Jaclyn A. Siegel


Updated: October 27, 2020; Not exhaustive

Free and low cost resources for graduate
students, postdocs, and early career researchers

(or really anyone else)

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this crowdsourced list!

If you wish to suggest other resources, please email me at jsiegel3@uwo.ca.

In order to protect this document, requests to edit will be denied.

Note: You will also likely have access to several other programs through your university. Check with your department chairs and library before purchasing.

Comprehensive software | Writing/Creating | Note taking | Storage | Editing | Reviewing | Free images | Statistics and data analysis | Other analysis | Transcription and qualitative analysis | Literature/systematic reviews | Collaborative workspaces  Teaching resources | Citations and references | Research/knowledge access  | Open science and preprints | Virtual meetings | Audio | Task managers | Networking and social media | Graphics, models, and figures | Conducting research | Anti-racism resources | Academic podcasts | Student discounts and free stuff | Helpful blogs and websites | Miscellaneous

Comprehensive software and operating systems


Note taking

Storage/Cloud-based operating systems/Syncing


Reviews and reviewing

Photos, videos, and images for presentations

Time management

Statistics software

Image processing/Phonetics analysis/DNA editing/Video coding

Qualitative data transcription and analysis/Archival data

Organizing and planning literature and systematic reviews

Collaborative workspaces

Teaching resources

Citation creators and reference managers

Research, books, and scholarly articles

Open Science and preprints

Virtual/video meetings

Recording and audio editing software

Conducting research

Task managers

Networking/Social media/Research identifiers

Create graphics/Figures/Images/Models

Other student discounts & free stuff

Anti-racism resources

Academic podcasts

Helpful blogs and websites
