Hello, this document was made for the purpose of exposing the harmful actions the user ELiTeLAQ otherwise known as Lux has done.

He needs no introduction, you already may know him for his Flood Escape 2 OSTs, Liquid Breakout, and other contributions done around the FE2 community.

The people and individuals behind this document will remain anonymous.

Chapter 1

The Re-Ignition of the Quicksilver Vault Drama

Months after the drama had ended, Elite would issue a community post publicly stating that he is cutting ties with CodedAbyss, there shouldn't be any wrong with that until you take into account the harassment following after the community post has been issued. The harassment towards Coded was uncalled for and it got to the point where even suicide was considered due to how ugly the harassment was becoming.

What makes matters worse is that the whole ordeal could have been handled better and privately instead of having to relight a flame.


Ultimately the ironic part of these two screenshots is that it was taken privately but with the public statement such as this occurring, what could’ve just been done to solve the problem was to not have to issue a statement this in depth about Coded’s behavior, leaving it at a more personal matter and not having multiple people harass Coded, and even then this would’ve been handled better if it was talked about at all and not just cutting Coded off and issuing the post.

To make the matter of this situation furthermore ironic, Elite tells Coded he needs to change, which will become even more hypocritical as you read into the situation further about this individual.

Chapter 2

Ari’s Demotion

This individual has had heavy ties with the development of Liquid Breakout and Elite as an individual, however for this case in specific we’ll be talking about how Elite mistreated Ari and what position Ari had for the development of Liquid Breakout as a whole as well as all the other matters on the subject here.

Here’s the facts as to why Ari did

so much for Liquid Breakout and it’s development,
which will only make what is further to come even more sour to read


- Responsible for Coding Core Gameplay (Ziplines, Wall Running, Rescues, etc)

-Coded and Managed Player Data

-Megalo-Forest’s “SpecialEventScript” (Attacks, Dialogue Featured Ingame, Etc)

-Liquid Breakout’s Discord Bot

-Changed up the OFT code to use FE2’s pre-intensity difficulty system

-Made a version of fe2.io for Liquid Breakout

-Coded the entirety of LB Map Test (This includes automatic whitelisting for maps, detecting malicious scripts, etc)


With all of these facts in mind, you’ll come to realize that this person is responsible for helping assist in making Liquid Breakout work as it is. This makes the further actions done by Elite even more disgusting as it is proven that he has mistreated others a part of the LB development team and others outside the development team (contributors, etc).

Right before Ari was demoted, Ari gave two people access to test for optimizations in LB’s Testing Place as the optimization at this time was horrid. Elite did not know about this however he was on a break and Ari was the head scripter at the time so it should be known that Ari should have enough trust from Elite to be able to perform an action such as this, furthermore an action that isn’t malevolent or meant to harm the game in any way.

Elite would end up finding out about this and would proceed to berate Ari for giving people access despite the fact that he was on a break and there was no ill intent:

To further add onto things, Elite would also admit to being willing to rollback into a previous state of LB just to reuse code he has lost the permission to use just because he requires the code just to keep his game made with the workforce of others who he does not pay or rather underpays.

What makes this further worse is that despite all of this, Ari was being paid 2k - 4k robux per month, this does not amount to the amount of work Ari has done for the game especially when taken into account that Elite gains 10k - 20k per month (depending on other factors) and has been seen with a screenshot of having over 100k robux into their account, which solidifies the fact that he had the money to pay his contributors, developers, and everyone working under him properly, his greed just prevented him from giving people a justifiable amount for their work.

To make it worse, Ari confirms that she
had to ask to be paid, like in the screenshots featured below.

It’s also confirmed by Ari here that he buys robux for others, paying many others outside the development of Liquid Breakout large amounts of robux other than the developers themselves.

This doesn’t just fall onto Ari either, this falls onto many others who have helped contribute and progress the development of Liquid Breakout, he typically pays 1k to map contributors, sometimes not at all either.

Chapter 3

The Good, The Bad, and The Creditless

To begin with this, KozinDLGT previously known as NotZaDIAC is another composer who makes OSTs just like others around the FE2 community.

Kozin made an OST for a map called “Forest Facility”, creating two different versions of the OST solidifying that Kozin came first before Elite did, especially since the OSTs happened to have been made in 2021. Elite would 2 years later follow up with a remix of this OST which does not credit Kozin at all.

Only after the confrontation did Elite actually credit Kozin, and even then he had an unwillingness to credit Kozin previously.

(Xpand is a plugin for a DAW)

To further add on, Elite has shown to have a bigger level of hypocrisy as Elite themselves utilize Xpand for their music, the reason he dislikes using Xpand is because other composers such as Navola utilized it for their music.

Not only was Kozin given a half-assed response, in the image of Elite mentioning how it was “constructive”, Kozin would also mention how the group chat mentioning rfa actually had them ganging up on Kozin and instead of providing constructive feedback, they instead chose this according to Kozin:

Chapter 4

Over Sexualized Behaviors

Elite has been caught numerous times being overly sexual to other individuals, and a lot of it being confirmed as serious other than jokes by individuals who’d rather remain anonymous and not have any correlation with the document.

All of these screenshots paint just how much Elite just does this out of the blue, starting with the v0idesk situation.

In the screenshots, v0idesk is confirmed to be 13 years old while Elite is 15, it’s not right that someone of Elite’s age group should be acting like this as not only is it inappropriate, it can land them into problems with other individuals.

To make matters further worse, Elite was confirmed to be serious about these messages via an anonymous individual with a conversation of Elite in private DMs.

Also, in the screenshots featuring CodedAbyss, Coded was visibly uncomfortable with the situation going on with Elite as Elite kept going despite Coded looking obviously uncomfortable, despite this Elite kept on going with the sexual conversations.

We also wanna include the random blurts of sexual comments out of nowhere done by him.


In Conclusion:


With all of this in mind, lux is not a good person. His manipulative antics as well as off putting behavior towards others and overall abusive behaviors to his developers and colleagues has gone for longer than over a year. Someone like this should not be allowed to have this much influence as it’s clear that those close to Elite are put in harm's way due to Elite’s egotistical self centered behavior. Some may argue that he’s 15 and therefore should escape the consequences however those same people fail to realize that others of this exact age group realize that even this is wrong, Elite completely knows what he’s doing and does not care as it is shown numerous times.