
Here are the instructions I promised to forward for installing avast! and totally removing your current antivirus program.


Remember to save the programs you are downloading to a folder where you can find these files or, to your Desktop.

To learn more about avast! Antivirus, simply go to: http://www.avast.com

Instructions to successfully install avast!:

01. Download  to a folder you can find or to your Desktop the product avast! Free:

       setup_av_free.exe  ( http://www.avast.com/get/SxjHwFha )

  (Do Not Run at this time)

02. Download the REMOVAL TOOL for your current Antivirus Program by following the Guide offered here:

       How do I remove old third-party antivirus software before installing avast!?

       Avast Support: Uninstalling a third-party antivirus software        

       The removal tool for avast! Antivirus (should you ever need it) : http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility


03. Once these 2 programs are saved to your computer in a folder that you can locate or,

       to the desktop and, you can easily identify these 2 files, DISCONNECT FROM THE INTERNET

04. Go to the Control Panel > Select add/remove >  (Programs and Features in Windows 7 & 8)

       select your current antivirus program and select uninstall. (Allow it to uninstall all features of the program)

05. Reboot your system.

06. Run the removal tool for your old Antivirus Program saved in step #2

07. Once the tool finishes, Reboot your system and Reconnect your Internet connection.

08. Install avast! Free by running the program downloaded in step #1

(Continued on the Next Page)

09. Shutdown your system -- wait 10 seconds -- Start your computer.

10. Avast!7 Free will now be installed and will update its virus database.

11. Register your new avast! Free product by selecting the Register Now button.

       If you need more help, get it from here: http://www.avast.com/registration-free-antivirus.php

12. Once this is done, you'll be ready to enjoy the new product as much as I already have for many years.

A video to guide you in installing avast! Free: http://goo.gl/VLXde

Thanks for having me at your meeting and I hope to meet all of you again.

avast! 2014 Facts:   http://www.avast.com/faq.php?q=2014#searchForm

To take advantage of the special 40% discount on the paid versions of avast that I offered during the presentation, simply go to:   


To download any of Avast's Software, simply go to:  http://www.avast.com/download-software

Get avast! Free Mobile Security for free from Google Play.

The links to the other 4 programs I mentioned at the end of the presentation:

     Malware Bytes Anti Malware (MBAM) : http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php

Avast and Malwarebytes mutual Exclusions

     Ccleaner : http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/

     CCenhancer - It enhances Ccleaner. http://singularlabs.com/software/ccenhancer/download/

     WinPatrol : http://www.winpatrol.com/download.html

     WinPatrol Special Friends 50% Discount: http://winpatrol.com/friends.html

Other Free Software discussed during the presentation:

Free Imaging Software for creating System Image Backups

1-Click Restore Free - http://www.keriver.com/oneclick_free.html 

Drive Image XML - http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Hard-Disk-Utils/DriveImage-XML.shtml

Clonezilla - http://clonezilla.org/downloads.php

Prevent CryptoLocker from installing http://www.foolishit.com/vb6-projects/cryptoprevent/

(More on the next page.)

Free Firewall programs:

Comodo Firewall - http://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/firewall.php   


Zone Free Firewall - Avoid their Toolbar - http://www.zonealarm.com/security/en-us/zonealarm-pc-security-free-firewall.htm

TinyWall 2.1 - For Win Vista, Win7 and Win8: http://tinywall.pados.hu/

AdwCleaner is a tool that deletes :

· Adwares (software ads)

· PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program)

· Toolbars

· Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's homepage)

Download link: http://general-changelog-team.fr/fr/downloads/finish/20-outils-de-xplode/2-adwcleaner

FileHippo.com Update Checker Helps you keep your installed programs up-to-date

Online Virus/Malware Checkers Used to double check when you suspect a false-positive

If you found this presentation helpful, please let your friends in other clubs know that it's

available totally free of charge and without any strings attached.

If you're truly ambitious, letting Gracie at Avast know what you thought of the presentation would also be nice. ( If you didn't like it, it's still OK to let her know that too. )

You can write her at roberts@avast.com. Please put Bob's avast! Security Seminar in the Subject line.

(Attach a BCC to me: bob3160@gmail.com  Thanks)

I would also appreciate knowing that these instructions have been received and have resulted in a successful installation of avast! (Free or paid).

Have a great day,

Norbert (Bob) Gostischa

Free Security Seminar available about:

Protecting Yourself, Your Computer and, Your Identity

Absolutely free, ask me for details:


(505) 250-1089

See where I've done Presentations lately:


(More helpful Hints on the Next Page.)

avast! Mobile Security for your Android - Click here to download it from Google Play

avast! Mobile Backup  - http://www.avast.com/mobile-backup

A refresher course on Facebook privacy controls

Windows Firewall Control extends the functionality of the Windows Firewall

Password Managers  LastPass OR  KeePass

If you’re running Windows 8 and would like your old Start Menu back,

download and install the latest version of Classic Shell from:


To restore the Image Backup Function in Windows 8, follow the instruction in the video I put

together: http://youtu.be/llb2gKKoFiI

Preparing for a Disaster before it happens : http://youtu.be/hZy5in3WNe4

Protecting You and Your USB Devices:   http://www.mcshield.net/downloads.html

InternetOff is a free tool that allows you to quickly turn off\on

your internet connection from the system tray.

UNCHECKY - Prevents installation of unwanted add-ons when installing programs.

SPAMfighter filters out SPAM in Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird

(BootSafe) An Easy way to get to Safe Mode: https://goo.gl/RXgKCO

PC Decrapifier removes useless pre-installed software from new or almost new computers

MailWasher Free - Allows you to preview, delete and, bounce e-mails back to the originator.

Restore Point Creator - An excellent program to create and manage System Restore Points,.

Windows XP 'Unofficial Service Pack 4' - brings updates to Microsoft's obsolete OS.

A great place to discover Programs you can use

Windows 8 and 8.1 Tips Questions and Solutions

Windows 10 - Everything you Need and Want to Know
Tips Tricks and Other Helpful Advice

Tips Tricks and Other Helpful Videos

Norbert (Bob) Gostischa's YouTube Channel

50% discount on WinPatrol Pro, etc use coupon code bobsfriends