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PSHE and citizenship policy.doc
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Reviewed January 2015.  Next review January 2018

Horwich Parish CE Primary School

Policy for Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship.

Our school mission statement

Lighting the way.

At Horwich Parish School, we aim to

- Provide a safe, healthy and happy place for learning and fun.

- Help each person gain the skills they need to be confident members of the community.

- Encourage each person in their life’s journey to achieve the best they can.


In the light of this mission statement, it is the aim of Horwich Parish CE Primary School:-

Teaching and learning style

PSHE and citizenship curriculum planning


Our teachers assess the children's work in PSHE and citizenship by making informal judgements, as they observe them during lessons.  We have clear expectations of what the pupils will know, understand and be able to do at the end of each Key Stage.

Early Years Foundation Stage

We teach PSHE and citizenship in reception classes as an integral part of our topic work. As the reception class is part of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the PSHE and citizenship aspects of the children's work to the objectives set out in the EYFS framework. Our teaching in PSHE and citizenship matches the aim of developing a child's personal, emotional and social development as set out in the EYFS framework.

PSHE and citizenship and ICT

ICT makes a contribution to the teaching of PSHE and citizenship in that children in ICT lessons learn to work together in a collaborative manner. They also develop a sense of global citizenship by using the Internet and e-mail. Through discussion of safety and other issues related to electronic communication, the children develop their own view about the use and misuse of ICT, and they also gain an insight into the interdependence of ICT users around the world.

PSHE, British values and SMSC

As a school, we believe PSHE and citizenship contribute particularly to the development of British values and generally to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children.  We aim to build opportunities in our provision to include an understanding of local and wider democracy, the rule of law, respect and tolerance.  We are supported in this work through our large number of elected pupil groups, as well as via Horwich Rotary, who fund experiences for our children of democracy at the local level, in the wider borough and nationally.

Links across the curriculum

PSHE is an important aspect of our work using Reflection Journals (which relate to children’s work across the curriculum) and to Religious Education and collective worship.  We are developing “What If?” Learning, which aims to incorporate core Christian values into all aspects of the curriculum, and these values fit well with PSHE materials such as SEAL resources, used extensively in school.

Equal opportunities/Multicultural Education

All pupils have equal access to PSHE and citizenship and all staff follow the equal opportunities policy. Planned activities are never gender or culturally biased.  Part of our aims in PSHE and Citizenship is to develop understanding of the range of cultures in our society, and to support community cohesion.

PSHE and citizenship and inclusion


Should staff require any training for their CPD in PSHE and citizenship then the correct procedure of filling in a course application form should be followed and submitted to the Headteacher for approval.

Evaluation and Review

We see our policy as a working document and we plan to review this policy periodically.