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Drone project needs
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Creative Commons (BY NC CA) licence granted by the authors. First published on Jan 17, 2014

Last Modified on Feb 10, 2014. Please keep us updated if you adopt this model and make improvements.

By Tiberius Brastaviceanu,  add your name here

Only SENSORICA logo is copyright. Content on this document is Creative Commons (BY NC CA)

Drone project

In collaboration with 

Aerial Platform for Reconnaissance & Utility Systems (APRUS)

and GRE3EN

If you contribute to this doc make sure you respect the Content rules

Mechanical design needs

Electronics design

Software development

Mechanical design needs

Skills needed - industrial design, mechanical design, materials engineering

Electronics design

Electronic hardware integration and optimization.

At this moment we are using Arducopter 2.5 with various add ons such as

Skills needed - electrical engineering, embedded programming.

Software development

We met with Pascal Nataf, CEO from Affordance  who were interested in SENSORICA and the Drone project.