A) In the gospel of John, Jesus breads on to his disciples and says “receive The Holy Spirit,” this was before the day of Pentecost. This was the moment that they got born-again and received The Holy Spirit. At that moment the Holy Spirit went inside their spirit and gave birth to their spirit witch in terms we say; Born-again or new birth. The Holy Spirit joins the believers back to The Father. Then we become one with God. This is not the Baptism in The Holy Spirit, this is getting saved.
B) The Baptism in The Holy Spirit is different then receiving The Holy Spirit during salvation. The Baptism in The Holy Spirit is a physical sign of speaking with other tongues; which was given at the day of Pentecost. Jesus side I will send you the Promise of the Father. This promise was to endued them with power. All believers are entitled to and should ardently expect and earnestly seek the promise of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire, the gift of tongues.
Operation and benefits of praying in tongues
C) Praying in tongues will give The Holy Spirit opportunity to add knowledge to your spiritual mind and transfer it to our soulish mind. He will make room in your mind to understand and comprehend the word of God. Revelation after revelation will start pouring into a believers life when he gives time to pray in the tongues. This gift of tongues can turn a babe believer from drinking milk to solid food. Their are people that stay babes all their Christian walk and never move to solid food.
D) Praying in tongues will make you a student of The Holy Spirit. He will start teaching you precept upon precept, and line upon line, here a little and they're a little. He will start stores up in your born-again spirit revaluation for a later time. What The Holy Spirit will do is building from one scripture to another. Things that did not make sense will start to make sense. He will take your understanding to another level. Most people never get to the top of the building blocks, because they want a short cut. But you can't build on top of one revelation by skipping the one that's supposed to unlock the next. Holy Spirit will start from the bottom and take you to the top in order, so you can become well rounded in scripture. Things that were not opened up before will suddenly open and start to line up. Scripture does not contradict with each other, its are distorted interpretations of scripture that dose. Praying in tongues clears up and lines up scripture. When you have the author of the book teaching you, it's much better than to try to figure things out with Him then without. Again He side "whom will he teach" He will teach dose that spend the time praying in The Holy Spirit.
E) He will speak to his people in the manner of praying in tongues. Whosoever speaks in tongues speaks to God directly with a language only God can understand. He will give you interpretation at given times and situations. Spending time praying in The Holy Spirit, is like taking time to conversate with God in a pure language that's between your spirit and His. This process will give you better discerning of His voice. Holy Spirit speaks in a small still voice, those who spend time in prayer, start to hear revelation inside their spirit from Holy Spirit. He stores up in your born-again spirit revaluation knowledge.
F) This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest. By praying in tongues you are enforcing the positional truth of the new nature threw The Holy Spirit. The new nature which is your born-again spirit has a kingdom inside of it. That Kingdom is the The Holy Spirit. Jesus side the kingdom of God does not come with observation, but it will be inside of you. What the The Holy Spirit can supply is peace and refreshing that every believer has access threw praying in tongues. In the kingdom of God there is no lack of anything. Peace, Joy, rest, power, self-control, gifts, healing, deliverance and so on... The list is endless because a Kingdom of God has different customs and laws that it operates by, no limit of goodness of God for us. In Isaiah 28:12 does end with "yet they would not hear" is talking about dose that reject the possibility of the gift of tongues do to bad teaching that steers people away from receiving this gift. To add to this I will say this; You can have the gift of tongues but not use it, and that won't help you enter into the rest or peace that God has for us. Rest and peace will still be available to all believers through other means (4 keys) but not to the greater level that it is possible to obtain. If you want limited peace don't pray in tongues, but their is a unlimited or greater for dose who want more.
G) When we pray, we pray mysteries. What is mysteries? a divine secrets inside of the Holy Spirit to be transformed into your spirit. Mysteries of God are only a mystery to dose that can't comprehend the depth of what God has side. God will give, to your born-again spirit all that you're able to comprehend or handle. Divine secrets are for the children of God to know them. That's why mystery is something the natural person or someone that does not pray in tongues will have harder time to comprehend or receive. Not that God does not want to give it, but it's impossible for that person to understand deeper revelation if they have not leach the teacher The Holy Spirit expand their capacity in their spirit and soul. At the end of the day we want The Holy Spirit to speak to us and show use what he is saying in His Word.
H) Praying in tongues unites believers together for the great work of God. It brings believers to a place of being one accord with what the mind of Christ wants. This enables the group to operate in unity. Wear their is unity there will be revival. The book of Philippians says: "How can two walk together if they don't have the same mind seat." The problem lies in the place where there is no group effort to become like minded. To expend on this further, when we pray in tongues are mind, emotions, and will gets transformed to be like Christ. How many marriages would be saved if a couple stop what they are doing and pots time into their marriage by praying together in tongues so The Holy Spirit can line up their souls and brake off what's causing division in their marriage. Same goes to church leadership, How many of Church leaders would take the moment to stop all their running around and start a consistent prayer time together as leaders so God can bring all of them to be one accord, not only with each other, but with The Holy Spirit. So many of us are not in one accord with The Holy Spirit and we wonder why things are not moving or changing for us to see the move of God. What if like the early church in the book of Acts manifest itself today wear we can start to say Acts 4:32 Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.
I) In Acts 2:1-4 was the day of Pentecost where we see that the bible says they were filled with The Holy Spirit and speak with other tongues. We want to be clear that this was the moment that they all received the gift of tongues and they were filled due to their pursuing God in worship and fasting. Receiving the gift of tongues does not mean your are filled with the Holy Spirit. Being filled with The Holy Spirit is when you pot the gift of tongues in to use, and in return The Holy Spirit fills you. Receiving the gift was a bones at that moment as they kept praying in tongues which in terms added to them, and The Holy Spirit filled them up with more of Him. As you can see threw praying in tongues they got more filled with the joy that was over the top. They came out laughing out of control, to the point where they looked drunk, they could not control their teams self due to being drunk in the their human spirit. What happens when you drink too much in the natural? will some people just lose it and laugh uncontrollably. This was the same in this case heir, they got filled with so much joy and from The Holy Spirit that it was not controllable to hold themselves together. As we see in verse 13 that people mocked them and side they are full of new wine. But we know that they were drunk in their born again spirit which in return moved from the human spirit to the human soul, then to their body which caused the uncontrollable laughter to burst out, and believe me folks we have experienced this ourselves, and there's nothing you can do when you get filled with this kind of joy threw praying in The Holy Spirit. Peter addresses the mockers in verse 15 and says “they're not drunk as you suppose since it is only the third hour of the days.
J) Acts 2:4 The speaking in tongues in this instance is the same in essence as the gift of tongues, but is different in purpose and use.
K) In Acts 2:5-12 the believers that came down from the upper room wear on fire for God and they just kept praying in tongues even outside of the upper room and people from all over came and they all heard them speaking in tongues, but each man heard the wonderful things of God. Verse 8, you can see that they side how is it that we hear what you are saying in our own languages. The the language that was coming out of the tongues of the believers was one sound and one language, but The Holy Spirit was taking what was being side and translating it to them in their language. So when they would hear someone speaking in tongues, the multitude of people that are standing their all heir what one person is saying in their own native language. Verses 9 through 11 we see about 20 languages if not more. The Holy Spirit took what He was saying out of the believer's mouth and interpreted in the ear of the people with the soundings of the words, to sound in their own language. It's like The Holy Spirit become the interpreter by standing in the midst of them.
L) There's 2 different kind of interpretation that happens in regards to interpreting the Holy Spirit Language, the gift of tongues. One operation is when the Holy Spirit interprets the spoken language in tongues to another person regardless if it's a believer in Christ or not. This does not involve the gift of interpretation. The second one is when someone does have the gift of interpretation and translates what was spoken from the mouth of a another believer. This doesn't only happen this way. The person with the gift of interpreting will also be able to interpret what he or she has prayed out of his own mouth as the Spirit wills.
M) We see 3 different ways people are edified through interpretation of tongues. First we see unbelievers being edified in the day of Pentecost by hearing the wonderful works of God threw The Holy Spirit's interpretation to their ears with what was being side threw the believers. Second we see Assembly of believers can be edified after interpretation. The body of believers threw one man's speaking in tongues and threw another interpretation. The third we know that The Holy Spirit can give us a interpretation of what we payed out for personal edification.
N) We have another edification work that The Holy Spirit does on the inside of us. This kind of edification is different from interpretation the language of tongues. Praying in the tongues gives The Holy Spirit room to start transformation on the inside. It's a building and strengthening work that removes the things in you soul that hinder your walk with God. It's one of the best ways to fight off negative emotions and negative thinking. It also helps the area of the will. If you don't have a strong will you will go threw one bad decision after another. That's why praying in tongues makes such an impact in edifying a person to have a healthy soul. We either are a healthy soul or wear not. Thank God he has given a way to edify ourselves to be strong in our souls.
O) The Holy Spirit builds our faith when we pray in tongues. How is it that we talk about we need faith, but not much people tell you how to build it. See we have things that hold us back to believe for more and even expect more. For those who have the gift of faith that manifest during healing or even impossible situations that's great! but we also have to take responsibility to build our faith. See a gift will come and go as The Holy Spirit wills but the faith we have should not satisfy us. All of us should have a goal to believe with faith like Jesus did. That should be are standard. That should be are standard. If we settle for less we make ourselves worthless and teach others the same. Pressing in with this gift of tongues or putting the gift into use will give The Holy Spirit room to purge out unbelief. The more we pray, the more we give The Holy Spirit room to clean out the junk that's blocking or not letting us grow in faith. We can't just say we need more faith and not do the very thing that produces faith in us.
P) Paul's desire was for everyone to speak in tongues, because he new the benefits. He told the Ephesians to be watchful in prayer for the saints. We can see all over scripture he kept bringing it up. in Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians. As a result he himself prayed in tongues more than all. He understood that he can't afford not to pray in tongues due to amount of prosecution that was always be waiting for him. Also he could not afford to speak from the flesh, he made the time to pray out the ministry's that produced 2/3 of the new testament. Paul had to spend time to get the mind of Christ in his leathers to the Churches. Their would have not been any other ways for Paul to comprehend the depth of God, without using the gift of tongues.
Q) If we look at Peter and the apostles in Acts 6:4 They wear seat to be in continual prayer & the Word. We see that The Holy Spirit was the carried the anointing over Mary and she became pregnant with Jesus. And we see that Peter's shadow was being used by the Holy Spirit to manifest anointing that healed many sick people. But he would have never got to that place of walking in that much anointing if he did not use the gift of tongues in his life. Everyone has the Holy Spirit in them and that same power Peter was walking is inside of all of us. But we limit that anointing by not pressing in with tongues and we settle with what we have. Most people stay stuck with small anointing from the Holy Spirit due to a no having a prayer life.
R) One of the best ways to praise and magnifying God is through tongues. Paul was all about praying in tongues and even singing in the spirit threw tongues. He know what it was going to be all about when Jesus side, you will worship in spirit and truth. Singing and praying in tongues will invite a great level of anointing and power in a believer's life. As we can see in book of Acts they were filled with overwhelming joy. We can also see that Paul compares worship to someone that's filled with wine. How drinking fills the body and how prayer and worship is the key to being filled with the spirit.