TW: SA, Noncon, Gore art, art with nudity, & sexual + suggestive themes

10/9/24 UPDATE: Another victim ended up coming out, Please check out his document for more details on this


9/15/24 UPDATE: Synni has been outed for grooming a 14 year old. She is currently 20 and about to turn 21. Synni even made a video admitting to doing this and knows she is wrong for it. Please check out the victim’s document to see the screenshots of their conversation and support the victim in any way that you can. Synni’s behavior is terrible.  


GOOGLE DRIVE FOR THIS DOC Apologies if I happened to miss uploading any, as this document features a lot of screenshots. Let me know if I have.

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After sitting on this for a while, I feel as if now I should finally speak about this. Please take the time to look over everything I have gathered before forming an opinion, as I cover a lot here. Thank you.

In this doc, I will be covering the following:

Synni’s suggestive and inappropriate interactions with minors.

Synni’s NSFW/suggestive messages/art interacting with minors and in her 13+ discord server full of minors.

Synni disrespecting Sock.clip’s boundaries after being blocked by her, making suggestive/nsfw comments and ship art about her OC’s when she is three years younger than Synni and is uncomfortable with Synni doing this. She also drew non-con of Sock.clip’s OC Boy and is still simping over/self shipping with Sock.clip’s OCs despite knowing this makes her uncomfortable.  

Synni’s inappropriate friendship that turned very NSFW with someone she acknowledges she had a “power imbalance with when she was an adult (19) and they were a minor(17).


I met Synni around 2020 to 2021 due to me joining a friend group she happened to be a part of. Me, Synni, and a few others who were a part of that friend group made a group chat together called Sock Gang to talk back and forth with one another. A few other members were added or left overtime and we all would talk on and off there every so often.

I was a part of this group chat during its creation, up until I left in October of 2023. I left due to a callout video being made about Synni (19 years old at the time) by a 17 year old that made me reflect on some of the things discussed within this group chat. Which, I will delve into farther in the document.

2021 wasn’t really the issue, it was 2022-2023. There were multiple members of this group chat who happened to be minors, while there were some who were adults.

I was one of the minors, 15 when the group chat was created and 17 when I left. As well as my partner, who was 16 when they joined in 2023. There were also two other minors who had been within the group chat who will be present within the screenshots.

Alongside us, there were 3 adults that will be present within these screenshots. One of them being as old as 24 by the time I had left.

Despite this fact, sexual jokes and other inappropriate conversations were shared within the group chat. Which, I will share within these screenshots. I will be going over the different screenshots one by one. I have a few notes before we go over them, though:

All of the ages, at the time of these conversations, will be specified within the screenshots for the Sock Gang section. If I have made a mistake regarding any ages mentioned within the document, please let me know and I will fix it as soon as I can. Though, to my knowledge, all of them are correctly stated. If this isn’t the case, I will fix it as soon as I can.

Also, specifying this now but some of the screenshots are in light mode or on different devices due to my partner taking the screenshots while the ones in dark mode were taken by me on my mobile device and computer.

I will be censoring the users of a lot of people in these screenshots to protect their privacy.

Please do not harass anyone mentioned within this document or messages, that doesn’t help or solve anything. I don’t condone that whatsoever. I just want to share my experience and thoughts on what I have seen, as well as heard from others.


So starting off, things like this were often said within the group chat. The deleted user with the yellow profile picture here is me (specifically here) while the user with the purple deleted profile picture is another minor. They will appear multiple different times throughout the screenshots. Despite this fact, sexual jokes were shared in the group chat and so were other inappropriate conversations.

By this point, I had turned 16 years old and the other person was still 15. Despite this, strange joking conversations like these still occurred with Synni. I feel like the main concern I have here is her engaging with someone like this who was 15 while she was 18. Not so much with me. Which leads me into my next screenshot.

Synni often posted her art within the group chat to show everyone and she posted this drawing within the chat with a spoiler over it. I have edited it so you can see which drawing was under it and this one is currently up on her page behind warnings. This drawing is gore art where her sona is also in underwear. I think the response after the drawing was posted within the group chat is concerning.

Here is Synni telling the group chat she got horny when listening to Ponder sprocket. The two people who engaged with this message are both minors. It is inappropriate for her to say something like this around a minor 4 years younger than her.

This is Synni speaking about how she was horny in the GC but didn’t know what to do about it. The person who is censored and replying was her at the time boyfriend and they are the same age. There were multiple minors in the group chat who could see and read these messages, for example, based off the dates one of the minors in the group would have been 15 years old and able to see these messages.

This is a different deleted user, whose age I am unsure on as I was told they were 24 when I had left but they have an intro in Synni’s discord server from 2021 stating they are 23.

I remember seeing this conversation take place while I was on call with my partner. Synni and another adult who I know to be either 23 or 24, 24 at the time of me leaving though, were talking back and forth within the group chat venting. The venting ended up including sexual sensitive topics. I think it is okay to vent about certain things like this in private. But it is not okay to talk about this when there were multiple minors present within the group chat. Including me and my partner, who was 16 at the time, being able to read it. There was another minor, 16 as well, even engaging with the conversation. Me and my partner were hanging out on call and had seen this conversation go down and I remember the both of us commenting to each other about it and feeling uncomfortable. Despite this, neither of us said anything. Even though we could have expressed our discomfort, looking back on it now I feel as if that was not our responsibility because it’s an adult's place to be mindful about what they are saying in the presence of those who are younger than them. The adults within the group chat should have known better to have that sort of conversation in private messages and not in the presence of people younger than them, yet they didn’t.


Synni has a discord server called Synni’s Fanclub. This server is a strictly 13+ server, as it is stated in the rules.

These rules have not been changed or altered since 2021. I was actually the one who wrote these rules for the server when it first was created because I was a moderator. There was very few moderators in the server and still are because they are all Synni’s friends. These rules have not been changed to this day, as these are the only rules present within the channel.

Here is also a moderator, very recently stating that the server is 13+ within the announcements channel and not to discuss 18+ topics. This announcement makes no sense. Members aren’t allowed to discuss 18+ topics but apparently Synni can. I will touch more on this in a moment.

This is rule #4 of Synni’s discord server. I’d like to highlight where it states “This server is 13+ and there are minors here. Keep that to yourself.” Despite this being a rule in the server for the past 3 years, Synni has on multiple different occasions, posted art containing nudity, suggestive themes, and alluding to NSFW within her server.

Synni posted this drawing within her art channel saying people can ”lewd her.” By the time this was posted to her 13+ server, she would have been 19. Upon checking different users who had reacted to this post, there are multiple different minors present who had seen this image and interacted with it, by reacting.

Here are just a few that I happened to see upon looking at who reacted to the image then looking up their users in the intro section of the server. There are many more. Yet, anybody could have viewed this post because she pinged the “Art Ping” role and not reacted to it.

The same NSFW & gore drawing that was sent in the sock gang group chat was also posted to her 13+ server.

I included this one due to the language used.

I would like to highlight this artwork specifically because of the reactions to it saying “nsfw” and where Synni says “she tops” NM in the initial message. There is a major issue with posting these types of works to an 13+ server because minors can see and interact with them. When going through the reactions on the work above, you can see that there are multiple minors who reacted to this art piece on the various different emojis under the artwork.

There are many more, but these are the first few that I found upon searching a few users who reacted to this drawing.

Similarly, there are people who reacted to and talked about her drawing within the art comments chat.

I chose to highlight one user in dark blue specifically because Synni replies to them twice. Upon looking up their intro, they are revealed to be 16. Their bio states this is still their current age. Synni was 20 during this conversation and when she posted that art of her and NM.


Upon looking up some of the other people present within these screenshots, they are also revealed to be minors via their intros.

This is a redraw Synni is doing of her baking while naked under her apron. She, 20, announced this to her 13+ server.

This comment was made in regards to Synni’s “nake bake” art. Based off this user’s intro, this person could possibly be either 16 or 17 and Synni is 20 right now responding to them in this manner.

On top of this, Synni has engaged multiple times with minors in either NSFW discussions or jokes publicly within this server.

This is a more current instance in 2024 where she asks about character ai. However, in 2023 she also talked about it on the server too. This is one user in particular participating in this conversation who I will be highlighting in yellow/orange.

There were minors present within this conversation interacting. This is also in the general chat of the server, so anyone could read it. Why I chose to highlight the user with yellow in particular was because upon searching their intro, I found that at the time this conversation took place, this user was 13 years old.

Synni would have been 19 here. She is publically telling these people in her 13+ server, replying to a 13 year old throughout the conversation, that she is looking for a NSFW character bot to talk to because she’s horny. This is absolutely not okay. Bringing a NSFW topic into a 13+ server is an issue because someone younger can possibly interact with it. I’m not stating that Synni knew of these users' ages, but it is a given that minors could see and interact with these topics because the server is 13+. There are more instances of her being NSFW throughout the server.

It is extremely inappropriate to be talking this way on a 13+ server, where anyone, 13 or older, can read or interact with the conversation.

Here is Synni, announcing in general chat that she can’t wait to move out so she can take NSFW commissions.

Here is her telling people within her chat that she wants a romantic, but also possibly sexual relationship. She put it behind a spoiler, which anyone can click and view. This isn’t something to be mentioned in a server full of minors.

Here is another suggestive conversation Synni within the server, specifically about Sock.Clip’s OC boy.

At the time of this conversation, Synni would have been 19 while the user she was talking about Boy’s chest to was possibly 16.

These are all chats I found by searching a few different NSFW terms, so there may be even more I have not seen. However, I feel as this is enough to say that it is incredibly inappropriate and unacceptable for her to talk this way and send this sort of material on a server that is known to be 13+. This discord is full of her fans, being titled “Synnibear03 Fanclub” and there have been multiple instances where minors have interacted with her or seen or even interacted with the suggestive content she is posting in there.

She is aware her audience is full of minors. Her discord server is as well.
Yet anybody can view the content she puts in her server if they state they are 13+ and are let into the discord. They can read those conversations or see this art, which is a huge problem. People are required to create an intro when they join a server and state their age. They can either say 13+, their actual age, or an age range showing they are 13 or older. It is very easy to look up someone’s intro and see their age given it is a server requirement that it is specified so you can be
allowed in. The information is accessible, yet I am under the impression she does not check this before engaging with these people in this way. She needs to be more careful on who she speaks to or around in this manner. A 13+ server is not the appropriate place for this at all. There needs to be more care shown with this, as bringing these certain topics into a space with lots of minors is not okay.


In October of 2023, I ended up leaving the sock gang group chat because a video was posted online exposing that Synni had been talking to a 17 year old, who I will be calling O for the rest of this document as I do not want to disclose their name, inappropriately while she was 19. I will delve more into this in a bit because I feel like more light needs to be shined on it. Me and Lorel ended up talking about this when the video came out. I’m showing these conversations to prove what I was referring to happening. (I will include a mini screen recording of the start of it in the Google drive to prove its authenticity) This conversation took place in October.

Lorel is referring to Synni’s conduct with O at the start of the conversation.

We talked a few times about the situation regarding O and one of the things brought up honestly really concerned me.

Lorel stated that O had sent Synni photos of herself in her underwear.

To my knowledge, O’s birthday was in
December, while Synni’s was in September.

They became friends in July of 2023 and this message was sent to me on October 8th, 2023. They stopped talking “about a month ago” by the time that message had been sent to me, which would have been in September. I find this extremely concerning because if O hadn’t stopped talking to Synni, there could have been a chance that Synni would have been 20 still talking to this 17 year old in this way. Especially since they had been talking about moving in together. If the person had not ghosted Synni, these types of suggestive conversations could have continued. Their birthday is in December and they wouldn’t have turned 18 until a few more months. Synni, 19 years old at the time, was sent photos of O, 17,  in their underwear.

I’m including this one because the “Onision style” comment was also really concerning. Synni had not known this person very long and she is someone with a large following.

It got to the point that a doodle page was created containing multiple different suggestive artworks of them together, drawn by Synni.

Whether or not she was “baited,” this was absolutely not okay. She also drew and wrote very explicit vent scenarios about another creator (Sock.clip)’s OC Boy and sent them to O.

Keep in mind, this comic has been public for months in a video Synni was interviewed for regarding O.

O wrote this one and this is Synni responding to it.

Upon speaking to O about this, O told me they initially didn’t know what Synni was going to send them regarding the comics. They were both on call and Synni was apparently being very vague and said she wanted to show them something “weird.” She more specifically referred to it as “the boy comic” at one point and O thought she may have just been fangirling over him or something of that nature. This is O’s personal account of those events before Synni had sent it to them.

While this artwork was meant to be vent artwork and O apparently “begged her to show her the comics,”  it still does not make it okay.

Why? Outside of age, there was a power imbalance between the both of them given Synni’s platform (I will highlight a comment she left farther into the document where Synni expresses this sentiment) and these explicit artworks and scenarios featured Sock.clips OC’s in them. Sock.clip was 17 years old at the time these works were created, had Synni blocked as artwork/comments Synni had previously made regarding her OC’s overstepped her boundaries, and is not comfortable with this type of content being made of her characters whatsoever. She publicly has it stated on her profile.

This is still present within Sockclip’s bio to this day

Synni has been creating content containing Sock.clip’s OC’s since 2021.

She went on to create a ship comic featuring her and Whitty, another one of Sock.clip’s characters.

While this comic was being created and worked on, Sock.clip blocked Synni. Despite this, she kept creating content containing Sock.clip’s OCs.

She was weary about Sock.clip not liking content like “simping” for her characters being made of her OC’s. She acknowledges this in her server in 2021. She also acknowledges that Sock.clip does not like her OC’s being shipped and sexualized on her Twitter in 2022. Synni had made a joke asking Boy, Sock.clip’s OC, to have sex with her. In response, multiple of Sock.clip’s fans pointed out that Boy is Aroace and Sock.clip had already blocked/told her to stop making ship content of her OC’s previously.

This is a photo the “really dumb joke” she made regarding Boy, which is still public within her server to this day.

Before she posted that version of the apology, she sent a different one within the Sock Gang group chat that was ultimately never posted as I said it was not a good idea to post it.

The person highlighted in yellow is me. In this comment you can see that Sock.clip told Synni to stop. Synni has demonstrated multiple times that she is aware of Sock.clip’s boundaries and what makes her feel uncomfortable.

On her tweet where she had apologized for crossing Sock.clip’s boundaries, a user had replied to it with NSFW commissioned by someone else as a birthday gift to her. This artwork has been archived by someone named “Maybesalty” on Rule34.

Upon further looking, the outfit depicted in here is from an art post she created regarding Whitty in 2021.

Even if Synni was not the one who commissioned this work, she still received it as a birthday gift and it somehow got posted publicly by someone else. Sock.clip, the owner of Whitty, would have been 3 years younger than Synni depending on which birthday. NSFW material should not be created of a minor’s OC’s. This art is still publicly up on Rule34.

The amount she vents to and around her fans is concerning. Synni made it seem like Sock.clip had sent her fans to “hatebomb” Synni. However, Sock.clip’s fans, on their own without being sent by Sock.clip, had just called Synni out for making a sex joke about a minor’s aroace OC. It is incredibly ironic of her to claim this of Sock.clip, because she had said this publicly within her discord server where all her fans who are verified can see. Venting in her public server about Sock.clip is actively building up animosity towards Sock.clip with her fans. It is hypocritical.

Being blocked by someone means
don’t interact anymore with them. It is a huge indicator that someone wants you to leave them alone. If you continue the behavior that got you blocked, just because you are blocked doesn’t mean it doesn’t effect the person whose boundaries you are disrespecting. In June of 2023, she took to her discord server to say this about Sock.clip and her OC Boy.

She had said this publicly within her discord server that Sock.clip had blocked her for how she had been depicting her characters. Yet continues to still ship herself and post content with her OC’s. This was before those comics got leaked and posted. She also acknowledged, within the same conversation, that Sock.clip was 16 when she was shipping herself with Sock’s OC Boy and had made a sex joke about him.

I would like to highlight where she acknowledges that Sock.clip was three years younger than she was when she was creating all this ship content and making these sort of jokes towards her characters.

“Imagine being upset that someone 3 years younger than you doesn’t like you.”

Sock.clip was not being “mega sensitive” when trying to enforce her boundaries over her own characters. Synni had been drawing her characters and shipping herself with them long after she had first initially been blocked by Sock.clip. Sock.clip is the one who owns Whitty and Boy, not Synni. Sock.clip had every right to react the way she did.

When someone within the server pointed out the fact that Synni, 19 years old at the time of writing this, was shipping herself with a 16 year olds OC’s who made it very obvious that she was not comfortable with it, her response was: “Yea… it’s pathetic, isn’t it?”

She knew Sock.clip was younger than her and was overstepping her boundaries, yet continued to make that type of content of her characters. Which had then escalated and were those written scenarios sent to O/those comics.

Back onto the topic of the vent comics and scenarios she created of Sock.clip’s OCs. Like I said previously, even if this content was vent work and was not meant to be posted publicly, it’s still wrong to make this certain content to be created including someone’s OC who would absolutely not be okay with this content being created in the first place. She demonstrated she knew Sock.clip did not like what she was doing publicly already, venting about it in her discord server.

I ended up speaking to Sock.clip about Synni and she said that she was too afraid to put her foot down and tell Synni to stop drawing this sort of material of her characters. When she had tried, it felt like her and her boundaries were being disregarded and she couldn’t convince Synni to stop. So, she told Synni to just not show anyone if Synni drew her characters in that manner again.

It isn’t bad to create vent work to cope with your own traumatic experiences or anything else for that matter. The problem here is the fact that these vent pieces include another creator’s OC’s, who was a minor and is not
okay with this content being made of her characters, and they were also sent to another

In March of 2024, within her discord server, after everything had gone down months later, she still referred to Boy as “her current fictional boyfriend.”

The mentions of him, within this conversation made by her, were hidden by spoilers. He is still her profile picture to this day.

In August of 2024, she did a redraw of herself baking where she is naked under her apron and posted it to her 13+ discord server. In the background, you can see Sock.clip’s OC’s Boy and Whitty in the background, alongside her other “fictional boyfriends.”

This shows an obvious lack of respect for Sock.clip’s boundaries to be including Boy and Whitty in this drawing, especially posting it publicly within her discord server. They are accompanied by other characters she often ships herself with so the intent here is obvious. She could have easily removed them from this drawing if she cared about respecting Sock.clip. Yet she hasn’t because she is still creating content and shipping herself with Sock.clip’s OCs. Synni has expressed multiple times she is aware of Sock.clip’s boundaries around her OC’s and that she is uncomfortable with what she is doing, yet still continues to just completely ignore Sock.clip’s boundaries. It is disrespectful and absolutely not okay.

Now, here is a comment Synni left on the original video made by O back in 2023.

I have a screen recording of this comment in the drive. Once again, I will state now that I do not agree with the way that O had gone about doing their videos. They had posted graphic NSFW Synni sent them uncensored. There was also some personal information included within these videos that should have been censored or removed. However, Synni acknowledges a few things here within this, saying:

“I’ll admit I’m wrong for doing this stuff with someone who’s one year under 18 years old” (17)

“I also won’t deny I had some form of power imbalance since I’m a larger YouTuber.”

And even “Yeah I’m 20 now and you’ll be 18 in December, unless you lied about that too.”

She knows that she was wrong for doing this, that there was a power imbalance in between them, and states it, despite then saying that  she viewed them as a peer due to them only having a two year age gap. She is the one with the huge platform, not O.  Whether someone is “one year under the age of 18” or not, does not deflect from this. O was still a minor. The bigger focus here is that she said  “I also won’t deny I had some form of power imbalance since I’m a larger YouTuber.” When looking through Twitter, I found a message sent by Lorel in Synni’s discord server that was posted on an anonymous account talking about O’s situation. When I tried to refind this within Synni’s discord server, it seemed to have been deleted.

This is a part of the original conversation I had grabbed from Twitter. I’ll zoom into the screenshot they sent of Lorel making a statement about Synni and O.

I don’t have the full message or conversation due to grabbing this from a Twitter post but Lorel, one of Synni’s friends, acknowledges in her summarization of the situation that:

“O wasn’t comfortable with some of the things Synni had said but never established boundaries because of (what I’m assuming) is idol mindset.” This is someone else, close to Synni, believing after the situation was over that there had been some sort of power dynamic between O and Synni. In a normal friendship, someone wouldn’t harbor an “idol mindset” towards the other. I would like to say that they happened to meet on discord. O joined Synni’s discord server titled Synnibear03 Fanclub, made an intro, and immediately started drawing fanart of Synni.

After O had joined, they appeared to have become friends. This is joke art O created that is publicly still in Synni’s server of Synni and Sock.clip’s OC boy.

The nature of how they met was through O being a fan, or at least knowing of Synni through her platform. In O’s initial video, they stated that they were lonely and wanted to befriend “Synnibear03.” This shows they had prior knowledge of who Synni was as a content creator only.

“So I got lonely and then I decided to go befriend Synnibear03. It literally worked. I don’t know how but we became friends.”

This is the direct quote from the start of O’s initial video.

This shows when it’s acknowledged publicly, in Synni’s server, that they had become friends because they were going to do a livestream on Synni’s channel together.

I’d now like to speak on a video that Synni was most notably interviewed in for her side of the situation between her and O.

I talked to O about this conversation in particular and they said that one of the main issues they had with Synni was the lewding of Sock.clip’s characters Synni was doing.

This is something that Synni had done multiple times to and with O despite Sock.clip’s boundaries. O sent me this screenshot to provide further context on their “it wasn’t the problem” statement.

I would like to add, the video where she is interviewed and gives her side of the story to an extent, the content creator of it was 17 at the time the video was made.

Synni would have been 20 here as it was November 18th and Synni’s birthday is in September. To my knowledge, she wasn’t aware of the creator’s age. However, she should have done her diligence in asking their age before sending NSFW conversations to them. As due to not asking this information, she ended up telling this creator that she copes with sado-masochism and non-con. Even if these things are coping mechanisms and it is to provide context to the situation, she still confided this information with another minor. This isn’t a discussion that should be had with a minor, let alone information you should be disclosing to them, no matter the supposed reason for it. It is important to be careful with who you speak to online and to remain mindful as well as aware of someone’s age when discussing certain topics. Yet this is something Synni was not aware of prior.


I saw multiple definitions that said extremely similar things to these, so I ultimately chose to include these two here to show what these terms mean. I understand coping fictionally with these sorts of mechanisms, that isn’t the problem. The issue is who she is telling this information to, who is being sent these comics (O) and whose characters she is choosing to depict within these scenarios(Sock.clip’s).

She also sent more expanded upon explicit conversations between her and O to this creator. I will provide a screen recording within the Google drive that shows where they state that these conversations were sent to them by Synni.

These conversations show how O and Synni spoke together in more detail. Synni and O both spoke suggestively to one another. The last one is a random photo of someone in lingerie. However, it’s completely uncensored within the video. Which leads me to believe Synni sent this screenshot to this creator without censoring it.

I believe it’s careless for Synni to be sending these types of conversations to someone she does not know the age of. Even if it’s to provide more context of her and O’s conversations. Because the creator ended up being 3 years younger. There should have been more carefulness exhibited by her when discussing topics such as these with others.


Synni sent a few messages to the commentary channel who made a video about the entire situation with O and I’m going to end this document off with it for a reason.

The Sock Gang group chat and the messages within it have really been bothering me for a longtime. Ever since I left, I really couldn’t get the stuff that was said in there off of my mind and all that stuff just struck me as odd. I know more things were said, however those were all the screen caps my partner had grabbed before we ultimately both just decided to leave. I did not want to include a lot of things I don’t have screenshotted proof of. Synni says here that she is aware that she shouldn’t have been talking to a minor like that. And also says she is aware that her audience is full of minors.

If that is the case and she has acknowledged that she was in the wrong for how she spoke to O, then that also makes the comments made within the Sock Gang group chat not okay. She has said suggestive jokes and comments to/around multiple minors in that group or who were just in it and could read it. Outside of that group chat, she has conducted herself inappropriately within her 13+ discord server. On top of that, she drew and created suggestive and non-con content of Sock.clip’s OC’s that completely oversteps her boundaries multiple different times.

I understand that a lot of these are from 2022-2023, and it is now September of 2024. However, It has taken me a while to build up the courage to finally speak about all of this. Because once this is posted, anyone can really say their peace about it and that scares me. But at the end of the day, it’s something I kind of just have to get over if I ever wanted to say something about this at all. I know that all that was said and done by Synni was wrong and I do not want to sit on this any longer. This should be spoken about and people need to know about it.

The way Synni has conducted herself within her discord server isn’t alright. It is a 13+ server with many, many minors in there. She knows that her “audience is full of minors” yet has spoken inappropriately in there numerous of times.

It wasn’t okay that Synni depicted Sock.clip’s characters in a way that oversteps her boundaries, since she has time and time again done things to disrespect them. She has publicly talked bad about Sock.clip to her fans and as of 2024, is still simping for her characters. She knows this makes Sock.clip uncomfortable but is still doing it anyway.

The way Synni spoke to O was wrong as it is the adults job to discourage conversations like that between themselves in a minor. Especially when she ended up acknowledging there was some form of power imbalance between them due to her platform after everything had been posted.

Her actions have been and are completely inappropriate and people need to be aware of this, as well as how she behaves.

If there is anything in here that someone wants removed, especially within the screenshots, please let me know. I’ve tried my best to remain respectful and not show anything extremely personal unless absolutely necessary to prove that something had happened and give credibility to it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If there’s any questions, I’ll try my best to answer them or provide clarifications to the best of my ability. If anyone has anything else they believe should be added here or any other experiences with Synni of their own, feel free to message @AddressingSynnibear03 on Instagram. Thank you again.