No more need to check this doc! As of Jul. 14th, the Trump administration has rescinded ICE SEVIS change!

Intl. students are legally allowed to stay in the US even if schools hold online-only classes!

Thank you everyone for your support, and thank you Harvard and MIT for suing!

As you are aware, on July 6th, 2020, the ICE announced new restrictions and changes to the current SEVIS guidelines regarding F-1 students who are looking to pursue a full online course load in the fall 2020 semester.

Following is policy break down, a letter template, links and emails to send them to, list of in-person classes, petitions to sign and any updates (NYU OGS and President Andrew Hamilton course email included). Dean of CAS email summary will be included later.

Please let me know if there are any additional email addresses/info that could be helpful at or DM me on instagram @jannnetc and I will edit the document accordingly. Thanks y’all for the edits so far!! - Janet C.


ICE SEVIS as of Jul. 6th via @lananh.dinh on insta:

  1. Nonimmigrant F-1 and M-1 Visa-holding students whose schools are going online-only this fall must depart the United States or transfer to a school with in-person instruction.
  2. The U.S. will not issue visas to students enrolled in schools that are fully-online.
  3. Nonimmigrant F-1 students going to “hybrid” schools (both in-person and online classes) must remain in their institutions unless their school closes down or switches to fully online. If that happens, these students must leave the country or take a medical leave.
  4. International students can and will be stopped at airports/during travel, with the possibility of deportation proceedings if the student refuses to leave.
  5. Eligible students whose schools are operating in-person can only enroll in one online class.
  6. For schools operating in-person and online, they must verify that their international students are taking BOTH in-person and online classes. This means that international students, regardless of health concerns or restrictions, must attend in-person classes in order to stay enrolled and avoid deportation.
  7. If an international student’s institution changes to online-only classes or a student cannot take any in-person classes for any reason, they have 10 days to either leave the country or transfer to a different institution offering in-person classes.

INSTRUCTION MODELS a college can adopt: via @daniel_setton on insta:

  1. Entirely online: you may disregard the 3 online credit hour max limit and continue your studies online. However, you will have to leave the US to do so.
  2. Regular in-person classes: you are bound by existing regulations, including the 5-month rule, which means if you’re out of the country for more than 5 months during an absence of school, your visa status will be terminated. The US currently has a travel ban to a comprehensive list of countries, and student visa holders are currently NOT on the list of limited exemptions to these travel restrictions.
  3. Hybrid classes: you may take more than 3 online credit hours. However you must be in the US and taking in-person classes as well.





Please feel free to edit the letter so it doesn’t get filtered as junk mail!



To whom it may concern,

My name is YOUR NAME HERE and I am currently enrolled at YOUR SCHOOL HERE as an international student under an F-1 visa. As ISS has already informed me, you are already aware of the recent modification to SEVIS guidelines by ICE.

As an international student currently in the city, this would mean that if our school does not act or if the guideline modification is not rescinded, I will be forced to leave the country. While I am but only one of many students facing this particular scenario, as a school that boasts the highest percentage of international students in the country, supposedly championing diversity, it would reflect incredibly poorly upon the culture and reputation of the school to simply allow all of its international students to be deported.

A possible solution is as follows:

Seeing as the modified guideline states “Students attending schools adopting a hybrid model—that is, a mixture of online and in person classes—will be allowed to take more than one class or three credit hours online”, if our school was to re-structure its Fall 2020 curriculum once again to perhaps a hybrid model as suggested, more international students would be allowed to stay in the country.

While ICE has been clear that this modification to the SEVIS guideline is “Due to COVID-19”, the policy shift itself is clearly not in the interest of public health but rather a guise for what has been a series of stark anti-immigration policy modifications from the Trump administration i.e the indefinite H1-B visa restrictions announced last month. In the past our school has seemingly stood against the values and policies of the Trump administration, as one should expect from any self-respecting educational institution. The president of this country wants minorities out of this country, and this is one of the ways he is doing it. I implore you in these times to follow through on the words you have emptily mass-emailed your students year in, year out, and act.




Good Day,

 My name is (YOUR NAME)  and I am a (YOUR PROGRAM) student in the (YOUR SCHOOL or change to NYU) program. I just read the statement ICE published and I am deeply concerned for my classmates and friends who are International students in NYU, who will have to go back to their home countries. Plans among my classmates and friends depend on each of them, but I know that it is important that staying in New York especially for upper-classmen is extremely important. Plans that go from a contract or lease already renewed for the coming year, to internships and jobs and the opportunities the city and the university has to offer, not to mention staying on track with their degree to graduate on time. Consider the academic, financial, and emotional strain that this applies to our students in the following months.  

I understand that the school has already decided to have online classes next semester but I am asking there be an urgency to allow International students to stay in the U.S. This can come in the form of allowing some in-person classes so the statement does not apply to us. If some classes become in-person then the statement below would apply to our International Students and would allow us to stay:

" 3.Students attending schools adopting a hybrid model—that is, a mixture of online and in person classes—will be allowed to take more than one class or three credit hours online. These schools must certify to SEVP, through the Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status,” that the program is not entirely online, that the student is not taking an entirely online course load for the fall 2020 semester, and that the student is taking the minimum number of online classes required to make normal progress in their degree program. The above exemptions do not apply to F-1 students in English language training programs or M-1 students, who are not permitted to enroll in any online courses (see 8 CFR 214.2(f)(6)(i)(G) and 8 CFR 214.2(m)(9)(v))). "

 It is extremely important to stand for the communities that create NYU. The international community is a vibrant global community that enriches our classrooms and learning, one that represents more than a hundred countries and an immense amount of cultures and traditions. The country has failed to find solutions therefore we find ourselves in an ICE statement that attacks the well-being of our international community. I understand this situation is unprecedented, but please have all of this in mind before reaching a final decision.

 Our International students page states that NYU is a school that welcomes students from around the world. This is a time for the University to show that we are not only welcome, but that we belong to this community and have every right to remain in New York City.

 All The Best,  


LIST OF IN-PERSON CLASSES: courtesy of Lucca! (Thank you so much)

Disclaimer :

Some of the in-person designations could be “placeholders” and subject to change. OGS has told me that each individual department has decided whether those designations mean anything for now, so always good to check in with whatever department the class is in.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Just saw someone on Reddit say that they got an email from their professor saying all language classes will probably be online. I can’t confirm that but be aware of that risk if you sign up for one of those.

Class Name

Class ID’s of Open or WL sections

ART-UE 201 Sculpture I for Non-Majors

13600 (WL), 14079, 14080

ACCT-UB 70 Accounting and the Blockchain

22597 (WL), 22597 (WL)

SCA-UA 121 Elementary Swahili I


SCA-UA 321 Elementary Filipino I


CLASS-UA 3 Elementary Latin I

8703, 10484

CLASS-UA 7 Elementary Greek I


COLIT-UA 122 Lit of The Americas:

Transnational America


ENGL-UA 111 Literatures in English I: Medieval and Early Modern Literatures

10040, 10041, 10042, 10043

ENVST-UA 315 Environmental and Molecular Analysis of a Disease


HIST-UA 279 Sem Early Mod Europe:

Contemporary Europe


WRTNG-UG 1506 Writing about Television Drama


WRTNG-UG 1550 Fiction Writing


MULT-UB 24 Business, Economy, and Policy in the Midst of COVID-19


CWGV-UF 101 Creative Writing: Global Voices


CAT-UF 301 City As Text


FOOD-GE 2171 Food Photography

6763, 14122

HIST-UA 9 The U.S. to 1865

10836, 10837, 10839

HIST-UA 471 Sem: Tpcs:

Race & Family Stories


FREN-UA 1 Elemen French Level I

9005, 9006, 9007

SPAN-UA 1 Spanish for Beginners- Level I

9499, 9500

PORT-UA 1 Portuguese for Beginners I


ECI-UF 101 Principles of Macroeconomics

14540, 14499

APSY-UE 2 Introduction to Psychology and Its Principles

24435, 24439

CE-UY 1002 Introduction to Civil Engineering


SCA-UA 101 Social and Cultural Analysis 101


MEDI-UA 1 History of Western Art I

9305, 9306, 9307

MEDI-UA 210 British Literature I

9315, 9316, 9318

IRISH-UA 100 Modern Irish Language Elementary I

10924, 10094

IRISH-UA 187 The Irish in America


IRISH-UA 621 The Irish Renaissance


RELST-UA 781 The Quran and Its Interpretation


SOC-UA 1 Intro to Sociology

9991, 9997

FOOD-UE 1115 Understanding Research in Health & Development


IMNY-UT 101 Creative Computing

22673, 22674, 22675

IMNY-UT 102 Communications Lab

22677, 22678

MPASS-UE 1135 Improvisation Class


MATH-UA 9 Algebra and Calculus

9222, 9223, 9224, 9225

MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra

10058, 10051, 10411, 10414


  1. NYU Specific Petition:

  1. Petition:

  1. White House Petition:


NYU OGS EMAIL (July 7th)



If you are in the US and intend on staying:

  • NYU will be a hybrid school for Fall 2020!
  • Reach out to your advisor and make sure you have at least one in-person class, more if possible

If you a won’t be in the US for fall 2020:

  • Those who wish to keep F-1 active:
  • Enroll in at least one hybrid class outside of the US (apply to Go Local)
  • Those who could have their F-1 terminated:
  • Taking an all online course load while abroad could mean F-1 termination (no definitive answer)
  • Might lead to problems regarding future CPT/OPT (more below)
  • If terminated, you will need to apply for a new I-20 at least 3 months prior to returning to the US.



  • NYU along with many other colleges are urging the government to reconsider the guidelines.
  • For the Fall 2020 Semester, NYU is considered a “hybrid” school
  • If you are...
  1. International students studying within the US should be enrolled in at least one in-person or hybrid course. The school will work with you to identify an appropriate class if needed.
  2. Go Local students:
  • Students enrolled in Go Local will not be affected by the SEVIS change.
  • Go Local application is still open if you meet the criterias.
  1. Students with all online courses and will be taking them while abroad should not be affected academically but might need to re-quality for CPT/OPT
  2. J-1 Student: the latest guidance doesn’t apply,
  • continuing J-1 students: may take limited online courses,
  • newly admitted J-1 students: should defer US entry until there are enough in-person options.

For international students intending on studying WITHIN the US:

  • Must be enrolled in at least ONE in person/blended course: to maintain F-1 status
  • Work with your advisor: make sure you have at least ONE in person course, and more whenever feasible.
  • Pass/fail: If permitted by academic program, the in-person classes can be pass/failed
  • Graduate students ONLY working on thesis/dissertation: OGS will maintain your status.
  • If Fall 2020 is your final semester and don’t require a full-time course load: enroll in at least 1 in-person course, make sure to obtain permission from OGS for reduced course load.
  • Policy states that if the University switches to online-only, international students would need to depart, NYU is urging the government to reconsider.

For international students intending on studying remotely outside of the US

  • Go Local OR your academic program has hybrid learning outside of the US: if you are in one of those programs, OGS can maintain your F-1 record
  • Outside of the US and wish to keep your F-1 status active:  you must be enrolled in at least ONE in-person course. If you don’t have one and have not yet applied for Go Local, do so, application is still open here.
  • Graduate student on NYU approved research abroad for thesis at the graduate level: OGS can continue to maintain your F-1 record
  • Students with all online course load: acceptable from an academic perspective, but OGS may need to end your F-1 record, which means you will need to apply for a new I-20 at least three months prior to physically returning to NYU. In order to qualify for CPT/OPT, you need to be enrolled in-person for two consecutive semesters within the US, which could be affected if your F-1 is terminated.
  • If you only enroll in all online courses, it could lead to difficulties/denials of future visa and OPT requests, F-1 visa renewal or change of status requests.(there is still conflicting info from the government atm regarding this, will be updated soon.)


Jul. 8th Email regarding classes from President Andrew Hamilton:

  • Flexibility: NYU is emphasizing flexibility to make sure you can take classes regardless if whether you can physically be present or if situation changes
  • Types of Classes: will be designated on Albert
  • In-person Classes: instruction in -person, students unable to get to campus may attend remotely
  • Online Classes: all instruction remote, either at designated time or self-paced, or a combo of both, these classes will retain usual enrollment size
  • Blended Classes: mix of in-person and online instruction, consult Albert for more details
  • Every class will make remote attendance possible for the entire semester
  • Safety plan:
  • 6ft between students in classrooms, keeps gathering small
  • Large classes with enrollments of 40+ will be remote, many with smaller tutorials, recitations or other formats for smaller group, in-person interactions
  • Classrooms will be updated to help support remote teaching and learning
  • Class registration
  • Albert is being updated to reflect how courses are taught
  • For NY campus, updates will be completed by Monday, July 13th
  • On July 13th Registrar will begin notifying returning students to resolve scheduling conflicts
  • ALL returning students are invited to make any changes to their registration to ensure they have a mix of in-person/blended/remote classes that work for them. Contact academic advisor
  • Registration for first-year students opens the week of July 20th.
  • Three-semester flexibility
  • NYU will be providing flexibility in arranging course load over fall, spring AND summer without additional costs, contact academic advisor for details
  • Remote Attendance and Go Local locational flexibility
  • EVERY class, including in-person classes will be available to attend remotely, many will have special online sections reserved for those who plan to attend remotely
  • NYU Big Ideas:
  • Is a set of two-credit, online courses with leading thinkers and public features examining issues of the day, such as inequality, BLM, leadership and the role of AI
  • These courses will be able to all NYU students, more info to be posted soon and can be found on Albert
  • US Government Actions Affecting International Student Visas
  • Please read the OGS email or summary above asap if you haven’t already
  • Student Life
  • Most, if not all activities and services will be available, such as Wasserman, Berkeley Innovation Labs, Production Lab, etc.
  • Before Arriving at NYC:
  • Keep an eye out for more emails
  • As you arrive on campus in NYC:
  • For those moving into student housing, Move-In day has been extended to several days, with specific time slots to reduce lines and crowding, the university will send out more information in the coming weeks
  • Tradition of first-year student Presidential Welcome and Reality Show will be online
  • Housing:
  • There will be fewer students on each floor
  • There will be other off-campus housing which is being finalized
  • Additional group of room are set aside in case they are needed for quarantine and isolation
  • Large group activities will be remote
  • Students are expected to follow new safety and health rules
  • Dining:
  • Dining services will resume in the fall, but with substantial changes with meal service and seating
  • Students with meal plans should expect to receive more info later


The ICE policy for Fall 2020 is, indeed, upsetting to everyone.

Please do refer to the OGS email of 07/07/2020 for our guidance about

the ICE policy for Fall 2020.

Your Academic school of NYU will be able to provide you with information

about how classes will be conducted for Fall 2020, so please do check with

your academic advisor.

For information about the advocacy that NYU is taking,

refer to President Andy Hamilton's email of 07/07/2020 as well as his

letter to the senior US senator    Please note that OGS is in constant

discussions with NYU Leadership, Schools, departments, as well as our

national association to advocate for international students.

Email from President Andrew Hamilton: (July 7th.)

  • So far, planning will remain flexible based on the changing conditions and new public health guidances, and the university will provide accommodations to those with particular needs, and ready to respond to necessary steps (NO official response to ICE policy)
  • There will be updates throughout the summer on academic and campus life.
  • Preliminary core elements of public health strategy, Key Initiatives and policies:
  • masks/face covering: required, the University is working to procure supply of masks, but students are encouraged to have their own
  • Social distancing: Reducing density in NYU buildings by adjusting space and enrollment caps, no non-essential large gatherings. Reduction in dorm density with additional off campus accommodations, also adjustments to dining facilities
  • Reduced in-person admin presence, continued telework while ensuring high priorities activities can be continued
  • COVID-19 testing: details have yet to be finalized, but it involves:
  • Testing: required prior to returning to campus
  • Post-contact Testing: when member has COVID like symptoms or exposed to COVID-19, and of representative segments of the university for general disease surveillance
  • NYU COVID-19 Prevention and Response Team: will work with NYC contact tracing team to oversee the university’s effort in identifying and isolating members with confirmed cases and find and quarantine close contacts
  • Quarantine and Isolation: spaces are provided within student housing.
  • Symptom screening: those authorized to be on site will be required to complete questionnaires, and screen for COVIS-19 exposure and symptoms
  • Enhanced cleaning: and increasing COVID related education and awareness on campus.
  • Office of Student Conduct: will be ensuring compliance with public health rules.
  • Travel: all non-essential university related international travel suspended until further notice, domestic travels should be kept to a minimum.