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Emails (excerpted), Clay Robison, spokesman, Texas State Teachers Association, Sept. 9, 2014

11:38 a.m.

...he voted against the final version of the budget, and ultimately that is what counts. If the final budget doesn’t pass, it doesn’t matter how much a legislator put into the budget for education or any other program.

From: Selby, Gardner (CMG-Austin) []

Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 11:41 AM

To: Clay Robison

Subject: RE: Inquiry for a fact check


Patrick voted for the substitute version of SB 1 in the finance committee March 13, 2013 and again on March 20, 2013, as the Senate advanced the legislation to the House. Does that count for anything?

11:53 a.m.

Ultimately, it doesn’t mean anything if the final version of the budget doesn’t pass, and Patrick voted against the final version of the budget. You take his vote against the final version of the 2013 budget plus his vote for the 2011 cuts, and it is difficult for me to believe that Patrick was genuinely interested in education funding.