Tags: iodine references, iodine supplements, iodine co-supplements, how to take iodine, how much iodine to take, best iodine supplements, hashimoto’s, iodine deficiency problems, pandemic of iodine deficiency, pulse dosing iodine, iodine detoxing symptoms, iodine books to read, grizz

Iodine References - Handout

Index To Optimal Health Files

Alternate sources for Iodoral


Also see Breast Cancer Choices for IodoRX ---http://breastcancerchoices.org/order.html 

Search Google for Iodoral

Photo: Severe iodine deficiency can result in Goiter (enlarged thyroid), Hypothyroid, Thyroid Nodules, Hashimoto's, Atrial Fibrillation ( Afib Link ).

Additional iodine deficiency problems include Brain Fog, Depression, Stomach Issues, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Ovary Cysts, Uterus, related cancers & female hormonal issues.

Men suffer thyroid, prostate,  testicular problems, related cancers & testosterone problems.

This file: http://tinyurl.com/Iodine-Handout

(With regular updates with feedback from doctors & members of the Curezone )

https://sites.google.com/site/iodinereferenes/home Our New Website

Body pH should be in a healthy range to best absorb iodine & other minerals


If you have cold hands, cold feet and a lower than normal body temp then you might have Hashi, Thyroid Nodules, or you could have rare “Hot Nodules,” all caused by severe iodine deficiency - that could result in hyperthyroid problems. Iodine doctors recommend taking all of the co-supplements for 2+ weeks before starting a low dose  of Lugols iodine. Be prepared and learn the facts.


 CAUTION 2 Do you have a rare allergy to iodine? Do the Iodine Spot Test before taking iodine. Allergies to iodine are rare but possible.




We have reports of some rare unknown problems that some people have experienced with iodine. If you experience problems with iodine even after a tiny dose once a week, then see your doctor for further assistance. A listing of iodine literate doctors here:


Everything in this document is related to explaining the Dr. Brownstein Iodine Project. Why we need iodine and the many health problems that result from iodine deficiency.  Fibrocystic Breasts,                 Fibromyalgia,                 PCOS,         Endo Cysts+fibroids,

Prostate Problems,         Thyroid ,    Migraines,        Depression,         CFS,     Cancers

http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/iodine.htm These  are fully described by doctors in this document. Supplements cost approx $1 per day.


Caused by the sea of Halide toxins we live in, that are displacing iodine out of the cells in our body. Our vital organs such as the thyroid, prostate, testes, ovaries, uterus, skin, breast & brain require iodine to function properly. Iodine with recommended supplements will detox these nasty chemicals out of our body to restore needed iodine levels & improved health.

( http://tinyurl.com/iodine-and-halogen-robbers )

Don’t miss this vital video by Dr. Flechas:


The recommended daily iodine co-supplements:  Disclaimer: 

Why Take Co-supplements: The Key to Success on the Iodine Protocol 


  • ½ tsp Natural Celtic Salt AM daily, Himalayan Pink Salt, Redmonds Salt or Hawaiian black salt. If salt is pure white, it is not acceptable (minerals have been stripped out )
  • 200+ mcg AM selenomethionine (L-selenomethionine recommended) 800 mcg Limit
  • 400 mg Magnesium - PM best=glycinate, citrate or malate others are poorly absorbed  - more may be needed - See this link  - (Calcium will purge magnesium)
  • 2,000+ mg Vitamin C - PM Sodium Ascorbate (easier on stomach) or Ascorbic Acid. Increase dosage to bowel tolerance:  See This Link 
  • 500 mg Vitamin B3 Non Flushing as Niacinimide.  (Niacin causes flushing) -or-
  • ATP Cofactors caplet  AM contains both 100mg B2 & 500mg  non-flushing B3 in the correct ratio. Take 1/2 caplet up to 25mg of iodine, then ½ more for each additional 25mg iodine. (Max 3 daily per label) Can be discontinued after 1 yr, IF iodine sufficient & no deficiency or detox symptoms.

Optional but highly recommended supplements,

Vitamin D3 Gelltabs 10,000 IU to boost the immune system, recommended by Dr. Kruse - Details  http://tinyurl.com/Vitamin-D-Report 

Taking Iodine

NOTE If you think you are hypothyroid (cold hands cold feet) iodine doctors recommend taking co-supplements for 2+ weeks before starting a low dose of iodine.

Take iodine in the morning,  since it can disturb sleep for some people. 2% Lugols liquid iodine (3.1mg per drop) Take Vit C in the evening, not with liquid iodine. 

  • Mix 1 drop a glass of water daily. If you have too many detox symptoms, then back off to 1 drop per week & slowly titrate up from there.
  • Next, Titrate up with iodoral 12.5mg iodine tablets (iodoral can be taken w/vitamin C)
  • add 1 tablet each week to eventually reach 50mg daily- 50mg Daily is the dosage target recommended by Dr. Brownstein to overcome toxins. After iodine sufficiency, drop down to 12 to 25 mg daily per Dr. Brownstein’s latest recommendations.
  • 50 to 100+mg Daily for those with deficiency disease listed above, two-50mg iodoral

Note: Leaders at the Curezone have discovered that starting with 100mg a day of iodoral or Lugols can blast away detox in minimal time. Everyone is different, may not work out well for everyone.  See Dr. Sircus & Trapper report below for details

 Vertical drops are specified, horizontal drops deliver almost  2 x more mg

* 2% Lugols Iodine = 3.1mg per drop ( Iodine 1.25 mg + Iodide 1. 875 mg )

* 5% Lugols Iodine = 6.25mg per drop ( Iodine 2.5 mg + Iodide 3.75 mg )

* Iodoral Tablet = 12.5mg per tablet ( Iodine 5 mg, Iodide 7.5 mg )

* Iodoral Tablet = 50 mg per tablet (Iodine 20 mg, Iodide 30 mg )

Taking SSKI

Why take SSKI instead of Lugols or Iodoral?  Many benefits of SSKI here:


Most Common Detoxing Symptoms

Detox fully explained by Slowsmile at the Curezone: See Link

Common Detox Symptoms are likely if you take too much iodine too soon, forcing more toxins into your blood stream than liver & kidneys can handle

* Pimples        * Bloat          * Headache        * Depression  * Other Symptoms

Pulse Dosing  to clear the kidneys of Toxins

Pulse dosing iodine has often helped  participants with detox symptoms =  taking a 48 hour or more break from iodine supplementation as needed, enhances the kidneys' ability to excrete toxins.  Also increase Vitamin C to bowel tolerance.  Or go back to a lower iodine dose that was problem free. Continue the co-supplements.

Salt Flush to clear the kidneys  of Toxins       

In addition to the daily ½ teaspoon of natural salt taken with vitamins every day, IF severe detox symptoms occur, then do the “Salt Loading Protocol Salt Flush.”

  • 1/2 tsp of Natural Salt is dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water, followed immediately with 12-16 oz  pure water. Repeat salt+water every 30-45 minutes until copious urination
  • Repeat each day for up to 3 days if needed to clear detox symptoms. MORE

Iodine Books to read :

Disclaimer:  Always consult with your healthcare professional before taking supplements

We recommend working with an iodine trained ( or local Naturopathic/Holistic ) doctor for all health problems. Traditional doctors know nothing about iodine & were never trained in Med School about iodine. They have deleted & censored their entire 100+ year history of iodine being a MAJOR medicine for most disease.  List of iodine trained doctors here:


This file is for educational purposes only - Do not assume any medical claims

Send your suggestions to Grizz at the Curezone

Doctors recommend Taking Iodine

When iodine stores are low they can be restored by taking 50 mg of iodine daily for approximately three months. The amount of iodine required to maintain the optimum level in the body varies between 12.5 and 37.5 mg. Daily.  Link

Report on High Iodine Dosages to Start

Leaders at the Curezone and many members at the iodine forum have determined that detox symptoms can be minimised by blasting the toxins away with a high iodine starting dosage of 100mg. Each participant must decide whether to start with a low, medium or high dose.  Everyone is different. See many testimonials from participants starting at 100mg iodine  Also see details on low, medium & high dosing options to help you decide.

High Doses in History - 1930’s by Dr. Sircus

We have to revisit the 1930s when iodine was still a universal medicine, present in the US Pharmacopeia and was used at much higher dosages than anyone even dreams of using today. The usual dose for treatment was 300 mgs (46 drops of full strength Lugol’s) to 1 gm (1000 mg, 154 drops). It is very important to realize that today’s Lugol’s is not universally the same as it was because of new federal legal requirements about concentration levels, where Lugols is regulated to 2% & 5%


The reasons for starting at 100mg - by Trapper @ the Curezone

Our Curezone Iodine expert explains why starting at 100 mg iodine makes sense.

“The Iodine project made it clear that full sufficiency in the body can be reached using their standard 50mg dose. thats right dear ones. Those licensed physicians start out every patient they treat with iodine with 50 mgs. 8 drops of Lugols 5%. 20 drops of the 2%. Why would anyone buy 2%? you’re getting more than twice the water and less than half of the iodine thats in 5%. you’ll never know the quality of the water used to water down 5% lugols, which is how it is sold in all the chemical houses.

“Back to the subject. we found on this forum that 50mg may still be inadequate to overcome the detox that takes place so abundantly at first. Some feel it, some don’t on low doses &  few feel them on high doses. (I have verified Trapper to be correct with my own research. - Grizz)

“We have no studies to show you but i can tell you what i think is happening.

“Again the 50 mg. the docs use that for the loading dose to test for iodine deficiency. If very little is excreted in the next 24 hours of urine collecting then it is assumed that the body snagged it all up. This produces mobility in heavy metals and other halogens but leaves the bloodstream bereft of any more iodine.

“The very thing the iodine docs are trying to avoid - that little dip in thyroid action that comes when it gets 60-100mg of KI hitting it all at once - with 50mg does is exactly the thing you want to happen. The body takes up iodine to a point and then stops, leaving the rest to go out the kidneys. It is this extra iodine in serum which protects the other cells from being contaminated and kind of escorts (it doesnt chelate, it mobilizes) them out.

“It’s counter intuitive but you either have to find out for yourself or go with what you know.”        


Bottom line - each iodine participant is different, with different levels of toxins, and so must determine for himself which dosage of iodine works best. There is no perfect answer for everyone - Grizz

Optimal Health Reports

See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zc1Foq1a-MnfARWYKDuax3mfaXu8Q8TtYdlmHqcr64I/edit#

Recommended Reading Research

Contains all of our Doctor Research Reports that verifies our reports.


Iodine Testimonials Prove Iodine can be a Miracle

With hundreds of serious health problems reportedly cured or improved, there can be no doubt that iodine is a Miracle from God.  


Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Curezone Q&A Files

End - Go back to Iodine References Website

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