Psych 60: Intro to Developmental Psychology Fall 2015: 10:30 - 11:50 T, Th Rm 420-040 Michael Frank (Instructor) - 420-278 - office hours
Send all class-related questions to: Send in-class assignments to: Teaching Assistants: Natalie Colich - 420-169 - office hours Kyle MacDonald - 420-290 - office hours Kara Weisman - 420-290 - office hours |
Course Goals
Psych 60A: Early childhood observation. This is an optional – but highly recommended – 2-unit course that can be taken concurrently with Psychology 60. Students in Psychology 60A will spend a total of about 30 hours during the quarter observing, thinking about, and writing short papers about preschool children at Bing Nursery School. Psych 60A is a great opportunity to see firsthand some of the phenomena we will be talking about in class and to deepen your understanding of human development.
Psych 60B: 3-unit version of the course with reduced writing requirements. Psych 60 is a Writing in the Major (WIM) course for psychology. Students in Psych 60B will only complete the midterm and final assignments. They will not write the final paper or be required to attend sections.
Sections are mandatory for students in 60 (not 60B). Please sign up on axess.
Week 2 (9/28): Reading a scientific paper - read this before section.
Week 3 (10/5): Summarizing and citing empirical evidence - read this before section.
Week 4 (10/12): Writing an abstract - read this before section.
Week 5 (10/19): Developing an outline for your argument
Week 6 (10/26): Writing a critical assessment, part 1
Week 7 (11/1): Writing a critical assessment, part 2 - read this before section
Week 8 (11/9): Composing a well-structured paragraph - read this before section
Week 9 (11/16): Writing a good sentence
There are no makeups for missed sections, but handouts are available at the links above.
Materials. Lecture attendance is mandatory. Lectures will cover the bulk of the course material, presenting lots of information not found in the papers. Lecture slides will be posted after class each day, but reading lecture slides is only a partial substitute for attendance – they will often be terse and difficult to interpret without having listened to the actual lecture. Each lecture is accompanied by a primary scientific paper (linked below). Please read this in time for the lecture – we will be discussing it and it will be very helpful for you to have read it beforehand.
Bing Nursery School Tour. All students are required to take a tour of Stanford’s Bing Nursery School during the second or third week of class. Please sign up for a tour by 9/28. Attendance will be taken and counted towards the participation grade.
Psych 60 breakdown: in-class assignments + bing tour (10%), section (15%), midterm (15%), final (20%), paper outline (5%), paper draft (10%), final paper (25%)
Psych 60B breakdown: in-class assignments + bing tour (20%), midterm (35%), final (45%)
Course Schedule
All readings available here, slides are available here, our youtube playlist is here. If you want to take notes on a decent version of the slides, you can see last year’s slides here.
Sept 22 - Introduction - Saffran, Aslin, & Newport (1996) - Nativism/Empiricism (Bing visit)
Sept 24 - Perceptual and motor development - Adolph (2000) - Manipulation and measure (HWC visit)
Sept 29 - Perceiving the physical world - Wynn (1992) - Habituation
Oct 1 - Bonding with people - Johnson, Dweck, & Chen (2007) - Attachment
Oct 6 - Perceiving the social world - Gergely et al. (2002) - Core Knowledge
Oct 8 - Foundations of language - Kuhl (2004) - Perceptual narrowing - Baby visit
Early Childhood
Oct 13 - Causality - Gweon & Schulz (2011) - Causal learning
Oct 15 - Exploration and play - Gopnik (2012) - Learning From Play
Oct 20 - Word learning - Markson & Bloom (1997) - Production vs. comprehension
Oct 22 - Grammar, symbols, and communication - Deloache (1987) - Syntactic Structure
Outline due 10/25
Oct 27 - Theory of mind - Southgate et al. (2007) - Theory of Mind - Preschooler visit
Oct 29 - Morality - Warneken & Tomasello (2006) - Morality vs. conventionality
Later Childhood and Adolescence
Nov 3 - Brain development - Johnson (2001) - Maturation/plasticity
Nov 4 - Review Session, 7PM, 380-380Y
Nov 5 - Midterm Exam - 420-040 (same room as the class)
Nov 10 - Self-control - Diamond & Lee (2011) - Executive Function
Nov 12 - Race, gender, and social groups - Baron & Banaji (2006) - Implicit/explicit bias
Paper first submission due 11/15
Nov 17 - Friendship and bullying - Asher & Paquette (2003) - Social network - Toddler visit
Nov 19 - Education (visit from Jenni Martin, Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose) - Lillard & Else-Quest (2006) - Cognitive prerequisites
Dec 1 - Developmental disorders - Jones & Klin (2013) - Randomized controlled trial
Dec 3 - How development shapes who we are - Nelson et al. (2007) - Developmental cascade
Paper final submission due 12/6
Review Session, Tuesday Dec 8th, 6 - 8 PM in 380-380Y (Math Corner)
Final Exam: Thursday December 10th, 12:15 – 3:15 PM in 420-040 (our normal classroom)
Other Policies.
Late Policy: All assignment are due by 11:59pm on Sunday nights. One-half of one letter grade will be subtracted from the assigned grade for each day any assignment is submitted late. So if an assignment is turned in on Monday and would have received an A, it will receive an A-. Extensions for emergencies will only be given with documentation from a residence dean.
Honor Code: Please familiarize yourself with Stanford’s honor code, available on the judicial affairs website. We will adhere to it and follow through on its penalty guidelines.
Students with Documented Disabilities: Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Professional staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty for the quarter in which the request is made. Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations.
Writing: Philosophy, Feedback, and Getting Help.
Goal of Writing in the Major: We want to help students improve their expository writing, especially the kinds of writing we do as working psychologists. To that end, our paper assignment focuses on the summary, analysis, and synthesis of empirical articles. One part of the writing process is learning to respond to feedback. Your paper will be submitted first in outline and then twice as a full manuscript. Your TA will return your outline and initial submission to you with comments that you should address in your revision. Even if the initial submission fulfills the basic assignment criteria, work to address your comments. Everyone can write better, and you are no exception.
Help with Writing: The Hume Writing Center (HWC) works with Stanford students taking WIM classes. In free one-to-one sessions, trained HWC writing consultants help students brainstorm and get started on assignments; learn strategies for revising, editing, and proofreading; and improve organization, flow, and argumentation. Students can make an appointment with a lecturer or advanced graduate student consultant or drop in to meet with an undergraduate peer tutor. For further information, to see hours and locations, or to schedule an appointment, visit the HWC website.
License. Feel free to use these materials in other contexts, as long as you give proper attribution. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.