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Monet's Profile
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Monet's Profile

Neutered Flame Point Himalayan Male DOB 02.29.2003

Diagnosed with Diabetes on 10.10.2013


Started on Lantus on 10.11.2013

Home Testing

Using AlphaTrak 2

Test, feed, and inject 2 times per day

Results entered into spreadsheet daily


Now eats 100% wet dood

Weruva low carb canned food


No other health issues besides Diabetes

How It All Started

(My first post on on the board - 10.23.2013)

Hi Everyone! Practically every web site I visited for information about feline diabetes recommended this forum. My cat Monet was diagnosed on October 10,2013 with diabetes. He is a 10 year old Himalayan. (I have another 10 year old Persian cat named Picasso.) 

We noticed Monet drinking a lot of water and then he started peeing outside of his litter box. Took him to the our Vet and it was confirmed he had Diabetes. His BG numbers were very high 567. We gradually (over 6 days) moved Monet (and Picasso) to an all wet canned food diet (Monet is now totally on Hill's Prescription Diet M/D and Picasso on W/D). Our Vet would like Monet to weigh about 11 lbs, he is currently at 12.5 lbs. We stated using Lantus, he started on 3 units twice daily for the first 3 days, then was upped to 4 units twice daily. When our Vet did a BG curve on the fourth day his numbers were all over the place. They started at 180 and rose all day, last reading @Vets was 627 ! On Oct. 19 we started doing home testing using the AccuTrak 2 monitor. We attempted our first curve on the Oct. 19. I so wish I had found this forum prior to this ! Readings were not what we expected. First was 75 (pre-shot), then 3 hrs later 76. We were in a panic and did NOT give him his shot. We called Vet's office when they opened (it was a Saturday and they were only open until 12:00). Based on these two readings, the Vet told us to change his dosage to 3 units (2 times daily) and give him some more food. So @9:30 AM we gave him his shot (3 units). 3 hours later his BG level was at 56. Immediately gave him food. 3 hours later took BG again and it was at 77. Feed him a little again. Next BG test at 9:30 PM we got a reading of 116. We fed him and gave him his shot (3 units). The next day (Oct. 20) we testing Monet @9:30 AM and got a reading of 90. We feed him and gave him his shot (3 units). This is where things started really deteriorating. At 2:30 tested BG because Monet was not acting like himself (He was just laying around with not very much energy). We got a reading of 40 ! Yikes . . . I totally freaked out. Immediately feed him 1 tbsp of food (he did come running for his food ) I started reading on internet what to do when levels drop this much. What I kept reading is as long as his BG is not below 40 and he is not walking funny and still can move around, try and get the BG back up by feeding every hour and testing. Read to only give him Karo Syrup if he starts wobbling, being non-responsive.

So for the next few hours I was feeding him a tbsp of food. At 8:20 his BG was up to 149, so we did give his scheduled shot at 9:30PM (3 units). What a stressful last couple of days. I was in tears so much . My poor baby had to just fell horrible and there we were pricking his little ear so many times. I could not wait for Monday(Oct. 21) to come so I could call our Vet. Monday morning Monet seemed to be feeling normal again. Tested his BG at 5:45 AM and it was at 219. Called Vet @9:00 AM and he said to keep Monet on the 3 units and we would do a fructosamine test in 2 weeks. Gave scheduled 9:30AM shot ( 3 units) . At 9:30PM tested BG and it was at 78, so we feed him and did NOT give him his shot. Tuesday (Oct. 22) test BG at 5:30AM and got reading of 174. At 6:30 AM feed him and gave him his shot (3 units). Our Vet's guideline he gave us just today, says if BG is less than 60 give Karo Syrup, if less than 120 do NOT give insulin, feed, and test again in one hour. If BG is still below 80 do not give shot. We are just so overwhelmed and confused about all of this. We want to do the absolute best thing for Monet with a goal of getting him in permanent remission. I would love to hear other's thoughts and opinions on our Vet's strategy. From things I've been reading, it sounds like what we should be doing is lowering his insulin dosage but still giving the 2 shots per day perhaps ???? Our Vet actually thinks we might be seeing signs that Money is going into remission and very early remission. Any advice, experiences, etc. would be greatly appreciated!

Monet's Family


Perssian DOB 09.11.2003