Information Sheet

All information contained within this document is property of the FBI.



Patrol Logs Restrictions

Use Of Out Of Rank Vehicles Restrictions


A quota is set in place, personnel will need to have a minimum of 5 hours every 2 weeks, if this one is not respected, the agent will be punished and will have to redo these lost hours and present excuses in the case of an absence of request of LOA.

This quota does not apply to  Senior HRs and the Training Division, but they will still have to present a certain amount of logs during the month to proceed with promotions.

Patrol Logging Restrictions (P.L)

Personnel that has conducted a patrol, whether it being a private role-play (PRP) or official servers, that meets or exceeds 30+ minutes is eligible to log the patrol to receive "credit" for said patrol.

Personnel that is submitting a patrol log must adhere to the format as pinned within the patrol-log-information . Personnel will also provide a picture of either the start/end of the patrol or themselves in the picture and ping those who witnessed them patrolling. If the patrol log does NOT follow either of the requirements the Agent will be allowed to fix their format, however, if the Agent does not have a photo and anyone pinged, it will be invalidated.

Personnel that is submitting a patrol log utilizing a vehicle out-of-rank (granted permission to a specific rank-restricted vehicle) shall ping the superior who granted the permission.

Out Of Rank Vehicle (U.V)

Personnel (Supervisors+) granting permission to an Agent to utilize a specific rank-restricted vehicle must react to the patrol log (s). A reaction will suffice as proof that the Agent was given permission. Furthermore, personnel that are granted permission are Supervisory Agents and up, and must stay within their vehicle restrictions to permit the use of vehicles. With this in mind, the person giving the permission shall use this power in moderation, which means not granting the same person access to vehicles out of rank every patrol.


Sandy Shores Management

Director of FBI
