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On April 21st, all morning, these problems will be written on a board at the Sustainable Networking Lounge. You will have the chance to put your name under one of these problems to be part of a panel brainstorming solution approaches for 1 ½ hr in the afternoon.

Announcement and distribution of problem to solutions' panels

TIME: 1:45pm

VENUE: Sangkep

If a problem has a panel


TIME: 2:00pm to 3:30pm

VENUE: tba

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Bye Bye Plastic Bag - Commitment On The Long Term

Through our four years of campaigning in Bali as Bye Bye Plastic Bags, we have always had struggles reaching and communicating with local government officials. We would like to have new and fresh ideas on how to keep them updated and establish a better communication thread.

Facilitator Biography:

Through our four years of campaigning in Bali as Bye Bye Plastic Bags, we have always had struggles reaching and communicating with local government officials. We would like to have new and fresh ideas on how to keep them updated and establish a better communication thread.

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GreenBooks - Developing Eco-games and Activities

We have initiated more than 60 Eco-Libraries all over Indonesia, raising curiosity about nature through environmental books. Besides reaching out to thousands of children we've also created a network of educators who are local enthusiasts that run the Eco-Libraries in their communities and who consider children's green education as a beneficial thing. Moreover they are eager to spend time and effort with the kids. Now, beyond the books, we have the opportunity to inspire thousands of children to lead sustainable lifestyles. Should it be games, activities, projects or something else? What kind of activities?

Facilitator Biography:

founder of


Indosole - Penetrating a saturated market that contains poor quality products, and overcoming greenwashing

We will propose the issue of both poorly designed, poorly produced, and cheap products that saturate the market. How do you overcome these obstacles to sell a well designed, responsibly produced, higher priced product with great intent to gain market share to create a sustainable business. In addition we will discuss the challenge of overcoming greenwashing.

Facilitator Biography:

Chris and Kai are owner / operators of the Brand Indosole, a footwear company based in Indonesia who repurpose and recycle tires into soles of shoes and other products.


Soul Surf Project - Stop the death of marine animals by plastic!

As soul surf project Bali we are first responders for whale, dolphin and sea turtle strandings for the south of Bali. We see an increasing number of strandings related to environmental issues (plastic in stomach after necropsy, stranding in polluted area, etc).

We are aware that the plastic problem is much bigger than the stranding of animals, but feel that the animals could be a symbol for a more sustainable Bali, for creating more awareness. But how? Who has a great idea for us!

Facilitator Biography:


Bali Children's Project - HIV/AIDS and Sex Education in Bali

Aron Hughes (Development) and Opy Sulaeman (Sex Education Manager) will be discussing the issues behind the epidemic rise of HIV and AIDS in Bali. Latest official numbers have jumped from 10,000 in 2010 to over 17,000 in 2016. Bali Children's Project will be discussing their program aimed at pro-actively reducing numbers of HIV and AIDS through education, while addressing a critical sustainability issue for ongoing programs of this nature - the constant pressure to find funds required while also growing the program to reach more teenagers.

Facilitator Biography:

Aron Hughes runs Development at Bali Children's Project. His job is to ensure the efficient and sustainable running of charitable programs, while supporting the delivery team. Aron also develops Bali Children's Project's fundraising and communications plans.

Opy Sulaeman has a long history in proactive education surrounding sexual health and awareness. For the past 4 years, Opy has run Bali Children's Project's Sex Education program. Opy has grown the program to reach thousands of teenagers, constantly adapting and improving methods of delivery.


CanyaAcanya - Natural materials structures. Real and legal possibilities.

We are a research team for recovering the Mediterranean common cane (endemic and invasive plant) as a constructive and structural material. The results obtained are very optimistic as to the possibilities it offers. But in Europe, the lack of legislation on natural materials does not allow this type as a legal constructions. This fact limits our future fields of action. What ways could we take? We are interested in an international point of view.

Facilitator Biography:

CanyaAcanya is a research group based in Valencia (Spain) looking for innovative and sustainable solutions that are respectful of the environment, traditional crafts and natural building materials used. Currently his work is focused on landscape restoration, education and support to social causes.

openGreenspiracy - How do we get real about the human environmental situation?

Greenspiracy is an eco-warrior collective of communications and coaching professionals helping the next generation of activists turn their passions and talents into sustainable productions, products, action and policy.

The Earth needs heroes to help pull out of a serious nose-dive. “It’s 10 minutes to midnight!” Which means we have about 20 years to clean and reforest the Earth, eliminate plastic and dependency on fossil fuels, turnback the rapid extinction wheel, protect bio diversity, succeed sourcing alternative energy and bring sustainable policy to the highest courts and legislature.

Facilitator Biography:

Sylvius Forest is a long time activist, journalist, event organizer, art dealer and artist. He has been providing an artist residency at his Ubud cliffhouse community art space Santa Mandala for over 20 years. There are currently nine artists in residence.

Co-founder of Greenspiracy platform Sylvius travels through Europe and South East Asia as an eco-project developer, artist and activist for a greener Earth and safer future from the Butakala Plastik!

Zachary Reznichek is a process orientated teacher, writer, film maker, album producer and mentor. His focus is in connecting students and teachers to authentic motivation tools through mindfulness, philosophy courses, critical thinking, film writing and role-playing games, narrative development, adventure education and activism. He was a co-founder of Black Forest Green when he taught at Green School – a student driven peer-to-peer platform bridging schools and activists.

Valeria Saez is a 2016 graduate of Green School and co-founder of Black Forest Green. Devoted to the rainforest she hopes to bridge people back to the connection that humans have with nature with the help of rainforest communities.

Penelope Baquero is a multimedia artist and educator working for over 20 years using the arts and facilitation to support and co-create a wide variety of eco-concsious initiatives primarily in the U.S., Mexico, and South America.

Revitalizing Ayung River as a Future Touristic Spot

Revitalizing Ayung River as Future Touristic Spot

Code for Asia Society - Lifelong Learning... and Working?

Work-life balance is a myth for modern day women, since it really means that on top of childbearing responsibilities they also have to manage a 9-to-5 job. The target group that we are working with are mums that have stayed home and are now interested in returning to the workforce, how do we empower them to do so effectively when the world has changed so rapidly while they were putting the house into order? This is a global challenge, and similar to a certain degree to the challenges that an ageing population throughout the developed world will soon face - as other priorities in life take over or as I am no longer able to work per standard 9-to-5 hours, how can I continue to stay relevant and engaged in society so that I do not risk escalating psychological isolation?

Facilitator Biography:

Ernie is the co-founder and CEO of Code for Asia Society Ltd., an organisation headquartered in Singapore that aims to make coding inclusive. She had graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a major in economics and a minor in entrepreneurship, and published her work on the Environmentally Responsible Happy Nation Index at Social Indicators Research. Ernie was also a Google We Are Squared Scholarship Winner, a TEDxHuaxi speaker and currently serves as a Youth Career Network Mentor with the Young National Trades Union Congress.