DLA011-0050  Transcription 


April 1st 1916

Dear M. de Lászlò,

My mother has just told me of the most beautiful present [13422] that you & your wife are going to give me, & I do not know how to thank you enough nor tell you how I will appreciate it & value it throughout my life.[1] It will be a

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great honor for me to sit for you & I am at your disposal any time you will let me know when to go to your studio.

I really cannot thank you properly - but I know I could have no more beautiful present than one of your pictures.

We all love the portrait you did of Harry[2] [1725] - It is such a beautiful picture & could not be a better likeness.

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Again thank you & your wife a thousand times for your present.

Hoping to see you on the 19th[3]

Yours sincerely

Katharine H. Seligman.

[1] [13422] was a wedding present from de László to Katharine de Teissier, who signed the sitters’ book on 9th April 1916, ten days before her marriage. De László had previously painted the sitter’s stepfather and mother, Sir Charles and Lady Waldstein, in 1913 [7626] [7625] and their son Harry in March 1916 [1725]. For further biographical notes on Katharine de Teissier, see [13422].

[2] Harry Waldstein (later Walston) (1912-1991)

[3] The date of the sender’s marriage to Geoffrey Fitzherbert de Teissier.