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KerbCam Guide
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KerbCam Guide

The TL;DR Version

First Look at the Main Window

Configuration Window

Camera Controls

Creating and Editing a Path

Key Editing



The TL;DR Version

The quick and easy way to use KerbCam basic path recording and playback features:

  1. Press F8 to open KerbCam.
  2. Press “Create simple path” to create a new path.
  3. Move the camera to desired starting camera position (right mouse button drag, middle drag to pan, mouse wheel to zoom, etc - usual KSP controls). Press “New key” button.
  4. Move camera to next camera position, press “New key” button.
  5. Repeat step 4 until you’ve created the path. Toggle “Draw” to visualize the path around your vessel.
  6. Press F2 to hide the KSP GUI, and press the “Insert” key on the keyboard to start playback of the path, using an external video tool to record your beautiful spacecraft as the camera swoops (sort of) majestically around it.
  7. Profit!

First Look at the Main Window

By default, pressing F8 will open the KerbCam main window, pressing it again will close it.

First, it is useful to know some terms that KerbCam uses in this context:

Paths can be saved/loaded to disk to persist between KSP sessions with the save/load buttons. The saved paths are saved to a text file called “kerbcam-paths.cfg” within the top-level KSP install directory.

Configuration Window

KerbCam’s configuration primarily allows for binding of controls to keys on the keyboard.

Most keyboard keys should be usable as a binding, and modifiers (such as shift, control, alt) may be used in combination. All KerbCam’s key bindings may be unbound (cleared), except for the window toggle (as there is currently no way to toggle the window other than by keyboard).

Note that KerbCam’s configuration will not be saved unless the “Save” button is pressed in the configuration window.

Camera Controls

Opening out the camera controls displays this panel of buttons. The “Controlling camera” toggle enables and disables KerbCam’s control of the camera. The sliders control how fast the camera is translated and rotated by the array of buttons below them, note that the sliders are on an exponential scale, so dragging them to the far-right will allow for very fast movement for large distances, and to the far-left will allow for very fine-grained control.

Creating and Editing a Path

By pressing the “New simple path” button, a new path is created and selected. Controls for editing and playing back that path become available.

The playback controls do not change the path in any way, but rather allow control/visualization of the path, and are as follows:

Below the playback controls is the key list. This lists the time of each key, and allows a key to be selected for editing.

Below the key list is a control to create a new “key” within a path. This will create a new key 5 seconds after the last key in the current path, at the position and orientation that the camera is currently at.

The other control is the “Timescale” toggle. This enables key frames to not only control the camera’s position/orientation over time, but also to change how fast game time is flowing. This is intended to help produce slow/fast-motion effects. It is advised not to use this if you intend to be warping time during playback of the path.

Key Editing

When keys have been created for a path, and one of the keys is selected, additional controls become available:

The controls are:



When an object is selected as the “relative-to” object, then the camera’s “base” movement will be to move with that object. I.e if the object moves up, the camera will move up by the same amount, keeping the same relative position.

One example of how this may be useful is where you are filming a Kerbal climbing a ladder on the side of a vessel, you may want to keep the camera trained on the capsule, and also avoid the sudden camera movement as the Kerbal transitions from a ladder at one angle, to another at a different angle. By selecting the vessel as the relative-to object, the camera will not move relative to the vessel, whilst you remain in control of the Kerbal.

Note that vessels are only available as the relative-to object within a certain distance of the actively controlled vessel.