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War Thunder Dev Server Unofficial Patch Notes by _mike10d

Combined arms:

        Tanks visibility distance in planes: 3000 → 6000

New guns

66mm_germ_smoke_candle_launcher - unused

Cannonhispano_hs9 - unused

Gundarne33 - unused


        reload time: 9.1 --> 7.5

Tbf Avenger (All)

        12.7mm turret deflection angles have been corrected


Cockpit head movement restricted to 30% of what is was before in left and up directions.


        Lower front turret may now elevate 5° instead of 0°


        Lower rear turret may now elevate 5° instead of a forced -10° minimum depression

deflection angles have been corrected

Ba-65 (k14) L


                Yaw:  -90/+90 →  -80/+80

                deflection angles have been corrected

Z1007 (all)

        New Scotti 12.7mm guns replace old Breda SAFAT 12.7mm guns

Battle Royale

32 or 64 player game mode

Player created rooms, like the “war in the pacific” event

In game description

There can be only one!;Battle Royale is a variation of the "free for all" game mode. There are no respawns available in the "Battle Royale", and battle area shrinks over time.

Battle area will shrink over time and you will have a warning when it does. Warning will be in bold of you are in an area that will no longer be part of the battle area when the countdown ends.

Image below is Second Battle of Alamein in the mission editor:

(there will also be advance to the rhine, probably 32 player)

The blue box is the battle area

The tiny blue dots are spawn points

        Spawns are random