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U5 - Handout - Consuming Kids Part 2
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NAME:                                                                                        BLOCK:

CONSUMING KIDS PART II - The Floodgates Open - Discussion Questions

Answer a minimum of three (3).  Answer all five (5) for extra credit or to make sure you get at least three correct.


1] According to the film, how does marketing to children today differ from the 50s, 60s, and 70s? Can you think of other ways it may have changed?

2] How has deregulation contributed, specifically, to these changes in marketing?

3] What do you think it is about kids, specifically, that makes them such a ripe demographic for marketers?

4] Do you feel the Federal Trade Commission should be in the business of regulating unfair and deceptive marketing to children? How about marketing to children, more generally, whether it’s deceptive or not?

5] With the increase and growth of media-linked toys and products, there has been a rapid growth in children’s consumption. Do you think we should be concerned about this? Why or why not? Is there special reason for concern regarding the use of licensed characters to sell junk food and other products to children?