A Doctoral Workshop



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Meeting ID: 364 385 9882 Passcode: safesafe10

Date and time: 15st April, 2021

10-13 p.m. (UTC+2)

This workshop SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS OF MODERN SOCIETY is devoted to the Memory of Valerija Berlovskaja, who taught ESP and EAP at the Department of Cross-Cultural Communication and Foreign Languages of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” for more than 50 years.


Science and technology have generated knowledge, discoveries of new principles that have dramatically contributed to the development and progress of people’s lives, the economy, and society. However, social and public expectations for science and technology have become more sophisticated, diverse, and now faces new challenges that need urgent attention, for example,  global environmental issues. Under these circumstances, international knowledge competition has intensified not only among western developed countries but also across Post-soviet space. Ukraine needs to develop its science and technology and integrate deeply and further into global academic discourse.


The aim of this workshop and Ph.D. class is to prepare its participants to communicate effectively in science and across cultural boundaries at Doctoral Level. It will also increase their understanding of issues and effective strategies of communicating across science and technology with culturally diverse audiences.


One of the workshop aims is to determine the directions, research the conditions, and the mechanism for updating the content of science education and teaching methods, to reflect recent advances across science and technology. The workshop will utilise the methodology of scientific rationality and reality transformation using scientific cognition with the goal of clearer communication that meets international standards. A systemic approach considered as the permanent influence of modern science on philosophy and civilizational approach, directly related to the ideas of scientific rationality applied as the leading methodological approaches. We consider the statement that post-non-classical rationality takes into account the correlation of knowledge about the object, but with the value-oriented structures of activity as well. It will explore how values, beliefs, and expectations differentiate science from other knowledge areas. The key here will be examining the Eurocentric privileging of modern science and its communication, which are an integral part of Western culture and need to become an integrated constituent part of Post-soviet academic culture. So that output is appreciated across the world.


To conclude the main objective of this seminar is to popularize science through the latest discoveries, and inventions of the decade in the areas of knowledge, where our Ph.D. students are currently carrying out research.


Learning Outcomes of the Workshop:


1. Reflect critically upon contemporary practices used to communicate science with culturally diverse audiences;

2. Research and describe the problems/issues of culture in the broader discourses of public awareness of science;

3. Identify and analyse popular cultural beliefs and the attitudes that underpin the communication of scientific/technological advancements.

Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Giovanni Ercolani (Murcia, Spain).

Giovanni is a researcher at the ‘Society and Culture’ Research Group (University of Murcia). He has been lecturing on international security issues, and cultural and political anthropology in Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, France, Slovenia, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Brazil and China; he is a specialist in Sociocultural Anthropology, Political Science, Security Studies, International Relations, Cultural Studies, Post-Colonial Studies, Sociology of Art, and Contemporary History; and he is Fellow (elected) of the ‘Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland’ (UK).  About him https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Giovanni_Ercolani

He is speaking about Anthropological Methodology and Fieldwork.

Dr. Rusudan Makhachashvili (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Rusudan is a frequent keynote speaker on the Open Educational E-environment of Modern University and Research in E-learning. She is Chair of Romance and Typology Department Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and a leading researcher of the Communication and Digital Diagnostics Tools. She has authored 11 individual and collective monographs and 100+ publications. She is also an Editor and Editor-in-Chief of several scientific journals (Ukraine, Poland, UK), a passionate researcher, and a curricular development adviser promoting ICT Tools, Digital and Soft Skills Assessment into Higher Education. About her http://eportfolio.kubg.edu.ua/teacher/1061

She is speaking about English as a Lingua Franca in Modern Academy;

Prof. Dr. Mikhail Minakov (Kyiv, Ukraine – Milan, Italy).

Mikhail is a senior advisor at the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute and a philosopher and a scholar working in the areas of political philosophy, social theory, development, and history of modernity. He is the author of six books, co-author of five books, and has written numerous articles in philosophy, political analysis, and policy studies. He has over twenty years of experience in research and teaching in Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the United States. He is the editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal Ideology and Politics Journal, of the Kennan Focus Ukraine blog, and of the philosophical web portal Koinè.

About him https://www.wilsoncenter.org/person/mykhailo-minakov

He is speaking about Communication across Cultures and Academies;

Dr. Pavel Zemliansky (Norway, Oslo).

Pavel is an associate professor of English for Academic Purposes in the Language Practice Program at Oslo Metropolitan University in Oslo, Norway. His research interests include professional and academic communication, writing in the academic disciplines, and online course design. He is the author and editor of more than 50 books, articles, and book chapters which have been published in leading US and European journals. He recently co-published a study of multilingual academic publishing practices by Ukrainian academics in a highly selective US academic journal. He frequently delivers keynote addresses at international conferences. He is also a member of executive boards of several international educational organizations and scholarly research projects.

About him https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=teDbirUAAAAJ&hl=en

He is speaking about English for Academic Purposes: New Trends in Learning and Teaching.

Participants: Ph.D. students of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

1. Arefiev, Illya: "E-commerce and Digital Sales Transformation";

2. Bartosh, Maksym: "How much Computer Performance is Becoming more Affordable for Ordinary Consumers";

3. Bilovus, Hanna: "New Dimension of Software Testing with Machine Learning";

4. Bosyuk, Alyona: “Developments in Wastewater Treatment Methods”;

5. Demianenko, Roman: “Emrod, Long Range Wireless Power Transmission”;

6. Duvanskyi, Oleksandr ``Pressure Processing Equipment and Technologies";

7. Hornostal, Oleksii: “𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐩 I𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 B𝐨𝐝𝐲 M𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: T𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 M𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐬”;

8. Hrybyniuk, Daria: "Financial Pyramids in Modern Reality";

9. Katenin, Vadym: “Tech Giants and their Environmental Footprint”;

10. Levin, Mykyta: "Applied Mechanics on Guard of your Life and Security";

11. Lazurenko, Bogdan: “Theory and practice of electromagnetic compatibility of telecommunication systems”;

12. Miroshnyk, Anatolij: “The Differences between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning’;

13. Motovilnik, Anastasiia: “Environmental Problems of Nuclear Energy”;

14. Maistat, Mykyta: Radio-absorbing Materials”;

15. Ozulu, Anton: “Electromechanical Shock Absorber of an Electric Train”;

16. Pasko, Denys: “The Integration of Robots in all Areas of Life. Do People Face Unemployment?”;

17. Pushkar, Oleg: “ New Materials for MV and HV Cables”.

18. Sokolova, Natalia: “ The Impact of Public Procurement via Prozorro

on the Economy of Ukraine”;

19. Tiupova, Alyona: “Bio-based Additives for Coating Materials’;

20. Vasechko, Yevhen: “Two-stage DC/AC Converters of the Increased Efficiency”;.

21. Yaloveha, Vladyslav: "Earth Observation on Modern Approaches based on DL";

22. Zhuk, Olexander: "The Usage of Drones to Monitor the Temperature Performance of Biological Objects".

Organizers of Event:

Chair of Cross-Cultural Communication and Foreign Languages

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” 


Prof. Doc. Olena Goroshko (Kharkiv, Ukraine).

About Her http://www.textology.ru/razdel.aspx?ID=17

Informational Support:

Information Agency “Nakypilo Press Center”

About it https://nakipelo.ua/uk/