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ECH Lax Team Handbook
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This East Chapel Hill Men’s Lacrosse Handbook is a supplement to the CHCCS Coaches Handbook. The lacrosse program follows all guidelines already stated in the CHCCS Coaches Handbook. The purpose of this Team Handbook is to outline guidelines specific to our team.

The CHCCS Coaches Handbook (and other policies and forms) can be found at:


It is a privilege to be a member of the East Chapel Hill Men’s Lacrosse program. Every member of the program (players, managers, trainers, and coaches) is expected to earn this privilege every day of the season. Violations of team rules and regulations may result in decreased playing time and/or removal from the team.




@EastLax (on Twitter)



The Lacrosse Program exists in order to provide a unique opportunity for students to extend their physical, social and moral education while participating in this Nation’s oldest sport. In short, the lacrosse program is intended to make participating student-athletes better people. The program strives to develop respect for one’s self and for others, a greater sense of responsibility, athletic skills, and pride in its participants.



The primary goal of the East Chapel Hill Men’s Lacrosse Program is to develop student-athletes of character and integrity who will serve as positive members of the school community and the greater society. We believe the following objectives will best supplement the team’s mission:


  1. We will promote pride and unity in being student/athletes that represent our East Chapel Hill Lacrosse family and the East Chapel Hill athletic department as a whole.  
  2. We will place primary importance on academic achievement, recognizing that intellectual growth is paramount to athletics  
  3. We will practice positive leadership and display the courage necessary to make difficult decisions under pressure.  
  4. We will hold ourselves accountable for our thoughts, feelings and actions on and off the playing field.
  5. We understand that being a member of the East Chapel Hill Lacrosse family is a privilege that demands commitment and respect.  

The East Chapel Hill Lacrosse Program has established a strong foundation built on these guiding values.    


Attitude:  Our attitude is defined by our strength of character and our constant pursuit of greatness on the field, in the classroom and in our community. 


Commitment:  Our commitment is evident through our actions; making decisions that reflect our pursuit of excellence in all areas of life.  


Excellence:  Our excellence is defined not by wins and losses, but in the moral fiber of the person we are in pursuit of perfection.  


Being an official team captain is more than just a title.  The official title of “Team Captain” will be placed upon four (4) members of the varsity lacrosse team and two (2) members of the junior varsity team.  Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:


  1. Communication:  Coaching Staff
  1. Bringing forward team concerns and/or questions.
  2. Speaking on behalf of other players and relaying information as needed.
  1. Ex:  Team Captains can be made aware if a teammate is ill and will not be at practice on a given day.  
  1. Communication: Teammates  
  1. Addressing the expectations of the coaching staff to teammates.
  1. Organization:
  1. Assist with the organization and implementation of team policies and/or special programs.
  2. Practice set-up and clean-up each day.  
  3. Inspection of locker room before and after every practice and game.
  1. Representation:
  1. Team Captains will be the only players assigned as “speaking captains” on game day in order to communicate with game officials.  
  1. Select and prepare pre-game warm-up music playlist to be approved by the coach.

The opportunity of captainship is open to all players regardless of age.  Anyone wishing to be a captain needs to submit a one (1) page essay illustrating why they should be chosen by the coaches to represent the team.  This must be given to or emailed to the coach by no later than Wednesday February 20th for consideration.  


Within the first two (2) days of tryouts the coaching staff will determine how many players will be selected to play on a ECH team and then divide them into the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams. It is understood that those players competing in a winter sport may not be available to participate during the first couple of weeks. In these situations their tryouts will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Players conflicted with another sport must inform the Head Coach prior to February 4.

The Varsity team will select players that make up the most competitive team and give ECH the best chance to win both a conference and state championship. Every minute of playing time must be earned. Skill, attitude, team commitment, effort, desire to learn and improve, and being on time and work ethic will directly affect playing time opportunities. Varsity players are encouraged to ask how they can improve and how they can best contribute to the success of the team. The Junior Varsity team may carry a few more players than the Varsity team, because the philosophy will be more of a developmental nature. The JV team will consist primarily of non-varsity players with previous playing experience and/or ability.  JV playing time is not equal, but emphasis is placed on player development.  Seniors who are not selected for the Varsity team are not allowed to play for Junior Varsity.


Players are expected to enter the season in proper game shape.  There will be a continued focus on this throughout the season and will be given serious attention in each drill.  


This year we anticipate having to make cuts due to the expected number of players who will sign up. Although, we would like to be able to offer everyone an opportunity to play lacrosse at the high school level, we currently do not have the resources. The number of players each team will carry differ: Varisty team will carry a maximum of 25 players and Junior Varsity team will carry a maximum of 30 players.

All athletes intending to tryout are expected to begin tryouts demonstrating a minimum level of fitness. The following should be used as a guide for determining the level of fitness and athletes should be working towards achieving these goals prior to the tryout:



Junior Varsity


40 Yard Sprint

< 4.8 sec

4.8-5.3 sec

5.4-5.7 sec

> 5.7 sec

400M Sprint

<63 sec

63-65 sec

66-70 sec

>70 sec

1.5 Mile Run

< 9.40 min

9.41-10.20 min

10.21-11.59 min

> 12 min

20 Yard Pro Shuttle

< 4.4 sec

4.4-4.5 sec

4.6-4.8 sec

> 4.8 sec

Push Ups

> 50/min



< 30/min

Sit Ups

> 56/min



< 43/min

Pull Ups

> 14



< 4

Though the athlete’s scores on this fitness test will not be used as the sole determinant of their placement on the teams, athletes should strive to improve their fitness levels as this may in turn improve their overall skills. An athlete’s hustle and overall energy are always factors which evaluators consider.

For the tryout period, it is anticipated that a committee of evaluators selected by the coaching staff will be utilized. The final teams will be decided by the coaching staff, with the final say belonging to the head coach. Players will be evaluated for a number of skills, including individual skills, team skills, athleticism, fitness, and attitude.

The first 2 days of tryouts will consist of performance testing, skill evaluation, and game play simulations (scrimmage).  At the conclusion of the two day tryout the staff will select members of each team. Team rosters will be posted on Friday prior to practice, and Junior Varsity and Varsity practices will begin Friday, Febrary 15th at 4:10pm.


As a member of the East Chapel Hill lacrosse community you represent yourself, parents, coaches, and school.  You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner in all that you do away from the team.  Any conduct unbecoming of a student-athlete may be grounds for reduced playing team and/or immediate removal from the team.     


As a member of the East Chapel Hill lacrosse community you are expected to refrain from using alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Because any use of substances by a school-age child is illegal, any reference to substance use will be termed abuse; and students found to be in possession or under the influence of a controlled, illegal, or mood altering substance or in possession of drug paraphernalia will be subject to CHCCS Student Substance Abuse, Policy 4325, 4325-R, which can be found at:


It is required by CHCCS that all athletes maintain a 2.0 GPA or above during the preceding marking period in order to remain eligible for competition. However, each Lacrosse player shall make it his personal goal to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA, and our coaches will continue to reinforce this goal throughout the season. If you are having trouble with your studies let your coaches know so they can help you as best they can.


Since one of our goals is to promote and develop a greater sense of responsibility in our student-athletes, any issue (roster spot, playing time, practice attendance, injuries, etc) that should arise during the season need first be addressed by the player discussing it with the head coach. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, then it may become appropriate for a parent to bring the issue to the head coach. However, a parent should not approach a head coach with an issue that the player has not brought forward to the head coach first.


Players not suiting up for individual games are expected to be present at all practices, team meetings and games unless prior consent has been given by a member of the coaching staff.    


It is important to note that team managers play an integral role on the team and they are to be treated respectfully at all times.  



Team tryouts will occur February 13-14, 2013 from 4:10 to 6:00pm. Our first practice day is on February 13, 2013 from 4:10 – 6:30 at the ECH practice field (adjacent to the locker room). Athletes are expected to be completely equipped and ready to begin the team warm-up prior to the scheduled practice time. Failure to arrive at practice on time may result in decreased playing time and/or extra conditioning.




4:10 - 4:30 pm

Dynamic Warm-Up

4:30 - 4:45 pm


4:45 - 4:50 pm


4:50 - 5:00 pm


5:00 - 5:20 pm

Position Drills

5:20 - 5:40 pm

Team Drills

5:40 - 5:45 pm


5:45 - 6:30 pm

Offense/Defense - 6v6


Coaches will determine excused absences on a case-by-case basis. Players who are unable to play due to injury or illness are required to be in attendance at practice, health permitting. Coaches will not accept excuses unless the player discusses it with the head coach prior to the practice they will miss.


Cleated shoes are not allowed inside the school at any time.  Do not clean your cleats off near entrances or against the school walls.  


It is the responsibility of each team to track and collect balls during practices and games.  


Our primary practice location throughout the season is the field located directly outside the locker room.


Practice dress code consists of the player’s piney (camp or club team pinnies are acceptable), athletic shorts, cleats, helmet, gloves, elbow and shoulder pads, and mouthpiece.



As part of our focus on team reputation and unity, ON GAME DAY, players will wear a button down shirt and tie, and khaki pants to school. Failure to support this team standard will result in loss of playing time.


Official team uniforms are required for every game. All under shirts and compression shorts should fit into the school color scheme (white, black, and grey). Failure to meet the dress code expectations may result in loss of playing time.


Coaches will be keeping positional rosters that indicate where each player “ranks” based on their practice and game performance, and game day rosters will be posted in the locker room.


On game day, players will gather at the locker room, unless otherwise notified by the head coach.

For home games players should plan to arrive 90 minutes prior to game time and our routine will be as follows:


Arrive at locker room

90:00 – 75:00


75:00 – 45:00


45:00 – 30:00

Locker room


Enter Stadium

30:00 – 2:00


2:00 – 0:00

Sideline Huddle

For away games players should plan to arrive 2 hours (120 minutes) prior to game time and our routine will be as follows:


Arrive at locker room

120:00 – 90:00



Load bus


Arrive at field

60:00 – 2:00


2:00 – 0:00

Sideline Huddle


Once halftime begins, players will gather at the designated area.  The ten minute timeframe will be divided as follows:

10:00 – 3:00

Coaches address team  

3:00 – 1:00


1:00 – 0:00

Sideline Huddle  



Each player is expected to have a basic understanding of the rules of play in lacrosse.


Players are never allowed to talk back to a referee, opposing coaches, or members of the opposing teams.  Doing so may result in your immediate removal from the game. Unsportsmanlike conduct (such as, but not limited to: loud profanity, fighting or instigation, throwing equipment and walking off) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.


During the entirety of every game members of team along the sideline are expected to be fully engaged in the on-field action.  Unless injured, helmets must be worn at all time.  Players are never allowed to talk with fans, parents or use phones during this time.  



Players not suited on game day are expected to be wearing East Chapel Hill Lacrosse clothing.  Anyone not wearing the proper clothing will not be allowed to stand with the team.  


After each game, win or lose, our team will gather at the goalie crease and shake hands with the opponent.  Helmets and gloves are to be left on.  


Win or lose we demonstrate class, integrity, and behave with character.


Players will show up at least 30 min BEFORE the bus is scheduled to leave.

Players are to follow all rules when on the bus. During any food stops, players will act responsibly and conduct themselves in an honorable fashion.  Athletes will leave establishments that we visit clean and orderly.  Players can ride with parents only if a written note is given to the head coach prior to departure.


Upon leaving the bus you are expected to pick up all trash and to thank the driver.   Captains are not allowed to leave the bus until it has been checked by a coach to make sure it is clean.   


The CHCCS spring break is from Saturday, March 30th to Sunday, April 7th. During spring break regular practices will be held, the times of these practices may be different from the normal practice times.

A conference game immediately follows the week of Spring Break, therefore it has been deemed necessary to continue to practice and compete throughout the school break. Players with conflicts shall make the head coach aware as soon as possible.


Player Contract


It is a privilege to be a member of the East Chapel Hill High School Lacrosse program.  Participation in this program will contribute to your overall physical, mental and emotional well-being.  As a player on this team, you are expected to make a conscious effort towards each of the following guidelines.  Breaking these rules will result in one or a combination of the following consequences including but not limited to:  Extra Conditioning, Locker Room Cleaning, Restricted Playing Time, Suspension/Removal From The Team. 

  1. I will commit to the motto: Team – Teammate – Self.  
  2. I will take full responsibility for my actions on and off the field.  
  3. I will be on-time to all practices and games with a determined spirit, motivated to improve myself in order to improve the team.  
  4. I will offer my absolute best physical and mental effort during practices, games, conditioning and team meetings.  
  5. I will respect my teammates at all times by communicating in a constructive manner and motivating through example.  
  6. I will respect all members of the coaching staff and their decisions, communicating my concerns in an effective and respectful manner.  
  7. I will commit to the classroom, taking full advantage of the opportunities that surround me in order to maintain eligibility requirements.  
  8. I will respect opposing teams and officials by refraining from confrontation that may result in negative consequence.
  9. I will adhere to the CHCCS Drug & Alcohol Policy.  

I will adhere to the team rules and guidelines stated the 2013 Lacrosse team handbook.  

______________________________    _______________

            (Player Signature)                            (Date)

As a parent I will support my son in adhering to the rules listed above and will be positive towards other parents and players in the lacrosse community.

        _____________________________      ________________

             (Parent Signature)                           (Date)