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Part 28: Gyara Overdose!
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Part 28: Gyara Overdose!



                ‘Robin, what a surprise! How are you keeping? How is Growly? Where are you?’ my mother asked through the screen on the video caller. Her face seemed lively and fresh as always.

All of the morning grogginess immediately left my body. A smile stretched across my face at the sound of her slur of questions. I hadn’t seen or talked to her since meeting her and Professor Oak in Celadon City. It was nice to finally catch up.

‘Relax Mom, I’m doing fine and Growly’s fine too’ I reassured her, ‘I’m in Vermilion City and yesterday I beat the gym leader, AJ!’ I said proudly and opened my shirt, revealing my new badge.

‘Oh, that’s great news, honey! I’m so proud of both you and your brother!’ she giggled.

‘Oh, Vic, how’s he getting on?’ I asked, remembering that my older brother was also off on his own Pokémon journey. He had competed in the Indigo League last year and was now venturing around Johto.

‘He called yesterday. He said he had just won his seventh badge. Isn’t that amazing?’ She said excitedly.

I smiled nervously, almost embarrassed that even after all my hard work, I was still two badges behind Vic. ‘Good to hear!’

My mother continued to smile as I grinned edgily.

To my relief, the awkward moment was broken when Mia leaped up onto Mom’s lap. She meowed and pawed the screen at the sight of my face.

‘Hey Mia, nice to see you too’ I laughed. ‘Are you looking after Mom?’

The Meowth nodded and snuggled up to my mother, nuzzling her under the chin. She was still wearing her signature leather boots and silver chain, given to her by her previous, deceased owner. I missed training and battling with her, but I was glad to see her getting on so well with my mother. The two just seemed to have a connection.

Realising the time I smiled back at the two. ‘Sorry for cutting you short, but I really have to go. I still have to call Professor Oak and our boat leaves soon’ I said hurriedly.

My mother simply smiled and nodded understandingly. ‘Alright, but be sure to call again soon. We’re all rooting for you here, honey. Also, there are rumours of the Viridian gym re-opening. Just thought I’d let you know. Anyways, bye hun. Love you’

‘Bye, Mom’ I mumbled mindlessly.

It was only as the screen went black that I began to register what she had said. Could the Viridian Gym really be re opening? Viridian’s last gym leader, Agatha, was a strong trainer of ghost types and a member of the Elite Four, but she retired years ago, leaving the gym vacant. I was dying to find out more information about this. Perhaps Prof. Oak would know? I hastily dialled the professor, eager to find out more.

The phone rang... and rang... and rang... and-

‘Robin, good to see you! I take it as you’ve spoken to your mother?’ said Prof. Oak in his usual, cheerful manner.

‘Good morning, Professor. I sure did’ I replied with a smile.

‘That’s good. It’s important to keep in contact with her as often as you can. It’s only fair, you know. Did she mention that Vic called?’ he said.

My smile fell and I sighed deeply. ‘Yes, she did’

‘Then I can assume you heard about him earning his seventh badge?’

I nodded wearily.

Prof. Oak then frowned as he spoke in a stern voice ‘And that he has captured over forty Pokémon from Johto alone?’

I shrunk back into my chair, knowing I was about to get a lecture about the lack of Pokémon I had caught.

‘You know, Robin, I do realise that being a Pokémon trainer isn’t always easy, I was one myself you know. But you’ve only sent me one Pokémon and although I appreciate her beautiful aroma, I cannot conduct extensive research around a single Bulbasaur. You must capture more Pokémon, not just for my research, but for you to develop as a Pokémon trainer. You’ll never become a Pokémon Master with the same six Pokémon, no matter how hard you train them! Do you see where I’m coming from?’ he asked, frustrated.

 ‘Yes, Professor, I’m sorry. I’ll try harder. I guess I’ve been so caught up in training and gym battles that I haven’t gotten much of a chance recently. I promise that I’ll do the best I can!’ I said sincerely.

‘That’s the spirit! I think this calls for a poem. Pokeballs, so pretty they sit, yet better off used’ he said with a hint of sarcasm.

His sly remark made me smile and perk up again. ‘Oh, by the way, I was wondering if you knew anything about the Viridian Gym. Mom said something about it possibly re opening’

‘Yes, there have been rumours of construction workers inspecting the site, but no word as of yet who might be running it. Very mysterious’ the Professor said, almost intrigued by his own words. He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before swiftly moving on the conversation. ‘So, is there anything else I can help you with?’

‘Umm... now that I think of it, would it be ok if I swapped around one of my Pokémon? I’d like to take Beri with me for a while, if that’s alright?’ I asked.

Prof. Oak smiled. ‘Of course, I’ll send her over right away!’

I unhinged one of the pokeballs from my belt and laid it under the transporter tube. When Prof. Oak returned, he pressed some buttons and pulled a lever. My pokeball was consumed with static before disappearing. After a minute, a new pokeball appeared in its place.

‘Thanks, Professor’ I beamed and took the pokeball from the machine.

‘No problem at all. I wonder what surprise rests within this little pokeball?’ the professor pondered as he curiously examined the pokeball I had just sent him.

It was a surprise all right, I thought to myself as a sly smile stretched across my face. The pokeball suddenly began to levitate out of his hand and rise until it was level with his eyes. He stared at it anxiously as it floated ominously in the air.


Without warning, the pokeball thwarted the Professor in the face and knocked him off his chair. He groaned in pain as he continued to lie on the ground, off the screen.


Sir Duke suddenly materialised, his pokeball in his deathly claw. He laughed hysterically as Prof. Oak clambered up against his desk, rubbing his sore head. He shot an angry look at the Haunter before reverting his eyes back to me.

‘You have a very peculiar taste in Pokémon’ he muttered.

I tried to stop myself from laughing. ‘Take care of the Professor, Sir Duke’

The Haunter flew around the room, knocking numerous pokeballs off the shelves in the office before coming to a halt beside the Professor. He then stretched out his tongue and licked the Professor in the face, snickering devilishly. Prof. Oak’s face drained of all its colour and he slumped back down to the floor.

‘Oak... out!’ he groaned and the screen went black.

I chuckled heartily to myself before turning my attention to Beri’s pokeball. I decided to summon her and welcome her back to the team.


The Bulbasaur cried happily and immediately ran over to my leg, hugging it with her vines.

‘Hey Beri, good to see ya. Are you ready for another adventure?’


She said, happily nodding her head.

Suddenly, Kiro sprinted into the reception area of the Pokémon Centre and pranced over beside us. He danced around Beri excitedly. The Bulbasaur greeted Kiro by gently waving her vine. Kiro was shortly followed by Aly, Salvadore, Togepi and Cubone, who rushed into the room in a panic, carrying all our bags.

‘W-what’s going on?’ I asked, puzzled.

 ‘Our boat’s leaving in twenty minutes is what’s going on!’ Aly screamed, startling everyone else in the Pokémon Centre.

I glanced down at my poke gear.



Returning Beri to her pokeball, we quickly left the Pokémon Centre and ran towards the harbour, leaving the busy streets of Vermilion City behind us. We paced along the dock, desperately searching for the St. Anne. Dozens of boats and ships lined the harbour, some ready to leave while others were just arriving from abroad. The smaller boats bobbled vividly on the choppy water, struggling against the sharp northerly wind. We started to wonder if we would ever find the St. Anne.

It was Salvadore who eventually spotted the name embroidered in silver across the cruise liner. A moustached man, dressed in a fine blue sailor suit was standing at the dock, waiting on the last passengers to board. We rushed over to the ship, panting from exhaustion.

‘Good morning. May I see your tickets, please’ the man asked politely.

Aly and Salvadore produced their tickets from their pockets and hurriedly gave them to the sailor. I frantically patted down my pockets, searching for my ticket, but it was not there. I then began to root through my bag, tossing pokeballs, potions and items out of the way, but...


My eyes widened as the sailor and my friends stared at me curiously. I remembered back to the night before, where I had left my ticket in a bedside locker in the Pokémon Centre dorm. Aly must have forgot to pack it when she was gathering my stuff and there was definitely no time to go back and get it.

I gazed up at the sailor with pleading eyes ‘Sir, I know this sounds bad and it is, but I left my ticket back at the Pokémon Centre. Please, you have to believe me!’

‘I’m sorry, son, but if you don’t have a ticket you can’t board the ship’ the man apologised.

Aly and Salvadore looked at each other nervously and then back at me. I sunk my head in my hands, moaning in frustration before looking up at the usher. ‘Look, is there any other way I could get on this ship. I have to get to Gringey City as soon as I can! There’s got to be something I can do!’ I asked desperately, my heart thumping louder as the ship’s engine began to roar.

‘I’m sorry, but I cannot let you board without a ticket. If it’s any consolation, there is another ship stopping off at Gringey City next week. I truly am-’

‘Let him on. He’s with me’

The sailor’s apology was interrupted by a voice from behind me. I turned my head to see a woman dressed in a long beige trench coat and matching hat. The collar of her coat was propped up and covered her neck and chin. Her hat shadowed mysteriously over her eyes. She stood in a confident demeanour, defined by her satin red stilettos. Even Salvadore was too overcome by her mystic presence to fall lovingly at her feet. She quickly flashed some sort of card in front of the sailor. The man glanced at the ticket and then blushed, bowing respectfully at the woman.

‘Of course, madam. Sir, if you would please accept my apology and step right this way, the St. Anne will be departing shortly’ the man gestured towards me with a curtsy.

I stood there puzzled for a moment. Aly hastily grabbed my arm and yanked me onto the steps leading up to the ship. Kiro skipped along happily by my feet. We were the last passengers to board the ship and within minutes of our arrival the engines roared out along the port and the ship set sail.

Still stunned from my last minute entry onto the ship, I took a little time to observe my surroundings. The St. Anne was a posh, upper class cruise liner, evident from its impeccably well kept decking, a spotless white exterior and the frames and railings consisting of a beautifully smooth marble. I peered over the railing, looking down from the upper deck. It must have been at least several stories tall, sailing sturdy along the choppy water.

After this inspection we decided to make our way to our dorms. Just like the rest of the ship, the rooms were prestige. The cream bed sheets were neatly pressed. Silk curtains draped over the small window which were constantly being sprayed from the waves of the sea. A small bathroom accompanied the room. A sink and bath matched the glistening marble on the ship’s exterior. Due to my lack of a ticket I settled for sharing a twin room with Salvadore, but I didn’t mind. Just to be on this ship alone and knowing that Gringey City was getting ever nearer was good enough for me.

After spending a while admiring the en suite, we quickly left our luggage by our beds and went to check out the rest of the cruise liner. I also hoped to meet that woman who had helped me out in boarding this ship. It was really kind of her, especially considering that we had never even met before.

Me, Aly, Salvadore and our Pokémon left our luxurious cabins and made our way to the upper deck. We followed the faint sound of people and Pokémon cries which became louder with each floor we went up. Intrigued by all the commotion we pressed on up the countless flights of stairs until we eventually made it to the outer decking. Crowds of people were entering a giant room, where the Pokémon cries were now distinct. We followed the droves of passengers, consisting of all ages and social classes through the inviting doors.

I was shocked when I entered the hall to see several Pokémon battles taking place. Spectators cheered on the Pokémon and their trainers as an array of attacks illuminated the room. One battle which immediately grabbed my attention was a physical contest between a Poliwhirl and a Pidgeotto. Impressed by this battle of strength I checked my Dex:

Poliwhirl, the tadpole Pokémon and the evolved form of Poliwag. Poliwhirl’s spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates, causing drowsiness to those who stare at it for too long.

Pidgeotto, the bird Pokémon and the evolved form of Pidgey. Its outstanding vision and highly developed claws make it a natural predator in the wilderness.

The Pidgeotto was circling over the Poliwhirl, under the guidance of an elderly man wearing an old fashioned tuxedo and a monocle. At his command, the Pidgeotto’s wing glowed an ominous white and it soared through the air, striking the Poliwhirl in the stomach.

The tadpole Pokémon struggled to its feet and shook its body, trying to focus itself. Its trainer, a young boy wearing a matching combat pants and t shirt told his Pokémon to ready itself for another attack. Pidgeotto was circling around the ceiling once again, waiting to pounce at its next command. After building up enough momentum, the elderly man ordered his Pokémon to use another wing attack.

However, the Poliwhirl was ready this time and swiftly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding Pidgeotto’s attack. Its trainer then ordered it to use a body slam. The Poliwhirl leaped onto the back of the unaware Pidgeotto, slamming the helpless bird Pokémon to the floor. Pidgeotto cried out in pain as the Poliwhirl applied the pressure of its entire body weight onto its opponent. The young trainer clenched his fist in confidence, but the elderly man simply cleared his throat and urged his Pokémon to fight back.

Amazingly, the Pidgeotto began to frantically beat the floor with its wings and violently shake the Poliwhirl off its back. Once freed, it soared towards the ceiling once more before swooping down, striking the Poliwhirl with an incredible aerial ace. Poliwhirl was sent bundling backwards and sprawled out on its back- fainted.

The gathering crowd cheered for the Pidgeotto as it flew a victory circle before perching faithfully on its master’s posed arm. The young trainer returned his Poliwhirl, thanking it for its effort. He then nodded respectfully at his opponent before taking his leave. The elderly man fixed his monocle and invited any other trainers to challenge him and his Pidgeotto.

I stared excitedly at both the Pidgeotto and its trainer. That Pokémon was so strong. There was no way I could turn down this opportunity. My mind quickly raced through which of my Pokémon would be most fair to use. It would have to be Toto. The Croconaw would definitely have his strength tested, but he also had ice fang in his arsenal, just in case.

I was just about to run up and accept his challenge when a voice hissed from behind me.

‘Psst! Hey you, kid! Come ee’re’

I turned around to see a man ushering me over to him. I stared curiously him for a moment before approaching him with caution. The man wore a white top and apron with a matching head band. He stood confidently over what seemed to be a counter, covered by a red clothe. His shifting eyes and shady moustache made me feel somewhat suspicious.

‘Hey, kid, have I got a deal for you’ he said in a Hispanic accent. He suddenly whisked off the red clothe, revealing not a counter, but rather an aquatic container with wheels containing three Magikarp. ‘For just five hundred dollars, one of these Magikarp, a rather handsome investment, could be yours’

I looked bemused at the fish tank as the Magikarp seemed to just float motionless in the water. ‘Sorry, but these don’t like much’

The salesman suddenly burst into laughter, but quickly composed himself. ‘Look, kid, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. These Magikarp may not seem like much now, but in the long term, they can make you millions! Between you and me, this Pokémon is like a money machine. Sure, a Magikarp lays a thousand eggs at a time and every single one of those eggs becomes a new Magikarp. Those thousand Magikarp lay a thousand more eggs, which make a million Magikarp. Every one of those million Magikarp lays a thousand more eggs! You see where I go with this?’

I nodded slowly, still somewhat suspicious. ‘Uh... I think so...’

‘If you sell all of those Magikarp for just ten bucks each, that’s ten billion dollars!’

I gasped at the prospect of all that money. The possibilities... all the things I ever wanted...

‘So, what do you say? I usually charge one thousand dollars, but for you, I’ll throw in some special Magikarp food, a breeding guide and this limited edition Magikarp keychain, all for just five hundred dollars! We have a deal, hmm?’ the salesman asked excitedly, jingling a small Magikarp keychain in my face.

I was still struck with awe at thought of all the things I could do with all that money. I quickly snapped back to reality, focusing on what my true goals in life were. I’m a Pokémon trainer, striving to become a Pokémon master. All of the money in the world couldn’t buy me those. I would just have to make my own fortune.

However, before I got a chance to decline the offer, Salvadore walked over to my side and frowned at the salesman. ‘Hmm, are these your Magikarp?’ the breeder quizzed the shady man.

‘Yes, but they could all be yours for a very special price at just-’

‘Save it! I’m not interested’ Salvadore spoke sternly ‘I’m more concerned about the well being of these Magikarp. They look malnourished and their faded scales indicate a lack of exposure to fresh water. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were a con man!’ the breeder accused.

The salesman clenched his fists in anger and pointed rudely at Salvadore. ‘How dare you denounce my noble profession’ he shouted angrily.

‘I agree these Magikarp do look unhealthy’ said a familiar voice from behind us.

I turned back to see the same mysterious woman who had helped me board the ship earlier. She walked over to our side and closely inspected the fish tank before shaking her head. ‘It’s obvious that you’re not fit to care for these poor Magikarp. Also, it is illegal to sell Pokémon without a proper permit, which I’m guessing you don’t have?’ she posed her question coolly.

The salesman yelled in a fit of anger once more. ‘Who are you people, making all these claims and accusations!?’

The woman swiftly whipped out an identity card from her coat pocket and held it out in her hand. ‘I’m Agent Ann and with the authority of the G Men Department I’m placing you under arrest for the illegal sales and mistreatment of Pokémon!’ she announced.

The salesman shrieked in disbelief as he cowered behind the fish tank. His eyes then widened in shock and he pointed passed us ‘Hey, is that an Articuno?’

We all glanced behind us to where the con man had pointed, but I could see nothing. Suddenly, I turned back to see the man running away, wheeling his tank of Magikarp with him through the crowds of trainers and spectators. We had just been duped. Agent Ann, Salvadore and I instinctively followed him, yelling after him.

We followed the con man through the hordes of passengers, apologising to those of whom we bumped into in our pursuit. We even had to cut across a heated battle between a Starmie and a Wigglytuff. We covered our face and quickened our pace as we barely evaded a bubble beam attack. As we continued to chase the salesman and the Magikarp, we passed a confused Aly. She called out after us, wondering what on earth was going on.

‘That man is a con artist! We have to stop him!’ I yelled back at her, but continued to follow his trail. Registering what I said, the dragon tamer also joined in the chase.

We tracked the salesman out of the hall and onto the outer deck. He steered the aquatic tank passed passengers and crew members, barely missing some of them in his rush to escape.

Suddenly, the con man seemed to trip over his two feet and plunged to the wooden decking, pushing the fish tank with force as he fell. It rolled across the ground, thrashing the helpless Magikarp inside. Everyone watched in horror as the aqua tank skid and bundled awkwardly towards the rails, breaking through the barrier and toppled over board.

The con man was quickly apprehended by two well built sailors before he could even attempt to run away. Agent Ann, Salvadore and I approached the edge of the ship where the tank had smashed through the protective railing. Aly stayed behind with Togepi, Kiro and Cubone. We cautiously peered out over the edge to see if there were any remains of fish tank, but there was nothing to be seen. With a sigh, I turned my back on the waters and started to walk over towards Aly and our Pokémon.

A sudden flash of light shone briefly behind me and the entire ship fell silent. I nervously turned around, anxious of what to expect...


Everyone on board looked and gasped on in horror as three giant beats rose from the watery depths bellow. They roared ferociously at the ship, boasting their large mouths and fangs in the process. Their eyes furrowed beneath their trident like crown, frowning at all the terrified passengers. I barely managed to break my gaze from this sight to check my Dex:

Gyarados, the atrocious Pokémon and the evolved form of Magikarp. Once it begins a fit of rage, it persists in its violence until everything in its wake is demolished.

I stared wide eyed at the three Gyarados, realising that must have been the three salesman’s Magikarp, all of whom evolved at the same time and were now out to get revenge!

Without warning, the Gyarados in the middle lunged forward and chomped the decking, narrowly missing Agent Ann and Salvadore who were sent flying backwards from the impact. I helped the breeder to his feet and we looked on at the chaotic scene. The middle Gyarados continued to take chunks off the upper deck. The Gyarados to the left was ramming hard against the side of the St. Anne, sending powerful vibrations through the ship and knocking some passengers and Pokémon off their feet. People screamed and cried out in terror.

However, it was the Gyarados to our right that was my greatest concern. It must have recognised us from the tank when we were talking to the salesman. It glared down at us and opened its jaw. I white ball of energy began to grow between its fangs. With a swing of its head it released a hyper beam directly at us. The attack hit the wooden decking before our feet, causing an explosion that knocked us all backwards. I landed heavily on the wooden floor, moaning as I lifted myself upright.

I turned to Salvadore. ‘You’re the breeder. Got any bright ideas?’

The breeder clicked his fingers as if he had a plan. ‘From the wise words of M. Saje, “Gyarados, a burning anger that cannot be undone, so from their hyper beam it’s best that you run!”’ And with those words, Salvadore turned on his heels and tried to flee.

I quickly stuck my hand out and grabbed his shoulder. ‘Hold it! Don’t you remember what my pokedex said? If we run away, the Gyarados will destroy the whole ship. We have to try and stop them!’

‘He’s right. We can’t let them continue this rampage’ Agent Ann agreed, walking over to our side. ‘However, we don’t want to put the Gyarados in any more pain. They’ve already been through enough being held captive by that vile con man. If we could just stop them from attacking for a few moments I think I could get through to them’

I was bemused, unsure if a person could actually talk such beastly Pokémon out of their rage, but Salvadore nodded in agreement. He unhinged a pokeball from his belt and tossed it into the air. ‘Exeggcute, I choose you! Use your psychic attack to stop those Gyarados!’

The egg Pokémon hopped and swivelled excitedly before focusing on the far right Gyarados. Their eyes glowed a mysterious light blue. The Gyarados who was readying another hyper beam was then enshrouded with a blue psychic energy. It immediately stopped its attack in surprise.

‘Psychic, that’s a great idea!’ Agent Ann said with a smile and held a pokeball into the air. ‘Golduck, I need your help. Use your psychic too on the other two Gyarados!’ she commanded.

A Golduck materialised from the white beam of energy, its arms folded. It calmly raised one of its webbed claws and its eyes shone a similar blue colour to Exeggcute’s. The far left and centre Gyarados were instantly coated in a blue psychic energy, causing them to cease their thrashing rampage.

Seeing that all three Gyarados were in a temporary stable state, Agent Ann fearlessly walked over to the middle Gyarados and raised her hands peacefully. ‘Gyarados, please stop this. Please don’t take out your anger on everyone, just because of how one man mistreated you’

The Gyarados frowned and roared ferociously in her face, fighting against Golduck’s psychic attack. The Golduck clenched his claw, causing the Gyarados to bellow in pain. Agent Ann waved back at her Golduck, signalling for it to ease its psychic attack. Golduck obediently relaxed its fist and the Gyarados frowned once more.

Then, to everyone’s surprise, the G Man agent walked right up to the Gyarados’ face and rested her hand on the bridge of its crown like scales. I was starting to question this woman’s insanity. That Gyarados could easily swallow her in one go.

Agent Ann spoke softly, gently stroking the Gyarados’ crown and staring deep into its frowning eyes. ‘Gyarados, we mean you no harm. Find it in your heart to forgive the man who mistreated you and your friends. Return to the sea, your home. You’re free now’

The Gyarados continued to stare at the woman, its eyes gradually softening. A tear welled up in the corner of its eye and slowly trickled down its trembling jaw. Agent Ann continued to stroke Gyarados’ crown and motioned to her Golduck with her free hand. Both Golduck and Exeggcute stopped their psychic attacks.

The centre Gyarados then turned to its two companions and roared to some words of understanding to them. To everyone’s shock and relief, the three Gyarados retreated from the ship and swam off into the distance. There was a short silence before the whole upper deck erupted into a chorus of cheers for our saviour, Agent Ann. Aly, Salvadore and I gave a hi five in success. We then went over to congratulate Agent Ann in her outstanding bravery.

‘Wow that was amazing how you got through to the Gyarados like that. How did you know it would work?’ asked Aly, still in awe as she cradled an excited Togepi in her arms.

Agent Ann smiled ‘“Gyarados, it frightens the very sun itself and makes the sky weep; let its heart be loved”, a favourite poem of mine by none other than Professor Samuel Oak’

‘Sounds like a Prof. Oak poem alright’ Salvadore joked.

We all laughed at the breeder’s comment.

I then turned to the agent and spoke earnestly ‘Thank you so much for everything. Not only did you save us, but I would still be stuck in Vermilion City if it wasn’t for you’

‘Don’t worry about it. You guys actually remind me of some friends of mine’ she said with a glancing smile at Salvadore. She then turned to me. ‘Also, if you didn’t board this ship, those poor Magikarp may still have been held captive by that con man. It’s a shame he got away though’

I cocked my head around, noting that the salesman was nowhere to be seen. He must have slipped away during all the commotion from the Gyarados attack.

‘Anyways, if you’ll please excuse me, I must have a few words with the captain. Thanks for you help again’ Agent Ann said sincerely before walking off into the large crowd of chatting passengers.

I looked at my friends and smiled. I then turned to face the open sea. Kiro leaped up my back and perched himself on my shoulder.

We stared into the cloudy horizon. We were due to arrive at Gringey City the following morning and then it was on to Fuchsia City for my next gym battle.

My journey to becoming a Pokémon master was still unclear, but I knew with my friends and Pokémon by my side, I’d make it there some day.