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Lesson 7 Activity 7.1 The Grammar Police Will Not Arrest You

Lesson 7 Activity 7.2 Everyone Could Use a Mentor, Even a Mentor Text

Learning Target:

I can model why it is essential to master grammar and usage of the English language when speaking/writing.

 STEP 3:  

Read the information on writing an autobiography.

STEP 4:Create2.jpg

Write your autobiography in a Google Doc, following the guidelines in the Pinchera article and your instructor.

STEP 5:  

Have someone who knows you well be your writing advisor. Have them review your autobiography and edit for voice, experiences, and authenticity. Keep a list of the kinds of grammar/usage errors that your writing advisor finds. This list will become the points of instruction for you to see errors in writing. Your teacher will provide feedback and correct examples related to the types of errors in your writing.


Submit Autobiography for review.

ASSESSMENT: Use Autobiography Rubric [1] (or pdf) as guide for advisor and scoring.

Creative Commons LicenseThis page from English Language Arts 11 by MN Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

[1] http://www.schoolimprovement.com/docs/Common%20Core%20Rubrics_Gr11-12.pdf