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GVCS - Preschool Monthly Newsletter - Cubs
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

The Cub Chronicle

September 2024


Grrreetings Cubs Family!

Miss. Jay & Mrs. Braydi believe it has been nothing but short of amazing to work with such spectacular students on a daily basis. This month we are

going to be putting emphasis on the following curriculum. The letters B & D, the numbers are 3, 4,5 & 6, the shapes are diamond, octagon, oval &

heart, finally our colors are green, purple, orange & black. Feel free to ask if you need any assistance with reviewing and we will be more than happy to help you.

As a reminder, please make sure to send a water bottle (Sippy or straw only) daily with your child’s name on it. It’s getting really hot and we want your

child hydrated and happy.

Per our Parent handbook Pg. 15 Dress Code-Not flip flops, open toed sandals, backless slip ons, or cowboy boots. This is for your child’s safety.

Don’t forget to check your child’s weekly sheet every day and please continue to label all of your child’s belongings. This includes: Sheets, blankets,

extra clothes, shoes, all food items, lunch box, backpacks, and any other items to ensure we return the correct items back to you.

Thank you for your cooperation.



September 3: Wear Your PJ’s

September 4: Cubs Chapel, Life Group Kick Off & Home Alone Christmas Wear Christmas Outfit

September 5: Grandparents Day & Home Run Sports Wear Your Sports Gear

September 6: There’s No Place Like Home Wear RED OUT

September 11: Puppies Chapel

September 16: 1st Evaluations Begin

September 18: Lambs Chapel

September 21: GV Men’s Breakfast 8am

September 25: Angels Chapel

September 27: GV Women’s Conference

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

In Him,

Miss. Jouianna & Mrs. Braydi

“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your

sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of

honor at God’s right hand.”  

Colossians 3:1 NLT

Subject Key: MM-Music & Movement LL-Language & Literacy CEx-Creative Expression SN-Science/Nature CE-Character Education GM-Gross Motor Skills







Chapel: A Changed Man

Theme: Fall, Cloudy & Windy

Letter: B

Number: 4

Color: Green

Shape: Diamond





LL- Brown Bear, Brown Bear

MM- Bingo Was His Name

CEx- B Handprint Craft

SN- Bugs In Grass

CE- Biting Hurts

GM- Let’s Listen & Move

Make Yourself At Home Wear Your PJ’s


LL- A Changed Man

MM- Worship

CEx- Bible Art With Paint

SN- Let’s Make Slime

CE- Using Walking Feet

GM- Chapel Dance

Cubs Chapel

Life Group Kick Off

Home Alone Christmas Wear Your Christmas Outfit


LL- Jack & The Beanstalk

MM- Going On A Bear Hunt

CEx- Diamond Art

SN- Bubble Time

CE- Classroom Helper

GM- Spell Green With Your Body

Grandparent Day 9:30am-10:30am

Home Run Sports Wear Your Sports Gear


LL- The Visitors

MM- Ants Go Marching

CEx- B Handprint Art

SN- Beans In Water

CE- Using Kind Words

GM- 7 Minute Animal Workout

There’s No Place Like Home Wear RED OUT

Chapel: A Short Man

Theme: Winter, Snow & Fog

Letter: D

Number: 3

Color: Purple

Shape: Octagon


LL- Many Faces Of Me

MM- Days Of The Week

CEx- Fingerpaint Art

SN- Is It Light Or Dark?

CE- Showing Kindness

GM- Let’s Jump Up & Down


LL- Baby In A Basket

MM- If You’re Happy

CEx- Octagon Tracing

SN- What Are Orbeez?

CE- How Do You Feel?

GM- 7 Minute Workout


LL- A Short Man

MM- Worship

CEx- Bible Art With Watercolors

SN- Opposites  Fun

CE- Biting Hurts

GM- Chapel Dance

Puppies Chapel


LL- Purple Dragon

MM- Donut Song

CEx- Number 3 Tracing

SN- Rainbow Skittles

CE- Using Self Control

GM- Let’s Do Yoga


LL- Inside Out

MM- Cocomelon

CEx- Gluing Shapes

SN- Things That Are Purple

CE- Criss Cross Applesauce

GM- Outdoor Play

Chapel: A Hole In The Roof

Theme: Spring, Rain & Stormy

Letter: B

Number: 4

Color: Green

Shape: Diamond


LL- ABC Book

MM- Head, Shoulders, Knees...

CEx- Bingo Dabber Art

SN- Dark Cloud Art

CE- Show Me Your Angry Face

GM- Let’s Listen & Move

1st Evaluations Begin


LL- Joseph's Colorful Robe

MM- Baby Shark

CEx- Fingerpaint Letter B

SN- What Causes A Storm?

CE- What Are The Classroom Rules?

GM- Let’s Jump Up & Down


LL- A Hole In The Roof

MM- Worship

CEx- Bible Art With Markers

SN- Make Green Leaves

CE- Showing Peacefulness

GM- Chapel Dance

Lambs Chapel


LL- Who Are You?

MM- Cocomelon

CEx- Diamond Art

SN- Draw Springtime Flowers

CE- Let’s Whisper

GM- Bike Ride Time


LL- I Love You

MM- Donut Game

CEx- Number 4 Art

SN- B Is For Big & Bold

CE- Showing Generosity

GM- Apple, Apple, Banana

Chapel: Jesus Is Arrested & Crucified

Theme: Summer, Sunny & Rainbows

Letter: H

Number: 5

Color: Orange

Shape: Oval


LL- The Burning Bush

MM- Hello Song

CEx- Letter H Art

SN- Let’s Cool Off

CE- Classroom Helper

GM- Kickball Fun


LL- 5 Little Monkeys

MM- Head, Shoulders, Knees...

CEx- Rainbow Art With Paint

SN- Bubble Time Discovery

CE- Sharing With Friends

GM- Outdoor Play


LL- A Good Heart

MM- Worship

CEx- Bible Art

SN- Exploring My Family

CE- Showing Kindness

GM- Fly Like A Plane

Angels Chapel


LL- Hickory Dickory Dock

MM- Johnny Appleseed

CEx- Draw The Sun With Crayons

SN- How Are Rainbows Made?

CE- How Do You Feel?

GM- Let’s Listen & Move


LL- Sherm The Germ

MM- Baby Shark

CEx- Orange Fish

SN- Bubble Time

CE- Using Walking Feet

GM- Let’s Jump Up & Down

GV Women’s Conference

Chapel: Jesus Teaches On The Mountain

Theme: Types Of Farms

Letter: N

Number: 6

Color: Black

Shape: Heart


LL- When I Grow Up

MM- Cocomelon

CEx- Number 6 Art

SN- What Is On The Farm

CE- Let’s Pray Together

GM- Ants In Your Pants


                              Outdoor Play 7:45 am - 8:15 am, 10:45 am -11:00 am  & 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm