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cities and development 2017
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Cities and Development Mini-Conference

Hansen-Mason Room (3rd Fl.), Littauer Center (North Yard)

1805 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA

May 5, 2017

Tentative Schedule

8:00 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 9:30 Student Session (30 minutes each)

Yuhei Miyauchi -- “Quantifying Commuting and Urban Economic Activity Using Cell Phone Data” (with Gabe Kreindler)

JP Chauvin -- “Local Economies and the Elasticity of Female Labor Supply in a Developing Economy”

5-minute break

9:35 - 11:20 (35 minutes each)

Adam Storeygard -- “The Global Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity: Nature, History and the Role of Trade” (with Vernon Henderson, Tim Squires, David Weil)

Filipe Campante -- "Death of Distance? Planes, Phones, and Economic Convergence" (joint with David Yanagizawa-Drott)  

Paul Novosad -- “The Geography of Governance: Costs of Distance to Administrative Centers” (with Sam Asher and Karan Nagpal)

5-minute break

11:25-12:35 (35 minutes each)  

Gilles Duranton -- “Accessibility and Mobility in Urban India” (with Prottoy A. Akbar, Victor Couture, Ejaz Ghani, Adam Storeygard)

Gabe Kreindler -- “Citywide Effects of High-Occupancy Vehicle Restrictions: Evidence from the Elimination of "3-in-1" in Jakarta”  (with Rema Hanna, Gabriel Kreindler, and Benjamin A. Olken)

12:45 - 1:45  Lunch

1:45 - 3:30 (35 minutes each)

Matthew Turner -- “Subways and Urban Growth: Evidence from Earth” (with Marco Gonzalez-Navarro)

Marco Gonzalez-Navarro -- “Subways and Urban Air Pollution” (with Matthew Turner)

Meredith Startz -- “The Value of Face-to-Face: Search and Contracting Frictions in Nigerian Trade

5-minute break

3:35-5:20 (35 minutes each)

Mushfiq Mobarak -- “The Welfare Effects of Encouraging Rural-Urban Migration” (with David Lagakos and Michael Waugh)

Nina Harari -- "Long-term impacts of slum upgrading: Evidence from the Kampung Improvement Program in Indonesia" (with Maisy Wong)

Abhijit Banerjee -- “The Efficient Deployment of Police Resources: Theory and New Evidence from a Randomized Drunk Driving Crackdown in India” (with Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, Esther Duflo, Daniel Keniston, and Nina Singh)