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Music Appreciation 2020-2021

Course Syllabus

Mr. Balch, Director of Bands

Big Rapids High School

Course Description

This course is designed for both the musician and non-musician as a survey of music history from the Medieval Era to modern day.  Focus will be on Elements of Music, Composers/artists throughout the different musical eras, and our work will be primarily with sound recordings, class notebooks, research projects, listening journals and concert attendance.  All quizzes, tests and the final exam will be from class notes, listening assignments, and classroom discussion.  Middle School Music Appreciation is not required as a prerequisite, nor do you need to be in band or choir or have extensive prior musical knowledge.


This class will utilize a notebook for daily listening journal writings, class notes and discussions.  The notebook will be reviewed periodically for participation credit and involvement in the course.  Students are encouraged to keep a binder or portfolio for all materials to stay organized.

Research Project

Each student will be required to submit a research project of substantial length based on a chosen composer or musical idiom.  Projects may include but are certainly not limited to:  A specific composer, a specific piece of music, tying together several arts disciplines from a specific era, instruments, vocal, etc.  The project MUST BE ABOUT ART MUSIC (serious music).  We will have opportunities to learn popular and other traditions throughout the trimester, but this project must be of the classical tradition (not necessarily the Classical Era).  A full rubric and guideline sheet for the research project will be presented a few weeks into the course.  All research projects and drafts must be completed on time to receive full credit.

Concert Attendance

Live music-making by fine musicians is one of the best ways to experience and appreciate music.  You will be required to attend 1 live concert performance this trimester and the performance must be art music (classical tradition) or a Musical.  There are ample opportunities to attend live performances in our community, and most are free.  The instructor will remind you of upcoming live performances from time to time, but it is YOUR responsibility to make sure this assignment is completed.  Rock, Pop, Country/Western or other pop-culture concerts are fun to attend, but will not meet the requirements and will receive a zero.  You must submit a concert program and a 1-page report to receive credit.  This MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE FINAL EXAM, PERIOD.

Academic Rigor

Though this is an elective course, it is also an academic arts class, meaning that there will be high expectations of participation, performance on tests, and assignments turned in on time.  Late assignments will be automatically lowered by one letter grade and any assignment turned in of poor merit must be redone at and a lower grade will be given.


The standard grading scale will be used in compiling the final grade per the BRHS Student Handbook.  The grade distribution of this course will be divided as follows:

Class Notes/Participation:        10%

Listening Journal:                10%

Assignments:                15%

Concert Attendance:        10%

Quizzes:                        5%

Tests:                                30%

Research Project:                10%

Final Exam:                        10%

Extra Credit

You may choose to do some extra credit work; however, you cannot recover all points lost on poor test grades or not doing you research project or concert report.  Extra credit is typically given towards the assignment or participation category.

Other procedures

If our class meets in the band room, we ask that you do not go near any equipment, play any instruments, or abuse music stands.  Our equipment is expensive, and the stands become loose and break very easily.  Violation of these procedures will result in disciplinary action.  Please respect the space.

Behavioral Expectations

Music is an art, and the tradition of great music is something that should not be overlooked.  I reserve the right to allow students in my room who are serious, attentive, participating, and who chose to do the things to be successful.  I do not tolerate rude/crude behavior or language, and any issues with this will be dealt with.  You may not like every single topic, piece of music, lecture or assignment, but our aim is to appreciate the impact each facet has on music history.  Falling asleep in class is an automatic zero for the day along with having missed out on notes/listening assignments.  All tardy/behavioral infractions will be handled according to the BRHS Student Handbook.


I have read and understand the contents of this syllabus.  I will contact Mr. Balch if I have any questions regarding this course.  I also understand that my student is to attend a public concert of classical nature outside school hours on their own.  I understand that there are many opportunities throughout the trimester to attend FREE public concerts and this assignment is very attainable, and the student should be attending as many as possible to reap the full benefits of this course.  I also understand that this is an academic course and with this comes high expectations of performance and behavior.

___________________________                        _________________

Parent Signature                                                Date


Student Signature


DUE:  Friday March 12th