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Bike Dump Volunteer Orientation
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Bike Dump Volunteer Mechanic Orientation

This covers all the information you need to give to new volunteers during an orientation.  Orientations happen the second Wednesday of every month, and are given by that month's volunteer coordinator.  Make sure to get new members' contact info (phone/email) and to pass it on to whomever is managing the email list and put it on the Google docs contact list.  All volunteers are supposed to take an orientation.

What is the Bike Dump?

What this orientation is not

            ➔ we hold a workshop on a different bike repair topic every month;

            ➔ you can come by during open hours and follow a mechanic teaching someone else; or,

            ➔ you can try to work your way through things on your own on volunteer night (wednesdays) or on saturday work days

Greeter & volunteer systems

When helping people

Shop Tour

Entrance area

The workspaces

            ➔ Pumps - locking the pump head in place is different for different types of pumps

            ➔ Chainbreaker tools - line up that pin or you'll break the tool!

                ➔ Sun Tour freewheel remover - put an axel nut on over top of the freehweel tool to secure it and put it in the vice

                ➔ Adjustable wrenches - don't use 'em if an appropriately sized box wrench is available instead

                ➔ Removing a stem - don't loosen too much, you gotta tap the quill bolt with a hammer to dislodge it.

                ➔ Hammers - don't try and fix it with a hammer!  There's probably a better tool.

                ➔ Vice grips - for stripped nuts only!

                ➔ Cone wrenches - are not regular wrenches.  Use only on cones.  They are thin & strip easily.

            ➔ Metal vs. Plastic brake levers

            ➔ Don't use cable cutters on bolts

The used parts section

The new parts section

The build-me-up room

            ➔ Explain the differences between road bikes, cruisers, mountain bikes, and bmx

                ➔ Sizing: stand-over height should leave 1 " clearance. There are more accurate methods if people really want to use those, but this does a good job. If you're building a frame with no wheels, throw some temporary wheels on it to size it first.

The work-in-progress/For sale room

                ➔ These are bikes in decent condition we intend to sell

                ➔ They should have a white tag reading "shop bike" on them

                ➔ Feel free to finish building one of these for us on a volunteer night, or a really slow open day

                ➔ They should have blue tags, but only when completed

                ➔ You can show people these bikes, but if they want to buy one, get a collective member, since there is a special procedure for selling bikes. Don't just put the cash in the donation box.

                ➔ Blue tags need to safety checked and signed off on by a second person before they can be sold

                ➔ Should have yellow tags with name, number, and date

                ➔ Tell people if they don't come back for a month they will probably lose their bike

                ➔ Make sure they know to update the date if they're returning

                ➔ All bikes being built up should have a safety checklist stapled to them which is signed and filed in the back upon completion of the bike. This is for both liability reasons and to keep track of how many bikes individuals are building (explain the issue with chronic bike builders/sellers & the "build one for them, then one for us, then one for them" rule)

The bathroom

Truing stand

The basement


That's about it.  Don't forget to get their contact info and pass it on to the volunteer coordination committee!  You can also ask them if they have any other skills they might be willing to help the Bike Dump with: graphic design, cooking/food prep, access to a car/truck/trailer, fund-raising skills, art, marketing, computer & website skills, etc.