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ORRC Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 15, 2014



Present: Steve Wright, Kelly Barten, Tanya Zeryck, Becki Tempel, Dave Green, Bonny Benton, Will Cortez

Missing: Jeff Wehrman, Dave Cook, George Watson, Valerie Pratt


Approve minutes of August Board meeting minutes

The August minutes were approved as submitted and will be posted to the ORRC website.


VP Membership Report (Dave G.)

Dave had nothing to report this evening.


VP Races Report (Will)

There were 188 participants for Greenway. The average age was 50.


VP Marketing Report (Kelly)

Posters are being made for the Get Away with ORRC program. Two copies each will be mailed to local running stores. It will be necessary to get an email set up specifically for the lottery. Kelly asked Bonny for information about the 10k series, in order to write an article for the January ODR. She is planning a similar article on the 5k series for the following ODR. An extra 600 ODRs have been printed to be handed out at the Portland marathon expo. Kelly will send Bonny a pdf file of the poster which Bonny can print at Kinkos and use at the expo.

Action Item: Bonny and Kelly


Treasurers Report (Val)

Valerie was absent, so no treasurer’s report.


Office Coordinator update (Steve)

There were 12 applicants for the position, of whom 5 were given interviews. The decision was made to hire Trisha Swanson. Not only is she qualified for the position, but has worked as a race director. She will start on Monday intermittently (due to prior commitments), but will be working 20 hours a week by the end of the month. Her main job at first will be to start the new volunteer program. Steve will get her an ORRC email for ease of contact.

Action Item: Steve


2015 Budget Development (Steve)

Not all RDs have submitted budgets yet. The goal is to have the revenue and expense numbers put together for the board to review in October.


November 1 RD Workshop (Kelly/Steve)

Kelly will set up a meeting time with Steve and Mark Barrett to work on this.

Action Item: Kelly




Turkey Trot update (Dave G.)

Dave set up promo emails in August, ready to be sent out in Sept. and Oct. Dave will send out emails to volunteers, most likely tonight. Dave and Wanda Johnson will be following up with those people by phone. 270 runners are signed up so far.


Portland marathon Expo volunteering (Bonny)

There are still some open volunteer slots. Bonny will be contacting some members who’ve volunteered before. There will be a new banner and the magnets should be ready. Steve will prepare adapted membership applications with the new logo. There will also be race brochures for Blue Lake, Autumn Leaves, and Turkey Trot. Bonny wants to hang shirts for upcoming races/series. Beckie will get her a 5k series one. She is hoping to have the 10k series ready for people to sign up. There are UTLR mugs in the garage that will be used as prizes. Bonny has ORRC registered for the Shamrock Expo next spring.

Action Item: Steve and Beckie


“Run for the Redheads” Oregon Zoo fundraiser (Steve)

Steve and Dave Cook were supposed to meet prior to the board meeting, but that meeting has been postponed one week, due to Dave’s unavailability.


Community Resource Coordinator (Steve)

Emmie will be sharing the position with another member named Melissa. Our mission statement claims we give away 30% of profit, but that hasn’t been happening. Emmie will be growing our community donations. There are already applications coming in from schools.


New Website (Kelly)

Kelly and Steve will be putting together a description of the scope of the project. Once done, it will be posted on Craig’s List and Facebook. This will be done within the next month. Designers will be asked to send samples of their work. A committee will be formed to evaluate the work. The top several will be asked to develop a mock up of our front page and a post page, which they will bring to an in person interview, possibly a board meeting.


Tracktown Youth League Video (Steve)

ORRC donated $1k to OSA for a program they started, which offered all comer track meets for youth around Oregon, culminating in a championship in Eugene in July. Steve shared a lovely video made at that meet. It was discussed that that video could be shown at our banquet, to let members know where some of our money goes. We also discussed having a videographer at our own races. Kelly suggested either a member (Janelle) or asking high school or college AV clubs.


Volunteer Coordinators (Steve and Will)

This is a program Trisha will be working on. There will be four volunteer leads, and each will have four race volunteers working under them (one for each ORRC race). The leads will assemble books with volunteer scripts, giving explicit instruction for each volunteer. The race volunteers will have a volunteer booth set up at their race. They will go through the course, making sure each volunteer is in place and ready. There will be gear identifying each volunteer. Kelly suggested implementing a volunteer rewards program, utilizing points gained which can be traded in for something later.




Race Report Matrix (Will)

Will is working on the matrix. He would like it to be shorter, and with more balance between being evaluative and informative. It needs to be determined who will fill this out, just RDs or also participants, and maybe outside RDs. There could be a separate post race survey for participants. Will would also like to have a pre-race checklist, as well as post. These forms will be available online.  


ORRC bucks (Steve)

The plan with the new website is to turn ORRC bucks into an online thing and get rid of the paper ones.


Y2K Half Marathon (Will)

The half marathon is new for Y2K for 2015. It will be the earliest half in Oregon. The half and the 10k will be the only Y2K races offered.


10K Series (Bonny)

There is one race left for the 2014 series. Bonny shared participant and financial numbers for the series from the last four years. It is a money maker for the club. 2015 will have 7 races. The cap will again be 350 participants. The cost will increase slightly to $110. The series will only be available for ORRC members from now on.


5K Series (Beckie)

All but one person signed up has participated in at least one race. Nine people have done all the races so far. Beckie will be purchasing sports bags for the series finishers. In 2015, registration will start in February. Beckie will be partnering with a closer race than Daytona for 2015. There will be either 5 or 6 races offered for the series.


Round Table (All)

Tanya will be filling out the application for GISI’s Stepping Stones program.

Beckie related that Daytona went well. She and Steve need to talk about ordering merchandise.

Will spoke about the Estacada fire and members concerns about impact on BDR. Currently it does not seem the fires will impact the race, but he and the RDs will be keeping on top of the situation. Will will get Liz to put a notice on the front page of the ORRC website.

Steve reported that at the last RD meeting, RDs voted that all races will have co-directors. Steve is checking out local hotels, in anticipation of our bid for the RRCA conference.

Kelly will be taking a sabbatical from board and executive meetings until post pregnancy. Blake will come to the Oct board meeting to do an ODR report.



o   Upcoming Meetings, Deadlines, and Events

·         Board meeting                                                   October 15, 6 pm, ORRC office

·         Executive Council                                                  October 6, 7 pm, Raccoon Lodge

·         RD meeting                                                            December 1  ORRC office

·         E-mail Blast                                                            TBD

·         Best Dam Run                                                        September 27, Estacada

·         Blue Lake 5k and 15k                                       October 11, Blue Lake



Meeting adjourned 8:15PM