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WEB: MyData 2016 Event Guide
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Event Guide: Print Version

Arriving and check-in

Transportation in Helsinki

Venue and spaces

Library & Shop

WiFi and electricity

Navigating the Programme

Daily Schedule

Programme Overview


Main programme

Complementary programme - lounge & stage

Evening Programme

MyData 2016 Online Experience


Share #mydata2016

Social media


Media Coverage


Accommodation and tips for tourists

Contact information

Info Desk

Phone and Whatsapp

Event partners

Feedback Form

The “white book”

When you arrive at the MyData 2016 venue on your first day, you’ll receive the following info pack in your participant bag which provides all the details you’ll need for the week – but here it is in PDF form for those of you who want a preview!

We are delighted to have you at the world’s first MyData -conference in Helsinki, Finland! Three full days of talks, discussions, meetings and hands-on workshops organised by a wide range of passionate personal data and privacy experts around the globe.

This page provides practical information to ensure your experience during the event is inspiring and pleasant! If you have questions during that aren’t answered here, please go to the Info Desk, where the #MyDataCrew will be available to help you out. Best of luck, many thanks, and we’ll find you all in Helsinki!

Arriving and check-in

If you have completed the registration with your name via the conference registration site, you can get your pass and the conference kit from the information desk at the venue. When using the main door of the building, you can’t miss the info desk. Please also have a valid ID with you just in case.

If you are in Helsinki already on Tuesday (Aug 30th) night, you can meet the MyData crew and fellow conference guests and speakers at Manala bar & bistro from 7 PM onwards and do the check-in to the conference there.

From the public attendees list you can check who else is coming.

Transportation in Helsinki

Venue address: Sturenkatu 4, 00510 Helsinki

The venue, Helsinki Hall of Culture, is next to Linnanmäki Amusement Park, near the Helsinki city centre.

MyData 2016 encourages you to enjoy Helsinki by walking and cycling. With our partner Helsinki Region Transportation we will also offer free travel cards to conference guests. We have prepared a few sets of directions based on your mode of transport:

Venue and spaces

Our event venue is the Helsinki Hall of Culture (Kulttuuritalo). Designed by the legendary Finnish architect Alvar Aalto in the 1950’s, the building is considered to be one of his main works.

Venue page includes photos and floorplans. This should give you the clarification you need to find your sessions, but if you get lost, there will also be signs posted throughout the venue, and you can always pop by the Info Desk if you have a question or need a guide!

Library & Shop

By the Info Desk on the main entrance we will sell the cool MyData T-shirts and few other items. MyData 2016 participants and partners are welcome to bring items (leaflets, brochures, books, t-shirts, stickers etc.) to be given out for conference participants. Unfortunately we can not sell anything on behalf of you, if your item is not free of charge we can still keep it visible and collect list of interested people and their contact info so that they can buy it directly from you.

WiFi and Electricity

WiFi network: KultsaOpen (no passwords)

We know that the digitally equipped conference crowd is hungry for electricity plugs. We have organized extra extensions to the main hall where the plenaries and Learning Expedition breakout sessions take place. Also in the Info Desk we have a charging station where you can leave your device to be safely charged.

Navigating the Programme

Three days, over 120 speakers and 40 sessions – the MyData 2016 programme is wide and deep! There is no one simple way to present this extensive programme, so we have created few. We have also asked few individuals to share their highlights in a blog post (will be published soon).

Daily Schedule

Programme Overview


Main programme

Complementary programme - lounge & stage

Reserve a room or a stage for your own purposes! MyData 2016 tagline is “make it happen, make it right!”. Making it happen requires a lot of collaboration and communication. In order to provide more possibilities for communication and further action we have reserved some extra spaces that we call the Project Lounge and Announcement Stage.

Project lounge is for presenting your projects more in-depth and organizing small meetups or workshops that extend our official program sessions. We have different sized project lounge meeting spaces that are available throughout the conference including lunch break and evenings. See the lounge page and make your reservation.

Announcement stage is a smaller stage in the main lobby (Aalto-aula) where the coffee and lunch is served. This stage can be used for short pitching and announcements during the breaks. In this environment short 2-4 minute announcements work best. We are collecting the announcement programme and publishing it along main conference program. If you have something to say at the announcement stage contact programme[ä]

Evening Programme

In the evening after the get-together reception (Aug 31st) we have pre-reserved tables from variety of restaurants around Helsinki. Choose an interesting restaurant and have a dinner with fellow MyData 2016 participants. Each dinner table is hosted by someone from the conference participants. The host can suggest a loosely defined theme for the dinner to attract like minded people to join to the dinner. The dinners are self-financed (we have included restaurants with different price levels). If you wish to host a thematic dinner, contact our party master Heli Sirkiä at hsirkia[ä]

Read more at:

MyData 2016 Online Experience

Conference App

The official conference app will be used During MyData 2016 to communicate the agenda, share insights and communicate with peers and potential collaborators for all around the world. Don’t miss the conversation.

Streaming and video

The conference programme will be streamed online and video recorded as extensively as possible. The online stream will be visible at the front page of during the conference and the recordings will be viewable for free on the site also after the event. -participation platform

There will be online participation platform called in use on all sessions. The system provides common audience interaction functionalities like polls and Q&A message wall. Also those who follow the online stream can participate from distance using the


Downstairs in the basement hackerspace, the intensive effort is well underway. Running for 48hrs continuous from late afternoon Tuesday, the teams are  working hard to “make it happen.”  

MyData driven Challenge themes of Mobility, Public Services, Finance, Retail and Health are being addressed by students, startups and corporate teams.

Keep an eye open for updates and for the Hackathon Final Pitching session on Thursday 1st Sept afternoon when the teams present their achievements and get their rewards!

The overall winner will be announced in the closing plenary of MyData Conference on Friday afternoon.

See the schedule and more at:

Share #mydata2016

Social media

Follow on Twitter @mydata2016

Like on Facebook @mydata2016

Discuss in MyData 2016 LinkedIn group

In Twitter, Instagram and elsewhere use the hashtags #mydata2016 and #mydatahack


Have photos from the venue and event? Share them with other participants in the MyData 2016 Flickr pool. Note: where possible, we prefer photos to be licensed openly with Creative Commons CC-BY or put in the public domain.

Media Coverage

Use the link below to inform us if you publish or find out that someone else has published an article, blogpost or something else related to MyData 2016. We will be happy to add the article to our media coverage list and help spreading the link.

Food and Drinks

Nourish your inspired body! Lunch is served 11.00 onwards. The conference provides you coffee and tea and a small breakfast during the morning at 9.00 - 9.30. During the event you can get coffee and tea from the Project Lounge. The restaurant “Kitchen” serves food and refreshments in addition to the conference catering.

Speakers & hosts morning meetings at 9 AM take place in the Restaurant Kitchen.

Accommodation and tips for tourists

Few recommended accommodations can be found here, along with instructions on how conference attendees may get a discounted price at the Scandic Park hotel. After booking your accommodation check out the list of things to do in Helsinki.

Contact information

General contact:

Programme team:

Questions? Concerns? Can't find your session? Please feel free to come to our Info Desk by the Main Entrance.

Phone and Whatsapp

Phone nr. to the Info Desk is +358 44 948 0696 if you feel like chatting instead of calling you can add the Info phone to your contacts in Whatsapp and ask guidance via chat.

Event partners

Gathering of this size and scope would not be possible without the help from our partners, sponsors and supporters. They all share the vision of human centric personal data and are working towards that in different ways, go and get to know the partnering organizations on sessions and stands, they are cool!

Feedback Form

Whether you are at MyData 2016 for a day or more, we’d love to hear how your experience was. The form will be provided in your participant package when you register, but if you would rather fill it out online, you can also access it here:

The “white book”

The newest insights from within the Mydata 2016 community and surrounding movement of human centric personal data will be edited into the upcoming white book to be released this fall. The white book will be an overview text about the dynamics and overall progress in human-centric personal data management with concrete use cases.

You can be part of the book. Producing content for the white book is open and collaborative process facilitated by core editorial team. We wish to get wide group of contributors from the community.

Read more at:

That’s it for now – thanks again for your attention and passion. We can’t wait to meet you all in Finland!