be posted on the auditorium Monday December 7th OR sent out via remind the previous weekend.