by Facilitators for Pandemic Response group and other collaborators
Table of Contents
Online Meeting Resources Toolkit for Facilitators
During Coronavirus Pandemic 1
Useful Online Meeting/Working Practices 3
Tool Resources/Technology Stewardship 10
Getting Going with Online Education 19
COVID-19 Related Credible Data Sources 22
Individual Company Responses 25
Moving Online in Specific Contexts 26
Distributed Teams: Regular Team Meeting (5-10 people): 26
Thematic meeting held few times a year (15-20 ppl): 26
Special events / workshop (15-50 ppl): 27
Larger events (75+ppl): Conferences, Trade Shows, Arts, etc. 27
Isolated Individuals/Support 28
Education disrupted by School Closures 28
Artifacts from Facilitators for
Covid Response Zoom Gatherings 29
Friends, as we scramble to move our offline interactions online, this is an emerging initial place to share, curate and organize resources. It could really use the loving attention of a great curator! Feel free to reach out to nancy dot white at gmail if you need! This document is a Creative Commons 4.0 Share Alike License
Thanks from Nancy White to all who are curating, adding and cleaning up the doc.
A special thanks to content curator Robin Good for having cleaned up and organized this document.
Thanks to everyone else for the generosity and spirit.
Hosting a Virtual Public Meeting for a Large Population - Dr. Larry Schooler
How to Host an Online Meeting
How to Host a Distributed Meeting: Google Hangouts: (video)
Zoom Meeting Basics - a two-page PDF for newcomers
Amy Lenzo’s Easy Peasy Zoom Tech Guide
Wildly Supportive’s Zoom Resources
Better Online Meetings - John Smith’s tips for
Tips for Hosting Online Conversation
Hosting college-style discussions over video: short collection of advice
Moderating Discussions Over Video
Effective Ways to Start Meetings - Richard Cohen
So You Want to Host a Web Meeting? - Nancy White
Virtual Icebreakers - Beth Kanter
Nonprofit Virtual Meeting Resources (lots of others)
A selection of virtual meeting facilitation resources:
Boosting Connection And Crushing Loneliness - PeopleStorming
Tips for Online Retreats and Meetings
Remote Work
Content sourced from thought leaders, 12,000+ remote developers, trending Twitter threads, and top-cited articles.
Virtually Connecting - website magazine
collectively. The focus is on responding to COVID-19.
Mad Tea and COVID-19
More Tools
Live webinars
Free small group video conferencing (no-installs)
Group Video Calls
Live streaming
Audio Conferencing
Other Tools
Technology Stewardship
Virtual Communities
Companies and Groups Offering to Support Online Events
Experts - Consultants
Rees McCann - Judy Rees and Steve McCann
Free Access - Free Licenses
Interesting articles
Other stuff - These are all basically raw meeting notes or draft documents that require further work
(*these documents need to be cleaned up and summarized by their respective authors. As they are they quite useless to the public at large)
Relevant Events
Events Cancellations
✅An essential checklist for your company response
😷Sample policies for health, travel and remote work transition
How can we switch up planned meetings from Face to Face to Online if people stop traveling?
Some principles when doing online vs. presence
What does NOT work well online?
Daily, weekly sort of stuff.
How do we move our regular thematic meetings online. Remote teams that have quarterly F2F; trainings, etc.
“We have important work to do that we have traditionally gathered F2F to do. We can’t NOT do this work. How do we do it?”
I.e. How do we move a big F2F event online - quickly? Should we? Should we postpone? Decision making criteria? Risk issues of NOT moving online?
As we practice physical social distancing to avoid virus transmission, how can we virtually support isolated individuals w/ the virus or caring for those with the virus? This can range from social/emotional support, to coordinating physical support (delivery of groceries, helping with child or elder care, etc.)
This is beyond the “how to learn online” (see Education section above). Possible areas for focus: supporting students with no access to internet, parents w/ no childcare, food insecure families, teacher isolation (my bet is the kids won’t be getting sick, but teachers will and kids will be vectors to take virus home to extended family - this is a big domino effect area)