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Kennedy Handbook 2024-2025
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  Kennedy Elementary School

Parent/Student Handbook



 Valle Queiruga-Pessoa                                                       Kimberly Huranga                                                                                

                  PRINCIPAL                                                ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL




Mission Statement

The Harrison School District serves a multicultural Kindergarten-12th grade student population through partnerships with teachers, parents and the community by providing comprehensive educational programs which encourage all students to:

The Harrison School District will be guided by its strategic plan and evaluation process in the delivery of its educational programs.





















                            MISSION STATEMENT for

               KENNEDY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL       

Our mission at Kennedy Elementary School is to ignite a lifelong love of learning through engaging, hands-on experiences that celebrate curiosity, creativity, and individuality.  We are committed to supporting the academic, character development, and social emotional growth of our students, empowering them to become compassionate, kind, confident, and capable members of our diverse community.  Together, with families and staff, we strive to create the foundation for each child’s success.

                                VISION STATEMENT

At Kennedy Elementary School, we envision a nurturing learning community where every child's potential is celebrated. Our goal is to foster academic excellence and social-emotional development, preparing students to thrive in a diverse and dynamic world.  Our commitment is to create an inclusive, joyful, respectful and collaborative environment where every child feels valued and empowered to succeed and persevere.

 "Be Kind, Be You, Show Respect and Always Try Your Best!"

  Kennedy Elementary SchoolHARRISON SCHOOLS LOGO.jpg

1 Washington Street

Harrison, New Jersey  07029

Phone  (973) 833-8500    Fax (973) 327-7227

Dear Kennedy Elementary families,

Welcome to the 2024-25 School year at Kennedy Elementary School!  My name is Valle Queiruga-Pessoa and I am delighted to introduce myself as the principal of Kennedy Elementary School. I am honored to have the opportunity to work with your children, and I am excited to lead such an exceptional team of teachers and staff.

I understand Kindergarten and first grade are important milestones in your child's life.  I am committed to ensuring that their first years of school are a positive and memorable experience, and that they lay the foundation for lifelong learning and academic success.  

The first day of school is on September 4, 2024! I’m very excited to see our returning students and to meet and welcome our new Kindergarten class.

At Kennedy Elementary, our main purpose is to help students grow and thrive.  I’m committed to providing a safe, nurturing and joyful learning environment, alongside our dedicated staff.  I strongly believe that parental and family involvement are crucial in a child's education, and I encourage you to be active participants in your child's learning journey.  We aim to build strong and purposeful relationships with our families, district, and community and we look forward to working together to ensure a positive and successful school year.  

Please review this handbook for our general information and make sure you complete and return any required forms.  Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  You could reach me at 973-833-8500 or at


Valle Queiruga-Pessoa

Safety, Arrival Time and Dismissal

School hours are 8:20 a.m. to 3:05 p.m.

Please make certain that your child arrives at school each day promptly at 8:20 a.m.   Please make arrangements to have your child arrive at school no earlier than 8:20 a.m. It is our earnest desire to avoid accidents and protect your child.  We need your cooperation in this matter.   School is dismissed promptly at 3:05 P.M.   All children must be picked up no later than 3:05 P.M.   It would also be helpful to teach your child about safety as he/she walks to and from school and about the importance of going directly home after school. These safety rules will be reinforced by the classroom teacher.

Early Dismissal Schedule

Kennedy Elementary School will have early dismissal several times during the school year.  The early dismissal hours are 8:20 a.m. to 1:11 p.m. for all grades.  All children must be picked up no later than 1:11 p.m. on early dismissal days.

Absences and Tardiness         

If your child is going to be absent you MUST CALL the school by 8:20.


(973) 833-8500

Upon return after an absence, a note is required to be admitted to class.  Please help us to teach the importance of developing habits of good attendance and punctuality.  Please try to schedule doctor and dentist appointments after school hours.   Absences and tardiness are an interruption to a student's learning.  While we understand that some situations are unavoidable, there are many times when they are avoidable.   In the event that unexcused absence and tardiness become chronic, 10 days, parents will be asked to come to school and design an action plan with the Principal to address these areas.  Students with unexcused absences exceeding 18 days are in danger of being retained.

Procedure for Picking Children Up During School Hours

Please do not send a sick child to school.  Please ensure that students are fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.  If a student becomes ill during school hours, the school nurse will release the child to a parent or person(s) listed on the emergency information form (page to be completed in the back of the handbook).  

No child will be released to a minor during school hours. 

If a student needs to be picked up during school hours a note must be sent in with the child the morning of stating the name of the person who will pick the child up and the time that the child will be picked up.  If there is no advance written notice children will not be released during school hours to anyone other than a parent.   ID must be shown and will be copied in the main office when any child is picked up during the school day.  These policies are strictly enforced for the safety of all students.

Emergency School Closings

In the event that an emergency school closing is declared while school is in session, it is important that every parent establish a plan that will enable their child to be picked up at Kennedy School. Although we at Kennedy School do everything necessary to ensure the safety of all of our students, it is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to make sure that their child is picked up. You must provide 3 emergency contact names along with their working phone numbers on the Emergency Information Form attached.  


Please be sure that the office has several working phone numbers in case of an emergency.  If any phone numbers change, you must notify your child’s teacher/main office in writing or call Kennedy School immediately at 973-833-8500.  




Cecilia Lucas

Attendance Officer




The Statue concerning school attendance reads in part as follows:

18A:38-25.  Every parent, guardian or other person having custody and control of a child between the ages of 6 and 16 years shall cause such child regularly to attend the public schools of the district or a day school in which there is given instruction equivalent to that provided in the public school for children of similar grades and attainments or to receive equivalent instruction elsewhere than at school.

18A:38-26.  Such regular attendance shall be during all the days and hours that the public schools are in session in the district, unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the board of education of the district that the mental condition of the child is such that he cannot benefit from instruction in the school or that the bodily condition of the child is such as to prevent his attendance at school, but nothing herein shall be construed as permitting the temporary or permanent exclusion from school by the board of education of any district of any child between the ages of five (5) and twenty (20), except as explicitly otherwise provided by law.

18A:38-31.  Violations of article by parents or guardians; penalties.  A parent, guardian or other person having charge and control of a child between the ages of 6 and 16 years, who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this article relating to his duties, shall be deemed to be disorderly person and shall be subject to a fine of not more than $25.00 for first offense and not more than $100.00 for each subsequent offense, in the discretion of the court.

In any such proceeding the summons issued therein, or in special circumstances a warrant, shall be directed to the alleged disorderly person and the child.


Uniform Policy


The Harrison Board of Education has a uniform policy for all students, which has proven to be a very positive component of our schools.  Everyone at Kennedy School is very proud of our students and the effect our uniforms have on our all-around school spirit.  

Kennedy School Uniform includes:

During the winter months, our school is more than adequately heated.   However, if students would like to wear an additional layer of clothing, please adhere to the following guidelines:  


A white or gray long-sleeve shirt can be worn UNDER the uniform shirt.  The uniform shirt must be clearly visible.  

Students may wear a solid navy blue sweater over their uniform shirt.  No words, other than Kennedy School, are allowed on the sweaters.  “Kennedy” hoodies are allowed.  

Please refrain from the following items, which are NOT part of our uniform policy:

Code of Conduct for the Harrison Public Schools

Please be advised that the HARRISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS has a Board of Education approved Code of Conduct.  This policy specifies what is appropriate in school and during school-sponsored activities.  You may review this document with this link Code of Conduct or on our district website:, you can also obtain a copy in our main office.

Homework Policy

Kennedy School has a homework policy that stresses the importance of homework for effective learning.  The following school philosophy reflects the value of homework.

In keeping with the above philosophy, Kennedy supports the following policy for students.  Daily homework is at the discretion of the teacher and can include:

Parents need to be aware of the fact that the amount of time a child spends on homework will vary according to each individual child and the conditions under which the child is working.  In order to promote good study habits, we suggest that you and your child establish a suitable time and place for the completion of homework.

Parent Conferences

Individual parent/teacher conferences are held on November 13th, 14th and 15th.  We will have Parent Conferences in the Spring by appointment only.  For other appointments, please call the office to arrange a conference with a teacher.  We cannot leave a class unattended to meet with you, but every effort will be made to find a time that is convenient for everyone.  

Special Area Classes  

All students will receive 1 or 2 periods a week of art, music, physical education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and computers.  You will receive more information from your child’s teacher regarding the class’s exact weekly schedule.  

During these classes, students will have the opportunity to develop skills and talents that are unique to these content areas while enhancing their overall learning experience.

Report Cards

Kennedy School has 4 marking period cycles.  Your child’s report card will be issued at the end of each marking period on the following dates:

1. November 13th, 14th, 15th, 2024–Parent Conferences

2. January 24th, 2025

3. April 18, 2025

4. Last day of school

Deficiency Reports will be mailed:

1. October 2, 2024

2. January 8, 2025

3. March 6, 2025

4. May 7, 2025

School Bags and School Property

It would be greatly appreciated if you could make sure that textbooks are covered and some type of school bag is provided so books can be brought home. Please help us to teach your child respect for school property.  It would also be appreciated if you would speak to your child about respecting the property of neighbors near the school.

Cell Phones

If you allow your child to bring a cell phone to school, please note the phone must be off during the school day and placed in your child’s book bag.

Kennedy School is not responsible for loss or theft of cell phones, iPods, or any other devices brought to school.

Lunch Policy

ALL Kennedy SCHOOL STUDENTS IN GRADES K-1 WILL HAVE LUNCH IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING.    No student will be allowed to leave the school building during lunch periods.

Students who do not buy lunch must bring their own lunch to school.  Please follow these rules when packing a lunch/snacks for your child:

No glass bottles!

No peanut butter in any form (Ex. sandwiches, cookies, candies, etc.).  This is due to the increasing incidence of food allergies among school children.  

NO candy, soda or any food or beverage item listing sugar in any form, as the 1st ingredient.

NO gum chewing in school.


Due to the increasing incidence of food allergies among school children, we ask that you please discourage your child from sharing food at school.  

Nutrition and Celebration Information

While academic and athletic achievements are often indicators of a school district’s success, we believe our children’s health is equally as important especially when good nutrition advances academic achievement, athletic performances, and self esteem.

Our commitment is evidenced by Harrison’s Board of Education Policy # 3542:

“Food and beverages of minimal nutritional value (as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture) will be eliminated during the school day…All Food and beverage items listing sugar, in any form, as the first ingredient, and all forms of candy may not be served, sold or given away anywhere on school property at any time before the end of the school day.”

In an effort to adhere to these guidelines, the following will be strictly adhered to ensuring maximum use of classroom time for instruction.

Birthday Celebration Policy

Birthdays are very special and exciting days for all of us.  As a school, we want to continue recognizing our students’ special day, while being sensitive to our School Nutrition Policy, student allergies and financial hardships.  

With that said, Kennedy School will celebrate student birthdays with non-food celebrationsWe do NOT allow ANY treats or items to be brought in to celebrate students’ birthdays.   If these items are sent to school, they will not be sent to the classroom. 

On the day of a student's birthday, we will celebrate the special day with your child in the following ways: 


General Suggestions To Parents

The following suggestions will be helpful and appreciated by the teachers:

  1. Your child must not bring distracting items to school.

  1. Instruct your child never to converse with, or get in a car with, a stranger.

  1. Your child should have plenty of sleep each night. The chart below helps to calculate the best bedtime for children based on sleeping recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Children ages 6-12 need 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night.  


6:00 A.M.

6:15 A.M.

6:30 A.M.

6:45 A.M.

7:00 A.M.

7:15 A.M.

7:30 A.M.



5 year old

6:45 P.M.

7:00 P.M.

7:15 P.M.

7:30 P.M

7:30 P.M

8:00 P.M.

8:15 P.M.

6 year old

7:00 P.M.

7:15 P.M.

7:30 P.M

7:30 P.M

8:00 P.M.

8:15 P.M.

8:30 P.M.

7 year old

7:15 P.M.

7:15 P.M.

7:30 P.M

8:00 P.M.

8:15 P.M.

8:30 P.M.

8:45 P.M.

8 year old

7:30 P.M.

7:30 P.M

8:00 P.M.

8:15 P.M.

8:30 P.M.

8:45 P.M.

7:30 P.M

9 year old

7:30 P.M

8:00 P.M.

8:15 P.M.

8:30 P.M.

8:45 P.M.

9:00 P.M.

9:15 P.M.

10 year old

8:00 P.M.

8:15 P.M.

8:30 P.M.

8:45 P.M.

9:00 P.M.

9:15 P.M.

9:30 P.M

11 year old

8:15 P.M.

8:30 P.M.

8:45 P.M.

9:00 P.M.

9:15 P.M.

9:30 P.M

9:45 P.M.

12 year old

8:15 P.M.

8:30 P.M.

8:45 P.M.

9:00 P.M.

9:15 P.M.

9:30 P.M

9:45 P.M.


  1. Kennedy Elementary School maintains an OPEN DOOR POLICY. If you have any concerns, suggestions, or questions pertaining to Kennedy School, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, or Mrs. Pessoa.  The main office is always happy to help.  Anything that concerns your child and Kennedy School is of the utmost importance and will be handled accordingly.

Affirmative Action

The Harrison Board of Education guarantees equal educational opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, economic status or age.

The District Affirmative Action Officer, District 504 Coordinator and Public Assistant Compliance Officer is:

Clarisa Pimentel

Harrison High School

401 Kingsland Ave

Harrison, NJ 07029

Phone: (973) 482-5050 Ext. 1041 OR 1519

Grievance Procedure

Any student who feels that he or she has been unfairly treated in school should first meet with their guidance counselor and/or building administrator in order to discuss and resolve the matter in question.  If necessary, the said school official will outline the proper grievance procedures to follow.   A copy of the Board approved grievance policy is on file in the Principal's office.

Substance Awareness Coordinator

The Substance Awareness Coordinator for the Harrison School District is:

Clarisa Pimentel  

Harrison High School

401 Kingsland Ave

Harrison, NJ 07029

Phone: (973) 482-5050 Ext. 1041 OR 1519

Students are selected to participate in prevention and intervention services.  Parents who have questions concerning student participation or who wish to decline services for their child may contact the Substance Awareness Coordinator or the Building Principal.


The District Anti-Bullying Coordinator is:         The School Anti-Bullying Specialist is:

                    Mrs. Clarisa Pimentel                                Mrs. Kathelyn Perez

                   Harrison High School                                               Kennedy Elementary School

                     401 Kingsland Ave                                                       1 Washington Street

                    Harrison, NJ 07029                                                        Harrison, NJ 07029

        Phone: (973) 482 - 5050 Ext. 1519                                  Phone: (973) 833 - 8500 Ext. 7137

The Harrison Public School District Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Policy is available                               on the District’s web page (

Kennedy Elementary School Title I Parent Compact

Kennedy Elementary School and the parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.

This school-parent compact has been in effect since the school year 2020-2021.

School Responsibilities

Kennedy School will:

  1. 1.    Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows: school curriculum will be aligned to the NJ CCCS and all teachers will be Highly Qualified.

2.    Hold parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievements: annual Visit School Night; annual Title I Parents’ Meeting; by appointment, when requested.

3.    Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress: quarterly school report cards; progress/deficient reports; letters; flyers; phone calls; student planners.

4.    Provide parents reasonable access to staff: by appointment during regular school hours during the teacher’s preparation period; teachers are also available from 3:05-3:15 pm Monday-Friday.

5.   Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and to observe classroom activities: parents may volunteer to assist in their child’s activities or visit and/or observe their child’s activities at any time with the permission of the building administrator.

Parent Responsibilities

We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:

  1. • Monitoring attendance.
  2. • Making sure that homework is completed.
  3. Monitoring the amount of television their children watch.
  4. • Volunteering in my child’s classroom.
  5. • Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education.
  6. • Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.
  7. • Staying informed about my child’s education and communicating with the  
  8.    school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district  
  9.    either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.
  10. • Serving, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups, such as being the Title
  11.    I, Part    A parent representative on the school’s School Leadership Committee,    
  12.    the Title I Policy Advisory Committee, the District wide Policy Advisory Council,

the State’s Committee of Practitioners, the School Support Team or other school  advisory or policy groups.                

Student Responsibilities

We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement by:

  1. • Doing my homework every day and asking for help when I need to.
  2. • Read at least 10 minutes every day outside of school time.
  3. • Give to my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information received by me from my school everyday.
  4. • Actively participate in school activities.

Information from the Kennedy School Nurse

Dear Parents/Guardians:

With the beginning of another school year and in order to maintain a healthy school environment, I am asking you to review the following guidelines regarding illness and disease.


Any child with a fever of 100 degrees or more will be excluded from school. Children with fevers of 100 degrees or more may not return to school until their temperature is normal (below 100 degrees for twenty-four hours.)


Children with undiagnosed rashes must be seen by their physician and a note which includes diagnosis and treatment is required for readmission to school.


In these cases, children must be seen by a physician and treated with antibiotics for at least 48 hours before they can come back to school. A note from the physician stating that the child is non-contagious is required.


Children must be out of school for 7 days after the rash breaks out. All lesions must be completely dried up in order for the child to return to school. The child must be checked by the school nurse before going to the classroom.


All cases of head lice must be reported to the school nurse. A child must be free of all lice and be checked by the nurse before readmission.


Below you will find the guidelines set forth by the State of New Jersey regulating the administration of medications in school.

  1. All medication must be prescribed by your child's physician.  You must provide written orders from the doctor stating the reason for the medication, the dosage and the time of administration.
  2. The parent or guardian must provide a written request for the medication to be given.
  3. The medication must be brought to school in the original container, appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or the physician.
  4. The school nurse or her designee will administer the medication in school and/or on a school trip.
  5. No "over the counter" medication may be administered in school unless the parent/guardian can come to school to give it.


In the event a child becomes ill at school, the parent/guardian or designated person will be notified to bring the child home. Please make sure the school has the correct numbers and that someone will be available to pick the child in a reasonable period of time.


In the morning, if your child complains of a runny nose, heavy or frequent cough, diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, headache, or sore throat, he/she should not be sent to school. If your child is absent for more than five days, he/she must bring a doctor's note.





  Kennedy Elementary SchoolHARRISON SCHOOLS LOGO.jpg

1 Washington Street

Harrison, New Jersey  07029

Phone  (973) 833-8500    Fax (973) 327-7227

Please review these forms and make sure you complete and return them to school as soon as possible.


I, ________________________________parent/guardian of:_______________________

          (parent/guardian name)                                                             (student name)

acknowledge that we have read and received the following notices for the 2024-2025 school year:

_____________________________________________                __________________

Parent Signature                                                         Date


Student Name ________________________________

Grade ____________

Teacher ______________________________________

Emergency Information Form

Please complete ALL information below.  

Student’s Name                                    Date of Birth                  

Address                                                        Phone Number                          

Teacher’s Name                                      Grade                         

Mother’s Name                                                                 Cell Phone                         

Email ______________________________________________   Work Phone                               

Father’s Name                                                                 Cell Phone                         

Email ______________________________________________  Work Phone                               

Child lives with:  (  ) Both parents    (  ) Mother only*     (  ) Father only*       (  ) Guardian*

*Does a custody agreement exist?   _____Yes     _____No

*If a custody agreement exists, please provide the school with legal papers detailing the arrangement.

Please list all siblings in your home (include non-school age children):    

_____________________________                   ________                  _______                  

 Name                                                                     Grade                                     DOB                    

 _______________________________________                          ___________                         __________

 Name                                                                                         Grade                                      DOB                

Emergency Contacts / Authorized Pick Up

Please provide 3 people authorized to pick up your child from school and act on your behalf in the case of an emergency if you cannot be reached.  

__________________________________                              ___________________

Name                                Phone Number                        Relationship


Name                                                  Phone Number                         Relationship

________________________________                 _________________       ___________________

Name                                Phone Number                Relationship

At 3:05 pm dismissal, my child will:

_____   walk home                           _______  be picked up by an adult listed above

_____   be picked up by a sibling                           _______  be pick up by a daycare*

                                                                       * Daycare name and number                        

Family Physician ________________________Phone Number _______________________

If neither parent can be reached in an emergency and emergency measures are deemed necessary, I authorize the school to contact the physician above and to care for my child. This signature also gives permission for students to attend scheduled school activities such as PTO Assemblies, School Concerts, Class Trips within the confines of the Town of Harrison, etc., and permission to share confidential information.





  Tel. (973) 483-4627 Fax (973) 483-7484

MAUREEN KROOG, Ed.D.                                                                         JAMES P. DORAN, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools                                                                                                    Director Of  Personnel/ Human                  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Resources/Compliance & Crisis Management 


Director of Curriculum and Instruction 

 NOTICE TO:        Parents/Guardians

FROM:                Maureen Kroog, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

DATE:                September 3, 2024


In accordance with the Board of Education's policy regarding Health and Family Life Education, the parent or guardian of pupils enrolled in the district will be notified annually of their rights regarding a child's participation in the Family Life Program. Consequently, the following State-mandated procedures and program descriptions are outlined for your understanding.

Definition: Family Life Education (N.J.A.C. 6:29-4.2)

"Instruction to develop an understanding of the physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, and psychological aspects of interpersonal relationships; the physiological, psychological, and cultural foundations of human development, sexuality, and reproduction, at various stages of growth; and to provide the opportunity for pupils to acquire knowledge which will support the development of responsible personal behavior, strengthen their own family life now, and aid in establishing strong family life for themselves in the future thereby contributing to the enrichment of the community".


  1. The school district will provide the parents/guardians with an outline or description of the curriculum. The said "Descriptions" are noted herein.
  2. All Family Life Curriculum Guides, including a listing of materials used in the program, will be available for parental review in the Principal's Office of the respective schools.
  3. Any parent/guardian wishing to review the family life materials must call the school for an appointment.


  1. Parents/guardians who feel that any segment of the Family Life Program that is in conflict with their normal or religious beliefs may request that the child be excused from that portion of the instruction by submitting a signed statement to the respective building principal.
  2. If a student is excused from any portion of the family life education program, the student shall be given no penalty against his/her promotion/graduation.
  3. Students excused from participating in the program will be assigned to alternate school activities, for that period of time, at the direction of the building principal.
  4. The building principal will notify appropriate instructional personnel whenever a student is excused from participating in the Family Life Program.

Descriptions:    After completing the K-12 Health/Family Life Education Curriculum,

students will be able to:

•     know fundamental information required to make health and family related decisions

•     distinguish no-risk, low-risk, and high-risk health behaviors

•     gather, evaluate, and utilize health information

•     make decisions about health and family behaviors

•     apply stress-management skills

•     demonstrate assertive and refusal skills

•     set goals and establish a plan for achieving them

•     sustain decisions about health behaviors in real-life situations

•     appreciate health, honesty, respect, and social responsibility


Concepts related to the above-listed descriptions are taught and reinforced at all grade levels. However, the content obviously changes as appropriate to the age/grade level.

Harrison's Family Life Curriculum follows the guide of the New Jersey Department of Education. The major emphasis is on the understanding and prevention of health and family problems that might have a bearing upon young people. It is very comprehensive and a credit to all of the concerned individuals involved in its development.

Maureen Kroog__________________________________________

Maureen Kroog, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools


MAUREEN KROOG, Ed.D.                                                                         JAMES P. DORAN, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools                                                                                              Director Of  Personnel/ Human Resources/                  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Compliance & Crisis Management 


Director of Curriculum and Instruction 


Throughout the school year, the Harrison Public School District will have many opportunities to celebrate and publicize the activities and accomplishments of its students. By granting permission for your child to participate in publicity opportunities, you acknowledge that you understand and consent to the following terms:

Any publicity received by your child shall be full and adequate consideration for this consent. You may revoke this consent at any time by providing written notice to the school.

* This opt out is for public release of student information and does not apply to any student distance learning obligations.

Please sign and return this form to the school after indicating your preference below:

__________ I CONSENT to the terms above and grant my child permission to participate in all publicity opportunities during the school year unless and until this consent is revoked in writing.

__________ I DO NOT CONSENT and would prefer the District exclude my child from publicity opportunities that are made available to other students.

Print Name of Student:_______________________________________________________________

Name of School:____________________________________________________________________

Print Name of Parent/Legal Guardian: __________________________________________________

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian:  _____________________________________ Date:_________


Dear Parent:

In order to provide the best possible health services, please provide your child’s health history and current status.  Please understand that you may call me at any time if the need arises.  

Please indicate below the following as it applies to your child’s history:

Child’s Name                                               Grade/Teacher                                  

  Has had chicken pox

 Allergies (please list)                                                                                            


*Due to the increasing incidence of food allergies among school children, please encourage your child to not share food.  Also due to the possibility of a dangerous allergic reaction to peanut butter we ask that it not be brought to school in any form. (ex:  sandwiches, cookies, candies, etc.)

  Serious injury                                                  


 Ear infections                                                  

 Eye problems                                                  

  Currently on medication (name)                                          

Any hospitalization (explain)                                                  


  Other health conditions (asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart problems, etc.)                                  



 None of the above

Parent’s Signature                            Date                          

In case of illness or injury please notify:

1. Name                             Tel.                               Relationship to child ____________  

2. Name                             Tel.                               Relationship to child ____________

I consent to the release of medical information to all staff members and other adults who have custodial care of my child and who may need to know this information to maintain my child’s health and safety.

______________________________________________     _____________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature                                                            Date         


Harrison, New Jersey           X       Monitored        

           X       Mandated

           X       Other Reasons        



Please read the following carefully before signing the attached agreement!

The Harrison School District is pleased to be able to offer Internet access to your child at his/her school.  The Internet is a vast, global network; linking computers at universities, schools, science centers and other sites. The Internet can give students and teachers access to a variety of rich, educational resources. These resources· may include libraries, databases, museums, government institutions and educational sources specifically designed for children. In addition students will have opportunities to participate in online telecommunications projects directly related to their classroom studies. Our goal in providing this service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence.

Students will be able to access the Internet at a number of locations including the computer labs, media centers, and individual classrooms. To access the Internet students will be using a browser (a software or web-based program) to navigate through information by pointing and clicking the mouse. Information is presented richly in text, pictures, sound, and some video. Students will be able to send electronic mail but will not have their own Internet e-mail address unless specified and approved by (You) as part of educational activity/projects. Students' use of email will occur under the direct supervision of the Technology Coordinator and monitored by the department.

The educational value of information on the Internet is substantial. However, with access to world wide computer systems comes the availability of material that may be considered objectionable and not educationally valuable. There exists information that may be judged as inaccurate, abusive, profane, pornographic or illegal. The Harrison School District does not condone or permit access to or the use of this material. The school will provide student access to Internet resources only in supervised environments and has taken steps to filter out objectionable material by placing internal blocks to unwanted information.

Nonetheless, the district cannot completely prevent the possibility that some users may access material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the school. However, the district believes that the resources and interaction available on the Internet far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with our educational and technical goals.

Student Responsibility

Students are expected to use Internet resources in a manner consistent with this contract and will be held responsible for their use. Students are responsible for good behavior on school computers, laptops, palms, and networks just as they are in a classroom or other school areas. Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right; and any inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges.

                                                       File Code:  6142.10        

TECHNOLOGY (continued)

Proper & Acceptable Use

Be Polite. Use of abusive, vulgar, threatening or obscene language is strictly forbidden. Students will not engage in personal attacks, harassment of another person, or knowingly post false or defamatory information about another person or organization.

Be Careful. Students are not to damage, deface or vandalize computer or technical equipment. Students are not to change, alter, or damage another student's personal work and/or files. Students will not plagiarize (taking the work of others and presenting them as your own) works they find on the Internet.

Be Aware. Students are not permitted to knowingly access, transmit or download materials that are obscene, pornographic, offensive, threatening or illegal.

Be Safe. Students are not permitted to reveal their own or someone else's full name, address, phone number or other personal identification information via the Intra or Internet.

Be Honest. Students are to notify a staff member immediately, if by accident, you encounter materials that violate the Rules of Appropriate Use.

Be Prepared. Students will be held accountable for their actions and will lose their privileges if the Rules of Appropriate Use are violated.

Understand: Parents/Guardians will be held responsible/liable for any equipment purposely broken or damaged by the student's actions and can be billed if found needed.

The attached form is to be signed by both parent/guardian and student. When completed, please return the form to the student's school. We appreciate your support and cooperation by complying with the AUP: under CIPA regulations Federal Law 2001.



As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions for In-school use of Internet Resources and use of equipment. I understand that this use is for educational purposes and the student named below is expected to use the resources according to the specified guidelines. I have discussed these guidelines with the student and believe he or she has an understanding of them.

I also recognize that it is impossible for the Harrison School District to completely control information available through the Internet and I will not hold the district or any of its employees responsible for materials this student may acquire on the Internet. I hereby give my permission for the student named below to use the Internet at school and certify that the information contained on this form is correct and current.

                                                       File Code:  6142.10        

TECHNOLOGY (continued)

Parent or Guardian (Please Print Name):        ________________________________________________

Signature:                                        ________________________________________________

Date:                                                ________________________________________________

Address:                                        ________________________________________________


Contact Number:                                ________________________________________________



I have read and/or discussed the Terms and Conditions for In-school use of Internet Resources with my Homeroom Teacher and reviewed the information with my family. I understand why the Internet is available to me at school and will abide by the rules stated in the Terms and Conditions.

I also understand that I must follow school rules when I use the technology. I know if l don't follow the rules, I may not be permitted to use the Internet and school disciplinary action may be taken and/or appropriate legal action.

Student's Full Name (please Print):                ________________________________________________

Signature:                                        ________________________________________________

Grade:                                                ________________________________________________

Homeroom Teacher Signature:                        ________________________________________________