Week 2, 1/19 & 1/21

Unit One: The External Built Environment

Due by Monday!!!: 

1) Two Reading Summaries

Due Thursday:

 2) One submission to image, sound or artifact library

 3) One Annotated Bibliography (will use Zotero later)

4) Comment on one peer’s Summary blog post

***Post each assignment as a blog post and submit via the form.

(Extra points suggestion: upload an extra site description, compose a blog post reflecting on your experience so far with Atlanta built environments)


Tuesday 1/26

        *Discussion of readings

        *from summary to ABs

        *Types of research methods

*Observation and Note taking



Thursday 1/28


*Discussion of readings

*Types of research methods

*Observation and Note taking



G2W: pp 209-217 (plagiarism), 283-328 (Ch 9: Writing about images)

2.0: Chapter “Diagnostics” (10 points per diagnostic), Chapter 61: (Academic Work in Any Discipline), Chapter 16E (Conducting Field Research, review)

Week 3: 1/26 & 1/28

Due by Friday 2/5 (11:59 pm)

  1. 2  Annotated Bibliographies (Early +15)
  2. Review your points via the Google Doc (link shared with you via email) and Comment back to me: What do you think? What action will you take?

Peer review 1 summary and 1 annotated bibliography* (optional)

(Extra points suggestion: organize a group discussion of the readings for Unit Two, visit an instructor’s office hours with specific questions for discussion, contribute images to a Flickr hashtag you set up for this course)


Tuesday 1/26

        *Discussion of readings via Summaries review

                ***When to use quotations? Why use them?

                ***How to cite quotations (MLA). Why?

                ***How to cite/label images. Why?

*Primary/Secondary research


        ***Library Databases

        *Expository writing (External Built Environment description): What information to include? Why? How?

*Analyzing sources


Thursday 1/28


Google search terms

Google to Library (for subscriptions to databases)

Topic/Working Thesis/Questions/Key words

Annotated Bibliographies vs. Summaries

ZOTERO: Sign up for an account and communicate to me your username via your “points so far” Google Doc


G2W: pp 329-376 (Ch. 10: Into Culture: Research and Writing Beyond the Classroom) (Quizzes 7 & 8)

2.0: Chapter 17 (review), Chapter 13: (Analyzing Arguments), Chapter 8 (Developing Paragraphs)

Week 4: 2/2 & 2/4

Due Friday 2/5: 1) 3 Annotated bibliographies

                               2) One submission to image, sound or artifact library

                           3) Any extra points activities for unit one

Due NEXT Friday 2/12: Built Environment Description #1

(Extra points suggestion: organize a group discussion of the readings for Unit Two, visit an instructor’s office hours with specific questions for discussion, contribute images to a Flickr hashtag you set up for this course)

Tuesday 2/2

        *Annotated Bibliography Review

*Finding secondary sources

Thursday 2/4

        Mandatory Meetings with Mrs. A (instead of class)

All meetings to be held in Mrs. A’s office: Langdale 970. Sign up sheet in class, Tuesday 2/2.


G2W: pp 329-376 (Ch. 10: Into Culture: Research and Writing Beyond the Classroom) (Quizzes 7 & 8), 2.0: Chapter 17 (review), Chapter 13: (Analyzing Arguments), Chapter 8 (Developing Paragraphs)

Week 5: Final week of Unit 1

Due Friday 2/12:

1) Built Environment Description #1

        2) Readings for Unit 2: Summaries due  Monday 2/15 (11:59)

Tuesday 2/9:     *AB review

                         *Citation practice (in-text and end citation)

                 *Built Environment Description

                 *The Rhetoric of a Website

                  *Ethics and primary research

Homework: Add an “SOS” category to your website (slug: “sos”) No punctuation in the category name or the “slug”... Extra points for anyone who wants to compose and post a “tech tutorial” about how to do this. Add ONE question/Answer one question to the “SOS” category for +30 each.

Thursday 2/11: *Built Environment Description

 *Research in the library databases

                 *Keyword search lists

I will accept ALL Unit 1 Required Assignments for points if submitted by Sunday noon: 2 reading summaries, 3 Annotated Bibliographies. After that, I will only accept these works for completion credit/no points. Still, they must be completed by the end of March in order to pass the class.

Week 6: Tuesday 2/16, Thursday 2/18

Due this week: Summaries for Unit 2 (2 summaries, Monday 15th)

Work on Annotated Bibliographies for Unit 2 (3 new sources) Due next MONDAY (22 February, midnight)

Sign up for Interior Built Environment to study: Wednesday Morning, I’ll email the link


        1)      Discussion:

a.       Tick and Bazelon

b.      What do you think about the Tick argument?

c.       Should architects and designers design for inclusion/acceptance/comfort, for Universal Design?

d.      What do you think about the writing?

                                                               i.      Visual Mode?

                                                             ii.      Spatial?

e.      What do you think about the Bazelon argument?

f.        Is it more or less useful than the Tick?

g.       What do you think about the writing in the Bazelon piece?

                                                               i.      Spatial mode?

h.      Should bathrooms be gender neutral? Locker rooms? What other design solutions exist? Is there a problem to begin with?

2)      BED

a.       Skills: writing pure description

                                                               i.      Describing place

                                                             ii.      Describing feelings/responses/reactions

                                                            iii.      Choosing the amount of detail/choosing the details themselves: What is the purpose of the writing? Who is the audience?

b.      Skills: developing arguments

                                                               i.      Judging, evaluating, commenting

                                                             ii.      Using evidence

c.       Let’s look at 2 examples


        *Continued discussion of readings

        *In-class reflection assignment (up to 100 points)

***Don’t forget to check your GOOGLE DOC for responding to my feedback. If I don’t see response from you, I will stop scoring your work.

Week 7: Tuesday 2/23, Thursday 2/25

Due this week: Work on Unit 2 Summaries, ABs, BED (due March 4th)

Tuesday: Discussion        Research Question


*What are we researching and why are we doing it?

**What kinds of sources are you finding? Which ones seem helpful? Which ones not? Why?

***We are researching the built environment of Atlanta. (i.e. The GSU Sparks Hall)

**Why? Eventually we will draw conclusions about/analyze a built environment of Atlanta. Before we do that, we need to gather evidence of the built environment of Atlanta. So we conduct primary and secondary research. The Primary research is our Built Environment Description. The Secondary research is documented in our Annotated Bibliography.

**So what are you looking for in your AB? Sources that can help you understand the built environment in a better/new way.

**What is the history of Sparks Hall? Who is Spark?

**If you restrict your search to “the design of the interior environment of Sparks Hall” then you’re not likely to get much information from it.

**ACTIVITY #1: Create a list of 3 “research questions” that can guide your researching the built environment of Atlanta. Choose a focus on an external, internal, or digital environment. (An example of a “digital environment” might be a website for a local restaurant, or the GSU website.) (up to +15)

Discussion:         Annotated Bibliographies

**So far, the Abs are expanding via the inclusion of “useful” quotations and paraphrases. Now we need to focus on the “how could the source be useful to our research? Or why isn’t it?” section.

**Find some example ABs (anyone want to workshop one?) Browse the course website.


***How might the source be useful to our collective research efforts? Expand the “usefulness” discussion present until it’s about a third of the AB as a whole (or more!).


***ACTIVITY #2: Take ONE of your Abs and expand the Usefulness section so it’s at least a third of the AB as a whole ( up to +25)

Discussion:           KeyWord Search Terms


**How to expand your list of key words? Look at the library website for a source of interest. Look at the “Subjects” under which it’s categorized. This will give you terms.

**Use the Bibliographies of sources to help expand your list

**Use sources for expanding your terms even if you don’t particularly agree with an article’s argument.

**ACTIVITY #3: Compose a list of 20+ Key word terms for your “internal environment” research (one point per key word term/phrase)

Week 8: Tuesday 3/1, Thursday 3/3

Due this week: Work on Unit 2 Summaries, ABs, BED (due March 7th, midnight)

This week my goal is for us to accomplish these three tasks:

  1. Discuss and practice the relationship between topic and research question
  2. Practice and discuss the art of rendering detail
  3. Practice and discuss the art of “seeing” beyond assumptions

***By the end of next week, 3/10, I will no longer accept work related to Units 1 & 2 for points.

Week 9: Tuesday 3/8, Thursday 3/10

Due this week: Work on Unit 3 Summaries and any points-related work for Units 1 & 2 (due March 11th, midnight)

Tuesday 3/8:        *Digital Environments

*Assessing the usefulness of the resources we are generating

Thursday 3/10:         Discussion of Readings*** Please read Dr. Hocks’ article for THURSDAY!!!! We will use it in class. It is a great model for digital environment analysis.

                                *We will discuss and assess the usefulness of readings

***By the end of next week, 3/10, I will no longer accept work related to Units 1 & 2 for points.

Spring Break: Annotated Bibliographies and BEDs Unit 3, Revisions Units 1 & 2

Week 11: 3/22 and 3/24

Due: 4 Annotated Bibliographies (7, 8, 9, & 10) by Friday, midnight

Tuesday and Thursday we will:  

   1) discuss units 3 & 4

                   2) color walk

                   3) discuss scope and argument

                   4) discuss medium, genre, and convention

Week 12: 3/29 and 3/31

All Unit 3 work (BED, etc.) Due Monday April 4th.

Tuesday: Claims and Evidence, Ethos

Thursday: General Outlining/Designing

Week 13: 4/5 and 4/7

Built Environment Analysis Draft due by class Tuesday 4/12

Tuesday: Workshopping the General Outline

and Storyboarding argument design

Thursday: Continued workshopping of GOs

and Storyboarding argument design

Week 13: 4/12 and 4/14

Due Tuesday (THURSDAY): Built Environment Analysis Draft

Tuesday: No Class!!! Instead of class, use this time to work on your Built Environment Analysis. (I will be available and on campus Tuesday for meeting with you one-on-one. I will be available on Monday and Wednesday, too. Please email me to make an appointment.)

Thursday: Today we will workshop Built Environment Analyses. If you’d like us to look at yours, please email me and let me know! Also we will discuss the following:

Week 15: Final Week of Class!

Due: Built Environment Analysis

Must be completed and submitted by FRIDAY 29 April 2016, midnight

Please check to insure you have submitted all required project posts for Units 1, 2, and 3.

Please CHECK YOUR GOOGLE DOC! Read and respond to any questions and feedback present on the document.

Remember: Extra Extra Credit Assignment (also due by Friday 29 April, midnight).

It’s been a pleasure working with you all this semester! Please keep in touch! Let me know how your writing and digital writing is going...