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Syllabus English 11
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Beaumont High School

11th Grade English

Contact Information:

Teacher: Jonathan Brubaker

Voicemail: 951-389-4663


Room: E3

Class Blogs: Everything will be on Google Classroom at the beginning of the year                   

Required Materials

  • Literature Textbook (usually kept at school)
  • Various short stories, class novels, and essays          
  • Planner (paper or digital calendar)
  • Independent Reading Books: 12, two per six-week period. (available in class)

Course Content

The purpose of the class is to practice reading a variety of materials and writing for different audiences and purposes. Fiction and nonfiction pieces by professional, as well as novice writers, will be used to promote discussion and serve as models for further writing. Students will learn to work independently and in groups in order to analyze and infer information from text, refine their writing and use of language to communicate to a variety of audiences. The course also emphasizes communication skills both orally and through the use of new forms of digital literacy.


  • read for pleasure
  • read actively to understand, explain and analyze complex texts
  • appreciate the writer’s craft and explain, interpret and analyze the significance of a writer’s use of rhetorical techniques;
  • write about literature in a variety of forms, including expository, analytical and argumentative essays;
  • produce creative writing and visual interpretations to understand, explain, interpret and/or analyze various pieces of literature;
  • exhibit elements of stylistic maturity in their own writing, including: sophisticated vocabulary; a variety of sentence structures; logical organization; balance of generalization and specific detail; and effective use of rhetorical devices.
  • understand and employ the steps in process writing (prewriting, drafting, revising, rewriting, editing, final draft) in their own writing;

First Semester

Second Semester

  • Unit 1: Writing Freedom
  • Unit 2: The Individual and Society
  • Unit 3: Power, Protest, and Change

Unit 4: Grit and Grandeur

Unit 5: Facing Our Fears

Unit 6: Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Tales

Classroom Expectations

In addition to following all BHS policies, students are expected to:

  • Arrive on time
  • Be prepared to learn with required materials  
  • Respect yourself and others (no food or hats; electronic devices at teacher’s discretion)
  • Uphold the Academic Honesty Policy  
  • Be ready to contribute to classroom discussions and activities

Expected Student Learning Results

Complex Thinkers: Students pose questions based on their readings and research, engage in thoughtful discussions, analyze works of literature, and critically evaluate their sources. They compare various texts and media types and write arguments based on collected evidence.

Effective Communicators: Students speak and write clearly for a range of audiences near and far. They display appropriate digital etiquette when communicating with adults and peers online. In person, students listen closely to others and respond appropriately and thoughtfully.

Responsible Self-Directed Learners and Workers: Students engage in long term self directed research projects, meet due dates for assignments, create high quality products and adhere to expectations of academic honesty and integrity.

Involved Citizens: Students will contribute their scholarship on various topics to public forums. They will learn the value of even a single voice to create change in our community and reflect and act upon various topics of social justice.

Respectful Contributors: Respectful behavior toward others and oneself is the foundation of our course; the classroom will be a positive environment where the ideas of others are valued.


Assessments and Assignments:  Students will be expected to:

  • Engage in short term and long term research projects and writing assignments
  • Read assigned whole class readings.
  • Read two books every six weeks independently. Books may be self-selected, but choosing teacher recommended books or other high quality literature will positively affect book review grades.   Write a review of each book in Goodreads. (Due three days before the end of each six week period.)
  • Participate in class discussions and activities
  • Take required assessments both written and multiple choice
  • Complete supplementary assignments as they are announced
  • Grading is based upon proficiency with common core standards as approximated by a weighted cumulative point system each semester. Demonstrating proficiency and/or mastery of skills and knowledge required by the standards on a variety of assignments and assessments is key, but preparation, progress and assignment completion may also impact a student’s final grade.

Assignment Categories

Grading Scale

  • Reading = 30%
  • Writing = 50%
  • Speaking & Listening = 10%
  • Progress = 10%

English Journals are digital and used frequently in class for warm-ups, short writing, reading notes, etc. Notebooks will be reviewed regularly by the teachers for comprehension, completion, and organization.


Course information is available online at and grades are regularly updated and available online through Illuminate Home Connection.

Plagiarism: The school board expects that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize, or commit other acts of academic

dishonesty. Students found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty shall be subject to district and school-site discipline. (BP 5131.9)

Research papers and some other major essays and reports will be submitted to to be checked for plagiarism. When indicates that a student has plagiarized an assignment, it will receive reduced credit or no credit.

All students must always do their own work. Students involved in cheating on assignments or exams will not receive credit for assignments or exams on which cheating occurred​.

Late Work

Assignments are due at the beginning of the period or when collected. Assignments turned in late will receive partial credit as follows:

● Daily assignments ​– 65% of earned credit for up to a maximum of five (5) school days late, 50% credit up to two (2) weeks late. Student must attend Saturday school to receive credit after two (2) weeks late, and will receive only up to 50% credit. No credit given for late assignments after the end of the quarter grade check.

● Major assignments​ – 90% of earned credit for work submitted one (1) school day late, 50% of earned credit for work turned in up to five (5) school days late, no credit for major assignments turned in more than five (5) school days late.

● No work will be accepted for credit after the last full​ day of the school year.

● Per the student handbook, students who miss class for scheduled school activities (e.g., sports, field trips) must meet the same assignment deadlines as other students.

Make-up work:

● Make-up work for a cleared absence of up to five (5) school days, including tests, receives full credit for up to five (5) school days after a student’s return to class.

● When a student has a cleared absence longer than five (5) school days, she/he is allowed one (1) school day per day of absence to make up work for full credit.

● Make-up work receives no credit until an absence is cleared with the attendance office.

● Assignments missed because of truancy may not be made up for credit.

● Students who know that they must be absent for periods longer than five (5) school days are encouraged to contact the attendance office in advance to request independent study.


I am available after school for phone meetings and student/parent meetings via appointment. Please feel free to call and leave a message or email me with any questions. I will do my best to get back to you within 24 hours.
  • Tutoring: After school, by appointment (available most days) or during Advisory.