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Track Expectations
Updated automatically every 5 minutes



ATTITUDE:  We expect a willingness to learn, to improve, to become a better person and to be a positive influence on our team.  This will be your greatest  addition to our team.  We will encourage you to plan and develop a positive-winning attitude.  We need athletes who have the attitude that “I  am going to do everything possible to develop a winning attitude and to help my teammates develop a winning attitude.

CLASS:  You are an ambassador for Pine City High School and the Dragon Track Team.  We want our team to build a strong tradition of excellence that we are proud of.  Act according to a high standard.  We feel very strongly that our athletes must display a high degree of class in his/her conduct.  This means that you should conduct yourself in the community in such a way that would have a positive reflection on our program.  The same is true about your conduct in our classrooms, cafeteria and hallways.

        *  When you  act like a winner, you will perform like a winner.

        *  Give respect and you will get respect.

        *  Show concern and compassion.

        *   Be fair, honest, and kind towards teammates and others.

        *  Be a “doer” not just a “talker”.

COMMITMENT:  The key to a champion . . . . it is very important to be committed to excellence.  A man’s character is a reflection of his commitment to excellence.  Don’t just  be concerned about the big things, apply your commitment to the little things and the big things will fall in place.  Through goal setting you will have an opportunity to develop your commitment.  FOCUS ON HIGH GOALS for yourself and your team.  Don’t do things that may be detrimental to your running.

        *  Be committed to your family, your school, yourself . . . and to our team.

        *  Attend all practices and be on time (3:15pm) - team meetings and practices are important.  If injured attend practice or meets to support teammates.  Notify a coach if you are unable to attend any practice for any reason.  An athlete who misses practice (unexcused) will not be allowed to participate in the next meet.

        *  Remember:  Be on time to school so that you can practice.  

        *  Be a self starter - Don’t wait to be told to get to work.  

        *  Be committed to do your best - in practice, in meets, in the classroom, and in all that you do.

        *  We need athletes who want to be something special.  Be proud of the efforts you put into track.

        *  Always dress appropriately for practice and the weather.

        *  Challenge yourself to participate in more than 2 events.

        *  We need committed individuals.  Bring good work ethic and a positive attitude to practice with you.

MATURITY:  This is the ingredient that allows a person to get past the distractions which prevent you from reaching your goals.  Maturity gives you the patience to look past immediate pain and frustration and to FOCUS on the long term goal.  It is the ability to be self-disciplined and self-motivated.  It is the personality trait that exhibits class and commitment.  Maturity is growing, it’s the willingness to learn.  

ATTITUDE . . . . . . . . . . CLASS . . . . . . . . . . COMMITMENT . . . . . . . . . . MATURITY . . . . . . .