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Apricot-Elderflower Cookies - Market Street Vegan
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Apricot-Elderflower Cookies


yields 16 cookies, adapted from Veganomicon

2 TBSP brown flax seeds, ground in a coffee grinder

1/3 cup almond or soy milk

2/3 cup natural cane sugar (evaporated cane juice)

1/2 cup peanut (or canola) oil

2 TBSP St. Germain elderflower liqueur

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

2 TBSP corn starch

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp fine sea or kosher salt

6 oz dried apricots, chopped into small chunks (about 1 cup chopped)

Preheat oven to 350 and line a baking sheet with parchment.

Whisk together ground flax and almond milk for 30 seconds. It will become thick and a little fluffy. Whisk in sugar, oil, and liqueur until smooth. Sift in all other ingredients, except apricots. Stir. When almost all of the flour is incorporated, add the apricots. Knead them in by hand, working the dough as little as possible--aim for no more than a half-dozen folds.

Divide the dough into 16 balls (again, working the dough as little as possible) and transfer to the baking sheet. Use the bottom of a clean rocks glass (or what have you) to press the balls into a round cookie a little over 2 inches in diameter and a little less than 1 inch thick.

Bake 20 minutes. Increase heat to 375 and bake another 5 minutes, until the edges are golden. Let cool 5 minutes before transferring to a rack to cool completely.