Antoine XII-Armand de Gramont, duc de Guiche 1922

Seated full-length slightly to the right and looking towards the left, on a wooden armchair in de László’s studio, beside a table and wearing a dark smoking jacket, holding a newspaper in his left hand, columns in the background, a portrait of the artist’s son, John, just visible on the wall behind him to the right, a statuette and three books on the table

Oil [support and dimensions unknown]

Inscribed top left: In friendship to Guiche / de László / LONDON / 1922          

Sitters’ Book II, f. 31: duc de Guiche July 19th [among other signatures dated 1922]

Sitters’ Book II, opp. f. 32: Guiche / 16 Nov. 1922

De László painted Antoine XII-Armand [11801], with whom he shared a close and long lasting friendship, on at least seven occasions: twice in 1902 [4502] & [11801], in 1909 [8783] and 1913 [8784], twice in 1922, see also [8786], and in 1931 [8136].

Armand de Gramont was a famous scientist, as well as a trained artist. Over many years the duc lent de László his studio in the avenue Henri-Martin, where the artist very often worked when painting in Paris. His hospitality was reciprocated by the de Lászlós. In an extract from the unpublished memoirs of the sitter he recounts how, when he was over in London during the month of July, he would go and stay with de László at his house with its adjoining studio in Fitzjohn's Avenue.[1]

This portrait is particularly interesting, as it is depicts the sitter in the intimacy of de László’s studio in London, his relaxed and informal pose highlighting the close relationship between patron and painter. This painting, more than any other, reflects the great friendship that united these two talented and distinguished men. The personal touch of the glimpse of the portrait of de László’s son, John [8706] on the right adds to this intimate mood.

For biographical notes on the sitter, see [11801].


•Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, in association with Le Cercle Français de Bristol, British Painters in France, 26 May-13 June 1953, no. 86


CC 2008

[1] Gramont, Armand, 12th duc (de). Unpublished Memoirs, in the possession of a descendant of the author, p. 131