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List of Dossiers Renson_PV BR 17 L7 001329-2010 daterende van 19-02-2010_30 March 2017
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List of Dossiers Renson_PV BR 17 L7 001329-2010 daterende van 19-02-2010_30 March 2017

to do : add phone numbers and bank account numbers where possible






11 mei 2012_Een mogelijke schakel naar de Inbrekers toe

Daniel Renson, SABAM, Anne-Marie Devries (buurvrouw), Gemeente Zaventem, Wallonië, Brusselse Kamer van Koophandel



8 juli 2012_Dossier Sabam en Internet Vandalisme

Daniel Renson, Google (Belgium), SABAM, Liège Expo, ambassade Verenigde Emiraten Brussel



18 september 2012_U betaalt de schuld of je helpt on een VZW oprichten

Daniel Renson, Abolfazl Beheshti, Scientology Kerk, Bart Schram, Gemeente Etterbeek, Raad van Europa, Marylin Droog, Ruben Vasdapetian, Biz325 - WBM



4 november 2012_Renson de fopper bij uitstek

Daniel Renson, Biz325 - World Bureau of Marketing (WBM) Ruben Vasdapetian, Abolfazl Beheshti, ESDEN, Oekraine, Mali, Iran, Tunesië, Turkije, Bosnië, Algerije, Vietnam, Frankrijk, SABAM, Fondation Bernheim, Toolbox, Wiame Legsai, Xavier Leclef, Le GIS des ASBL, ASBL Progrès-Vooruitgang VZW, OCMW. Nouar Latifa, ULB, ULG, KM Forum, AWEX, European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), UCL-Saint Luc, Texas A&M, Philippe Suinen, Jean-Claude Marcourt, Serious Factory, Jean-Marc Nicolic, TIM PAM, Bruno Graff, Michel Dancot, Kingdom Foundation, CEO Europe, Future-based consultancy



5 december 2012_Liege Expo een nederlaag

Daniel Renson, Abolfazl Beheshti, ESDEN, MR partij, Kazakhstan, Stad Luik (Willy Demeyer), Waalse Regering (Wallonië), Christine Defraigne , Andre Schroyen, SCRL Liège Expo, Yves Leterme, OESO, OCDE, European Business Summit, ArcelorMittal, José Durao Barroso, Olivier Maingain, Samo Ferman



1 oktober 2013_ Een kans om de mafia op te rollen

Daniel Renson, Abolfazl Beheshti, André Azoulay, UNO, Arabische Liga, Scientology Kerk Brussel, Anna Lindh Foundation, Fatima Boulaich, Fatoum El Morabit, Agnes Bron, Soins Chez Soi, Filomenita Mongaya-Hoegsholm, Yekaa Fouti,



1 oktober 2013_Een Marokkaanse maffioso moeit zich met Belgische interne aangelegenheden

Daniel Renson, Abolfazl Beheshti, André Azoulay, UNAOC, UNICEF, UN Global Compact, UNO,  New York, Ban Ki Moon, OESO (OCDE), Dr Jean-Pierre Leva en Dr Jean-Michel Triffaux (tandartsen), de kapster Colette Manirakiza, Arabische Liga, Anna Lindh Foundation, alle Belgische ministeries, in alle Belgische politieke partijen (maar vooral bij de MR), alle Belgische vakbonden, de universiteiten zoals VUB, ULB, ULG,  kamers van koophandel (zoals BECI), EANDIS, Europa (vooral de Raad van Europa), Bernheim fonds, de Koning Boudewijn Stichting), kantoor Leroy Verjans, Dirk Duflou), bij de rechtbank via het ministerie van Justitie en Meester André van Lidth de Jeude



11 december 2013_My Peace Plan for Palestine_Conf abt Mass Killings

 (in progress)



20 december 2013_Een poging tot inbraak [1]

Daniel Renson, bailiffs (Huissiers de Justice – Gerechtsdeurwaarders mogelijk Dirk Duflou of Leroy-Verjans); neighbors in Rijmelgem 10-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe such as Mevrouw Rita Vander Steen, Carine Huysmans, Ingrid Moreau, Sonia Meylemans and Marie Louise Marchand; Immotrap, Mayor of Zaventem Francis Vermeiren, plummer (0800 30 678), Colette Coiffure, Dentiste Jean-Pierre Leva, Marie-Ange Espeels (landlady), Alain Puttemans of SBA Associates (insurance company)



Misbruik van het Europese Parlement

 (in progress…)  Daniel Renson,


12 maart 2014_Is UCL Saint Luc een Draaischijf

  (in progress…)  Daniel Renson,



5 november 2014_Emgoldex - De Zwarte Markt van het Goud in België

  (in progress…)  Daniel Renson,



21 november 2014_group purchasing_Samenaankoop

  (in progress…)  Daniel Renson,


Extra projects : Molenbeek 


Walloon programs and projects

Source of ideas


Marshall plan for Wallonia

Letters to Minister of Economy Morocco, Nizar Baraka - 2009

Concept du centre d'innovation (document) - 2009



Liège Expo 2017

CENEBP (Cooperative Exchange Network and Electronic Businesses Platform) (in an envelope and at SABAM) – 2004

Growing Together – a Strategy for the Inclusion of the Arab Women in the ICT - 2000

Digital Unity (electronic Migration and  Development NGO platform)  (in self-addressed envelope) – 2007

Belgium at SABAM and at home

Morocco (King MV Fund)

Creative Wallonia

Combination of all the documents - 2009


Programme Explort Marché (AWEX)

International Colors Program (in an envelope + communication with ToolBox an entrepreneurship program in Belgium) - 2006

Aurum Helix Values Charter (in an envelope) - 2006

Belgium at SABAM and at home

Global Innovation Network  (AWEX)

Concept du centre d'innovation (document for Morocco) - 2009


Group purchasing of electricity (Jean-Claude Marcourt)

At the hair salon.  The hair dresser overheard a discussion between a French/Moroccan woman who is also member of the European Parliament and me.  She requested if her husband, an expert in nuclear energy and a Belgian can join our venture.   He eventually betrayed us. - 2005


Value Added Skills Training Center (Jean-Claude Marcour)

From a list included in the mail for Minister Baraka

From the CENEBP document in an envelope and at SABAM

Belgium at SABAM and at home


(I have archived proof of the web sites, brochures, videos and news articles.)


[1] That's the same gang that organized the dilapidation file when my parents were in 2005. Perhaps the same experts;