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030713 jeffsmithresponsepftexas
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Email (excerpted), response to PolitiFact Texas, Jeff Smith, president, Opinion Analysts, March 6, 2013

6:06 pm


I can help with some of this.  From my post-2008 General Election audit... I showed 2,713,681 Hispanics registered and 1,382,360 (50.94%) voting in the general.  That excludes suspended voters (for very good reasons), so the official registration figure would probably have been even higher.  The active voter figure was 12 million, so there were a million people on the strike list, of whom many, no doubt, were Hispanic.  (OK, here are the reasons for excluding them:  The only thing we know about them is that they are not at the address where they were registered.  They may have died, moved out of state, or even moved in-state and reregistered in a new county.  Eventually they get sorted out, and if they vote, they get restored to the active list.)  I don’t have the over-18, non-felon Hispanic citizen count for fall 2008 to calculate the percentage registered.


From: Selby, Gardner (CMG-Austin)

Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 6:09 PM

To: Jeff Smith

Subject: RE: Checking this claim

How did you define Hispanics, by surname or some other way?

7 pm

Hispanics defined by surname, per census.  I use maiden name also.
