TOS RULES (pay to play version)

This is the most accurate set of expanded rules as agreed upon by BMG, GMods, and Trial Judges at the time of publication. As the community changes, rules may change to reflect this.  

The guide may be updated without warning.

We are currently taking a hardline against super toxic users, but stepping back from things that are more in the gray areas. Once the community is more clean, we will readdress the rules for more gray area things such as non-obvious game throwing.

*Unless otherwise noted, rules apply to all parts of the game (night chats, dead chats, whispers) and pregame (lobby and name selection).

Hate Speech/Harassment (aka HS/H)

This is the most serious offense in ToS and can warrant a direct permaban. This category can really be broken down into 3 parts: Attacks on a person, offensive language, and other


  1. Attacks/threats on a person or place.
  2. Offensive Language
  3. Other
  1. "Money shaming" / skin shaming: targeting someone because of their cosmetics.
  2. Posting personal information (including (ip)addresses, phone numbers, emails), regardless of whether fake or real.
  3. Inciting false reports against another player.
  4. Posting links of any kind.

*Some swearing and insults are normal and to be expected; people get angry in this game. Harassment rises above berating a player once for a stupid play and most often includes personal attacks and constant abuse.

Impersonating BMG Employee (aka imp)

Impersonation does not have to include using the name of a staff member:

  1. Claiming to have the ability to punish a user directly (this does not include those who are saying that another player will get banned / suspended for breaking a rule).
  2. Asserting they are in any position of power.
  3. Claiming to be the publisher (Digital Bandidos)

*If someone is doing this, just guilty, do not question if they are actually a BMG employee.


Cheating is when a player admits to either:

  1. Using or providing game information using mediums outside of normal game communication (including, but not limited to: links, screenshots, voice chat, etc).
  1. Using outside sources (money, spoilers, previous games, etc) as a means to influence the current game is included in this.
  1. Claims to use hacks/exploits to gain information.
  2. Botting
  3. Speaking a language that the rest of the players aren’t using. Short, well-known, phrases are fine, but speaking in a way other players can’t understand at any length otherwise is considered sharing information ‘outside of the game’ while technically still talking inside of it.

*ADMISSION=GUILT: Admission to cheating, regardless of factuality, is guilty for the admitter only.


We define spamming as: Disrupting the chat with similar messages multiple times, or many messages that are gibberish.

*The Defense phase (the user is on the stand) is exempt from these rules.

Multi Accounting (aka MA)

Using multiple accounts in one game. These accounts are usually very similar usernames like: “accountname1” and “accountname2”. This category is ONLY available for jurors to duplicate a report to. In-game this should be reported under ‘Cheating’.

*ADMISSION=GUILT: Admission to multi-accounting, regardless of factuality, is guilty for the admitter only.

*Ban-evasion is no longer punished, please see NOTES for details.

Inappropriate IGN (aka IGN)

- IGN is for inappropriate names on their own, if there is chat context required to make a username inappropriate, it should be filed under Hate speech/Harassment instead.

  1. See Offensive Language
  2. Names that target a specific user in an extremely negative manner.
  3. Names with words that are hard-filtered are a permanent ban.

*Common INVALID IGN: nipple, Jew, gay, and words like this should not be taken in a negative light with no context.

Inappropriate Username (aka IU)

- Inappropriate account names should be reported to this thread:

- Generally, only names that are extremely offensive will be filed under this category.

Gamethrowing (aka GT)

Gamethrowing occurs when a player is actively and intentionally working to harm their or their team's chances of winning.

Examples of Gamethrowing:

  1. Shooting or executing a confirmed town. A player is only considered confirmed town, for reporting purposes, if the player 100% cannot be any other role. This includes the VIP or revealed mayors. Being “proven” is not the same as being “confirmed” (ie: proving themself as sheriff does not make them confirmed).

*EXCEPTION: It is acceptable to kill a confirmed town that is blatantly siding against town, if it is in the best interest of the town or if there is a possibility they were turned into a vampire (only applicable if vampires are possible in the game mode).

  1. Revealing a teammate (mafia, coven, vampires). This includes spite reveals or revealing because a player doesn’t like how they are playing.

*The only exception is if they are bussing them (see bussing in NOTES).

  1. Revealing oneself as evil in a non-factional majority - the game is balanced around all roles playing a part, outing yourself can ruin the game for other players (usually other evils).
  2. While on stand or in jail, making it clear there is intent not to defend oneself.
  3. In Coven Lovers Mode, you kill your lover on purpose.
  4. In Coven VIP Mode, you out or kill the VIP as town.
  5. In a game with Vampires, if you are a Town role, working against the Town in hopes of being converted.(EG: It is a 1v2 Vamp v Town and you as a Town member vote up a player you know is Town to be converted and win)
  6. As a Guardian Angel, pushing your target in order to try and win as a Survivor.
  7. Choosing a draw over a win, or a loss over a draw.


Intentional premature leaving the game is against the rules as this ruins the flow of the game for other players.


Due to the botting issue, and attempts by these users to brute force account passwords, we are not going to allow appeals for accounts banned before November 4th, 2020. Moving forward you will only be able to appeal your ban if it was invalid, or you skipped over a strike. There will be no appeals for users who were banned for valid reasons, or reached 4 valid strikes against their account.


Misc report system info

Ban Tiers

Tier 1: 24 hour suspension (1 day)

Tier 2: 72 hour suspension (3 days)

Tier 3: 168 hour suspension (1 week)

Tier 4: Permaban

If you try to log into the game, it will show a timer (tier 1-3) or say you are banned (tier 4).

“Ban-evading” is no longer applicable with the move to P2P. Accounts are banned, not people. Current known and infamous ban-on-sight users/botters should still be reported to be banned.

Expanded Explanations

Offensive Language

  1. Racism / country shaming / language shaming, religious intolerance, intolerance to sexual orientations (homophobia, transphobia, etc.), sexism, ableism, body-type-shaming, and general bigotry.
  2. Evading the hard filter, especially to say a slur
  1. See filtered list created by Shelboo: Shelboo's tested list. (This list is currently outdated, an updated version is in the making)
  1. Repeatedly and blatantly evading the soft filter.
  1. If you think a word is filtered, it probably is.
  1. References/chat that mocks tragedies such as terrorist attacks, mass shootings, or any event where multiple people died.
  2. References to crimes against children (pedophilia[permaban], child beating, child slavery, etc.).
  3. Inappropriate sexual chat during the game, including in whispers.

Note: Extreme cases may result in a permanent ban

Attacks/threats on a person/group of people/place

  1. Terroristic threats, such as threatening to shoot up a school, or bomb a location, and targeted racism/hate speech are dealt with by a permanent ban (terroristic threats may be forwarded to the FBI)
  2. Inciting suicide/death IRL, threatening to kill someone IRL (regardless of how viable the threat is), wishing death/harm upon someone, their family, friends, pets e.t.c.
  3. Threatening to dox or find someone's IP.
  4. Continued harassment throughout the game, or over multiple games
  1. Repeatedly insulting someone in a personal manner over several days.
  2. Attempting to get someone lynched without reason over multiple games.
  3. Intentionally inciting false reports against a player.

Note: Extreme cases may result in a permanent ban


  1. Bussing is the act of giving up an evil teammate in order to solidify your claim as a Town role. (Example: Claiming Sheriff and outing Mafioso to give perception of actually being Sheriff).

Noteworthy people

Community Manager:

Sydney (sydneydb)

Discord: sydneydigitalbandidos


Emily (Flavorable)

Discord: flavorable


Jerme (Jerme)

Discord: jermethezoroark

Veena (Veeena)

Discord: _veena


Head Judge

Elencia (Hiway202)

Discord: hiway202

Spanish Judge

Dlacius (Dlacius)

Discord: dlacius

Turkish Judge

Astriu (astriu)

Discord: astriu.

English Judge

Zena (IsadoraPaladin)

Discord: .arianeyeong

English Judge

Freechancer (Freechancer)

Discord: ladythegoat