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05 - Pendulum Lab
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Pendulum Student Designed Lab


To use what you have learned in this unit regarding proper measurement and calculation techniques in order to discover which of three factors affect the period of a pendulum.


A pendulum is simply a weight that is able to swing from a fixed point. You can easily make a pendulum out of a piece of string and any weight. For the purposes of this lab you will should use a weight that can easily attach and that you have multiple of so that you can perform multiple trials.

The three factors that you are tasked into examining in this lab are:

You are expected to do multiple trials of each value and so that you will have a better chance of eliminating sources of error. All measurements will be graded based on being made accurately on being recorded to the proper precision (all the way to the uncertain digit). All calculated values will be expected to have the proper number of significant digits.

Project Expectations

Your final project should have the following clearly labeled sections.


Data and Analysis

Conclusion and Evaluation

Grading Rubric






____5 pts

3 hypotheses are stated. No justification is given or justification does not match the hypotheses.

3 hypotheses are clearly stated. Vague justification for each hypothesis.

3 hypotheses are clearly stated along with a clear justification of each based on student’s prior knowledge.

Experiment Description

____15 pts

Many materials are omitted. The description is much too vague. No attention is given to reduction in error. The experiment is not closely related to the hypothesis.

Some materials are left out. The experiment is a little fuzzy. Not much attention has been given to error reduction. The experiment will test the hypotheses required.

All needed materials are given. The experiment is adequately described to be reproduced. Thought has been given to reduction in error. The experiment will test the hypotheses required.



All data is present, though not clearly labeled. Little attention has been given to the precision(significant figures) of the values. Student has data from only one trial. Graphs show general trend but are not easy to read.

All data required by the procedure is present and clearly labeled. The precision (significant figures) of the measure and/or calculated values are not realistic. Student has data from only a couple trials. Graphs are clearly labeled and easy to read.

All data required by the procedure is present and clearly labeled, to the proper degree of precision. All average values have been calculated to the proper precision (significant figures) as well. Student has data from multiple trials.

Graphs are clearly labeled and easy to read.


____5 pts

Conclusions do not agree with data and/or supporting reasons not given.

Conclusions all agree with data, weakly supported by evidence.

Conclusions all agree to data and are well supported with evidence.


____5 pts

Student gave examples, but no detail. Student does not mention precision and accuracy.

Student gave areas of excellence and improvement, but did not support with much detail. Student mentions precision and accuracy limitations or how they can be improved.

Student was very thoughtful in the factors pointed out as areas of excellence / improvement. Student addresses limitations in precision and accuracy and how they can be improved.

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