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Illustrator Cheat Sheet

Working with Text (aka Coolifying words and whatnot)

  1. Warping Text


  1. Double Stroke (Appearance panel)

  1. Drop Shadow

  1. Type on a Path


  1. Using Graphic Styles (panel)

Remember, you can also go to the Appearance panel and modify the color and settings for the preset Graphic Styles

  1. 3D Letters

Under Effect menu>

  1. Turn Text into Shapes

  After you Create Outlines, you will no longer be able to use it as text (no editing the letters, changing the font, etc.). It is now considered a shape. And, to separate the letters, you will right-click and UNGROUP it.

NOTE that sometimes, the appearance will change when you create outlines; just re-apply the styles or fill/stroke.

You can modify the anchor points on text after it is converted to outlines…


  1. Combining or Cutting Out Parts of Letters

Use the Pathfinder panel; layer a shape on top of another shape and either Unite it or Minus it. The top shape will disappear and the new shape/letter will be created.

Can You Make This?

Random Thing…

So, my fonts just randomly quit working the other day. I randomly right clicked and font a Font menu. But, better, you can actually preview the fonts that way. So, winner, winner!