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Visual & Media Arts: 2D/3D Scope and Sequence
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Visual & Media Arts:

2D/3D scope and sequence

2D: Students in this major will examine the visual dynamics that influence and determine the impact of all two-dimensional artworks. While a great deal of self-expression and experimentation is expected, providing a context and a language for viewing is important. To facilitate this, students are exposed to a wide variety of historic and contemporary artists and designers and the elements and principles of art as they pertain to 2D Design. The courses will cover basic art theory, skills and techniques including those specifically relevant to drawing, painting, composition and application of elements and principles of design.  Students will continue to build upon a base of fine art skills developed in previous art courses and will be provided ample opportunities to practice techniques and theory in multiple mediums to develop personal and creative expression. They will develop mastery of concept, composition, and execution of their personal ideas and themes.  Students will create works of art to add to their portfolio, be challenged to develop their own personal style and take part in Senior Exhibition.

3D: This hands-on major addresses the combination of sculpture, three-dimensionality, and design and explores form and space via a range of materials, techniques, and concepts.  Students will learn and are asked to demonstrate their understanding of the principles of design as they relate to and are articulated through the visual elements of design. Through exposure to contemporary and historical techniques and approaches, students are encouraged to experiment with both traditional and new materials. Critical problem solving, fundamental construction techniques, and creative inquiry are emphasized.  Sustainable design is highlighted as a means of practice and typical projects include, kinetic, body-based, and monumental sculptural works. Using a wide range of materials including, but not limited to, clay, plaster, cardboard, paper mache, wire, and fabric students create work using individual and collaborative approaches.   Students will work from historical and contemporary studies, observation, memory, and imagination to create work that is original and speaks in a meaningful voice.  Students will create works of art to add to their portfolio, be challenged to develop their own personal style and take part in Senior Exhibition.

Department Scope & Sequence

Courses in bold are required. Courses in italics are recommended. Courses with asterisk (*) require placement.









Exploring Careers 6th-8th

Art 7th 1,2

Art 8th 1,2

Art 1,2

Foundations in Visual Art & Design 1,2

Drawing & Painting 1,2*

Senior Art Studio 1,2*

Introduction to Fabrication & Design 1,2

AP Studio Art: 2-D Design1,2*









Exploring Careers 6th-8th

Art 7th 1,2

Art 8th 1,2

Art 1,2

Foundations in Visual Art & Design 1,2

Fabrication & Design 1,2

Fabrication & Design 3,4*

Introduction to Fabrication & Design 1,2

Senior Art Studio 1,2*

AP Studio Art:3-D Design 1,2*

Middle School Pre-Major

7th Grade

Art 7th 1,2  (0101, 0102): Open to 7th grade students. This course in drawing and painting which prepares students for 8th grade art and audition into high school by learning principles of color, composition, and perspective.

8th Grade

Art 8th 1,2 (0120, 0121): Open to 8th grade students. This course in drawing and painting which prepares students for audition into high school by refining understandings of color, composition, and perspective.

High School Major

Courses with asterisk (*) are required for the high school major; courses in italics are recommended.

9th Grade

Art 1,2* (5371, 5372): Required of all 2D and 3D majors. This course is a  foundational course in drawing, painting, composition, the elements and principles of design, historical and cultural context, aesthetic valuing, and fundamental visual and media arts practices. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

Introduction to Fabrication & Design 1,2* (3591, 3592): Required of all 2D and 3D majors. This course This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement and is a foundation art course structured to provide a base of fine art skills, techniques and theory in multiple mediums with opportunities for creative expression. Students are given practical experience in production of two and three-dimensional artwork in various media

10th Grade

Foundations of Visual Art & Design 1,2*  (3645, 3646): Required of 2D and 3D majors. This course teaches the elements and principles of design in the context of new media and entertainment; This foundations class is designed to teach students about the many potential careers and avenues in art through project-based learning, portfolio development, and reflections.

11th Grade

Drawing & Painting 1,2*  (0271, 0272): Required of all 2D majors. This course allows advanced application of previously acquired skills in: Art 1/2, Intro to Fabrication & Design and Foundations in Visual Art & Design. The emphasis of this course is on drawing, painting, composition, and applying techniques in a variety of media and subject matter. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

Fabrication & Design 1,2*  (8311, 8312): Required of all 3D majors. This course allows advanced application of previously acquired skills and gives students more detailed knowledge of the many areas of fabrication & design. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

12th Grade

Fabrication & Design  3,4*  (8313, 8314): Required of all 3D majors. This course builds on the skills learned in Fabrication & Design 1,2 and is a more advanced study of the principles of design using a variety of media, materials, and techniques. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

Senior Art Studio*  (0371, 0372): Required of all senior 2D and 3D majors. This course. allows students to develop a body of work that speaks to their specific personal voice and unique vision as an artist. The body of work that grows around that theme will investigate a strong visual idea and culminates in The Senior Exhibition. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.


2D/3D students are strongly encouraged to take one or more of the following courses to supplement their major course of study.

AP Studio Art 2-D Design 1,2  (0367, 0368). Open to 11th-12th grade 2D students. This course develops a portfolio that is composed of three components—Quality, Concentration, and Breadth. Students will be expected to develop mastery in concept, composition and execution of ideas and prepares students for AP Studio Art Portfolio for 2-D work. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

AP Studio Art 3-D Design 1,2  (0369, 0370). Open to 11th-12th grade 3D students. This course develops a portfolio that is composed of three components—Quality, Concentration, and Breadth. Students will be expected to develop mastery in concept, composition and execution of ideas and prepares students for AP Studio Art Portfolio for 3-D work.  This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

Photography 1,2* (5371, 5372): Open to 9th-12th grade students. This course will teach students basic photo techniques such as camera use, exposure control, film processing, contact printing and enlarging, use of studio lights, filters, light meters and reflectors. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

Video Production 1,2* (5371, 5372): Open to 9th-12th grade students. This course teaches the basics of filming: video cameras, computers, lighting, miscellaneous broadcasting equipment to learn about producing videos. This course satisfies UC “f” Visual & Performing Art requirement.

2016-2017 Visual & Media Arts: Photography Scope and Sequence