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HTML Submission Guide
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HTML Submission Guide  

Posters & Demonstrations Track


The Posters & Demonstrations Track will publish HTML proceedings in CEUR as HTML allows improved text retrieval, analysis and indexing, in-document linking and semantic annotations. Here is a short summary of requirements:

This page provides guidance to authors who are new to HTML submissions.

How to produce HTML (RASH) papers

The Research Articles in Simplified HTML (RASH) format allows one to easily prepare a scientific paper in HTML (see an example of a paper in RASH). It is composed by a few of the available HTML tags. In addition, it supports RDF annotations by means of Turtle, JSON-LD, RDF/XML, and RDFa.

Although authors could directly write the HTML/RASH syntax (see documentation), the recommended way to produce RASH is to create an Open Office Writer (ODT) or Microsoft Word (DOCX) document, and then convert it to HTML/RASH using an online tool: In summary:

Submission Guidance

HTML submissions should be submitted to EasyChair as a ZIP file that contains the complete content of the paper under “index.html”. Note that the full content of the paper should be readable offline, hence the ZIP file should include all resources (e.g. CSS, images) to guarantee a correct visualisation of the document on web browsers. The use of any kind of tracking system that may identify readers is forbidden. All images are required to be statically rendered. Please refrain from using any JavaScript as it will be removed in the final proceedings.

Authors may use any PDF or HTML-based format for the submission (e.g. see dokieli and other pointers by the W3C Scholarly HTML community group), but the camera-ready version should be provided in RASH. Additional technical support for authors will be provided.


We would like to thank Silvio Peroni (our RASH contact) and Christoph Lange (our CEUR contact).

Contact & Support

For all questions please contact We will provide layout support for all authors new to HTML proceedings.
