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 Publications of Vladimir Entov in peer-reviewed periodicals

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  1. Entov V.M., On a problem of fluid movement in the strata with permeable boundaries, 11th Scientific Technical conference, Scientific Student Society, Moscow Gubkin Inst. of Petrochemical and Gas Industry, 1956 (in Russian)
  2. Entov V.M., Some problems of filtration in anisotropic strata, 12th Scientific Technical conference, Scientific Student Society, Moscow Gubkin Inst. of Petrochemical and Gas Industry, 1957 (in Russian)
  3. Entov V.M., On predictions of a periodic flow regime in a pipeline. Trudy Mosk In-ta Neftekhim i Gaz. Prom., vol.29, 1960, 125-132 (in Russian).
  4. Minin A.A., Entov V.M., To problem of stability of bottomhole control of drilling process. Transactions of All-Union Inst. of Drilling Technology (Trudy VNIIBT), Drilling Technology and Equipment, 1962. (in Russian)
  5. Entov V.M., On a problem of nonlinear nonsteady-state flow through porous media, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. i Mashinostroenie [Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR, Mechanics and Mechanical Engng.], 1963, No. 5, 141-143 (in Russian).
  6. Entov V.M., On a problem of nonlinear nonsteady-state flow,  a brief of Ph.D. thesis, Moscow Gubkin Inst. of Petrochemical and Gas Industry, 1964 (In Russian)
  7. Entov V.M., On a problem of nonlinear nonsteady-state flow,  Ph.D. thesis, Moscow Gubkin Inst. of Petrochemical and Gas Industry, 1964 (In Russian)
  8. Entov V.M., On nonsteady-state flow in producing fountaineering oil wells, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. i Mashinostroenie, [Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR, Mechanics and Mechanical Engng.], 1964, No. 2, 31-40 (in Russian).
  9. Entov V.M., On approximate solution of problems of nonsteady-state flow through porous media, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. i Mashinostroenie, [Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR, Mechanics and Mechanical Engng.], 1964, No. 4, 33-39  (in Russian).
  10. Entov V.M., Kalashnikov V.N., Raisky Yu.D., On performance of vortex tube using natural gas, Gazovaya Promyshlennost'     [J. Gas Industry], 1964, No. 4 (in Russian).
  11. Entov V.M., On nonsteady well testing in reservoirs following a nonlinear seepage law, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. i Mashinostroenie, [Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR, Mechanics and Mechanical Engng.], 1964, No. 6, 160-164 (in Russian).
  12. Entov V.M., Sukharev M.G., On a self-similar case of nonsteady-state plane-radial  flow following a nonlinear seepage law,  Izv. VUZov [Transaction of High Educational Establishments], Neft' i Gaz, 1965, No. 4, 57-63 (in Russian ).
  13. Entov V.M., Comparison theorems for the equations of nonstationary  filtration, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1965, vol.29, No. 1, 200-205, [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1965, vol.29, No. 1, 221-227].  (In Russian )
  14. Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On beam approximation in theory of cracks, Izv. AN SSSR, OTN , Mekhanika [Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR, Mechanics], 1965, No. 5, 95-102 (in Russian ).
  15. Entov V.M., Effective thermal conductivity of a saturated porous medium in the presence of percolation, Zh. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz., 1965, No. 5, 153-154, [ J. of Appl. Mech. and Techn. Physics, 1965, No. 5, 108-109.] (In Russian )
  16. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the propagation of excitation in an electrochemical diffusion model of a nerve, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1965, vol.29, pt.6, 977-992. [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1965, vol.29, No.6, 1155-1171]. (In Russian )
  17. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the kinetics of cracks propagation. General outlook. Nearly equilibrium cracks, Inzhenernyi Zhurnal, MTT [J. of Engineering, Mechanics of Solids], 1966, No.5, 82-92. *
  18. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the kinetics of cracks propagation. Fracture condition and static fatigue, Inzhenernyi Zhurnal, MTT [J. of Engineering, Mechanics of Solids], 1966, No.6, 76-80. *
  19. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the kinetics of cracks propagation. Fluctuational fracture, Inzhenernyi Zhurnal, MTT [J. of Engineering, Mechanics of Solids], 1967, No. 1, 122-128. *
  20. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the kinetics of cracks propagation. A comment on damage summation rule, Inzhenernyi Zhurnal, MTT [J. of Engineering, Mechanics of Solids], 1967, No. 2, 148-150. (In Russian)
  21. Entov V.M., On some two-dimensional problems of the theory of filtration with a limiting gradient, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1967, vol.31, No. 5, 820-833, [ Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1967, vol.31, No. 5, 829-841.] (In Russian )
  22. Entov V.M., Kalashnikov V.N., Raisky Yu.D., Parameters which determine the vortex effect, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1967, No. 3, 32-38,[ Fluid Dynamics, 1967, vol.2, No.3, 32-38] (In Russian)
  23. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the effect of vibrational heating on crack propagation in polymers, Inzhenernyi Zhurnal, MTT [J. of Engineering, Mechanics of Solids], 1967, No.6, 48-58. (In Russian)
  24. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., On displacement of immiscible viscoplastic fluids in porous media, Zh. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz. [J. of Appl. Mech. and Techn. Physics], 1968, No. 2, 110-114. (In Russian )
  25. Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On cracks in viscoelastic solids, Inzhenernyi Zhurnal, MTT [J. of Engineering, Mechanics of Solids], 1968, No. 2, 88 - 94. (In Russian )
  26. Entov V.M., On one problem of filtration with a limit gradient allowing an exact solution, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1968, vol.32, No. 3, 487-492, [Appl. Math. and Mech., 1968, vol.32, No. 3, 496-502]. (In Russian )
  27. Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., Solution of two dimensional problems of filtration with a limiting gradient by the method of small parameter, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1968, No. 5, 844-857.[Appl. Math. and Mech., 1968, vol.32, No.5, 872-884].(In Russian)
  28. Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the Prandtl model of brittle fracture, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Tverd. Tela, [Mechanics of Solids], 1968, No. 6, 87-99.
  29. Entov V.M., Two-dimensional and nonsteady-state one-dimensional flows of non-Newtonian  fluids through porous media, Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo.[Petroleum Industry], 1968, No. 10, 47-53 (in Russian ).
  30. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M. Some problems of theory of simultaneous flow of visco-plastic fluids in porous media, in:Teplo- i Massoperenos, t.3, Minsk, 1968, 293-303, (in Russian )
  31. Entov V.M., Physical fundamentals of the seepage theory, In: P.Ya.Polubarinova-Kochina, I.A.Charnyi, V.M.Entov (eds.), Advances in the theory of porous media flows in the USSR (1917-1967), Moscow, "Nauka" Publishers, 1969, 9-20 (in Russian).
  32. Entov V.M., Nonlinear seepage, In: P .Ya.Polubarinova-Kochina, I.A.Charnyi, V.M.Entov (eds.),Advances in the theory of porous media flows in the USSR (1917-1967), Moscow, "Nauka" Publishers, 1969, 82-87 (in Russian).
  33. Entov V.M., Flow of liquids and gases through anisotropic, fractured and porous media, In: P.Ya.Polubarinova-Kochina, I.A.Charnyi, V.M.Entov (eds.), Advances in the theory of porous media flows in the USSR (1917-1967), Moscow, "Nauka" Publishers, 1969, 411-432 (in Russian).
  34. Entov V.M., Some exact solutions in the theory of one-dimensional nonsteady-state gas flows through porous media, In: P.Ya.Polubarinova-Kochina, I.A.Charnyi, V.M.Entov (eds.), Advances in the theory of porous media flows in the USSR (1917-1967), Moscow, "Nauka" Publishers, 1969, 514-518 (in Russian).
  35. Alishaev M.G., Entov V.M., Segalov A.E., Elementary solutions of plane nonlinear filtration problems, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, , 1969, No. 3, 114-123, [Fluid Dynamics, 1969, vol.4, No.3, 77-84]. (In Russian )
  36. Akhmedov Z.M., Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Nonlinear effects in gas filtration, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1969, No. 5, 103-109, [ Fluid Dynamics, 1969, vol.4, No. 5, 68-72]. (In Russian )
  37. Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the Prandtl's crack in a viscoelastic solid. Steady-state crack propagation, Izv. AN SSSR, MTT [ Mechanics of Solids], 1969, No. 6, 41-60. (In Russian )
  38. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M, Mirzadzhanzade F.Kh. et al,  On possible influence of initial pressure gradient on development of multi-layered gas and gas-condensate reservoirs in water-drive regime. Izv. VUZ'ov, Neft' i Gaz [Transaction of High Educational Establishments], 1970, No 1б 39-45 (in Russian
  39. Entov V.M., Analogy between equations of plane filtration and equations of longitudinal shear of nonlinearly elastic and plastic solids, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1970, vol.34, No. 1, 162-171, [ Appl. Math. and Mech., 1970, vol.34, No. 1, 153-164]. (In Russian )
  40. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., Some exact solutions of plane filtration problems with limiting gradient, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1970, No. 2, 168-172, [Fluid Dynamics, 1970, vol.5, No. 2, 315-318]. (In Russian )
  41. Entov V.M., Dual integral equations arising in limiting gradient filtration problems, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh.,1970, vol.34, No. 3, 532-542, [Appl. Math. and Mech., 1970, vol.34, No. 3, 500-511]. (In Russian )
  42. Entov V.M., Mukuk K.V. On miscible displacement of viscous and visco-plastic fluids in pipelines. Izv. AN UzSSR, ser.tekhn.nauk [Proc. Uzbec. Acad. of Sci.], 1970. (in Russian)
  43. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Segalov A.E., Thermal mechanism of cold drawing of polymers. In: B.Boley, ed. Thermoinelasticity, Proc. IUTAM Symposium, East Kilbride, June 1968, Springer, Wien, NY, 1970, 47-58.
  44. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On the influence of vibrational heating on the fracture propagation in polymeric materials, in: B.Boley, ed.  Thermoinelasticity, Proc. of the IUTAM Symposium, East Kilbride, June 25-28, 1968, Springer, Wien, NY, 1970, 33-46.
  45. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., Some problems of the kinetics of cracks propagation . In: Inelastic behavior of solids, M.F.Kanninen et al, eds. McGrawHill, 1970, 559-585.
  46. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., On limiting configurations of stagnant zones in displacement of viscoplastic oil by water, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1970, No. 6, 146-149, [Fluid Dynamics, 1970, No. 6, 1044-1046].
  47. Entov V.M., Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh. et al. Special features of development of non-Newtonian crude oil reservoirs. VNIIOENG [All-Union R\& D Institute for Economics of Oil and Gas Industry], 1971, 114 pp (in Russian)
  48. Entov V.M., Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Mitschevich V.I., Curvature of oil well indicator charts in fractured porous reservoirs, Zh. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz., 1971, No. 4, 95-100  [J. of Appl.Mech.and Techn. Physics], 1971, No. 4, 566-570. (In Russian ), also 1972 (In Russian)
  49. Gadiev S.M., Entov V.M. Theoretical and experimental study of hydraulic valve vibrators. Azerb. Neft. Khos. [Azerbaidzhan Oil Industry], 1971, No 3. (in Russian).
  50. Mirzadzhanzade F.Kh., Amirov A.D., Akhmedov Z.M.,Barenblatt G.I., Gurbanov R.S., Entov V.M., Zaitsev Yu.V., On the special features of oil-and gas field development due to effects of initial pressure gradient. Special Paper N 9, 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, 1971, 20pp.(in Russian)
  51. Entov V.M., Il'yaev V.I., Mustafaev S.D., Rakhimov N.R., Determination of the limiting pressure gradient in-situ. Neftyanoe Khozyajstvo, 1971, N9, 53-55. (in Russian).
  52. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., R.Sh.Mingareev, Entov V.M. e.a. On application of dispersion analysis on study of oil recovery, Azerbaydzhan Neftyanoe Khozyajstvo,  1971, No. 2, 25-26. (in Russian ).
  53. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., R.Sh.Mingareev, Entov V.M. e.a. On application of statistical methods on study of factors affecting oil recovery, Studies on Non-Linear Filtration and Oil Recovery in Oil and Gas Field Development, 1972, 101-123 (in Russian ).
  54. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., On two-phase seepage of viscoplastic fluids, Seepage of Multiphase Fluids, Novosibirsk, 1971 (In Russian) 
  55. Entov V.M., Solution of filtration problems with a limiting gradient when the transformation is not single-sheeted, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1972, No. 1, 45-59, [ Fluid Dynamics, 1972, vol.7, No. 1, 41-53]. (In Russian )
  56. Alishaev M.G., Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., Influence of the limiting pressure gradient on oil losses in water drive . Trudy IGiRGI [Proc. of the Institute for Geology and Development of Combustibles], 1972. (in Russian)
  57. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., R.Sh.Mingareev, Entov V.M. e.a. On nonlinear seepage flow in layered reservoirs, Neftyanoe Khozyajstvo,  1972, No. 1, 44-49. [in Russian ].
  58. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M.,  Nonequlibrium phenomena in the flow of immiscible fluids in porous media. In:"Chislennye metody resheniya zadach filtratsii mnogofaznykh neszhimaemykh zhidkostey", [Numerical methods of solution of problems of multiphase incompressible fluids seepage], Novosibirsk, 1972, 33-43. (in Russian)
  59. Barenblatt,G.I.,and Entov,V.M.  Non-equilibrium effects in filtration of non-mixing fluids,   In: "Heat- and Mass  Exchange", III, Publishing House of Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, 1972, Minsk, 18-29. (In Russian )
  60. Entov V.M., Gurbanov R.S., Mirzhadzanzade A.Kh., On detection and estimation of effects of nonlinear seepage in development of oil and gas field. Trudy IGiRGI [Proc. of Institute for Geology and Development of Combustibles], 1972. (in Russian).
  61. Entov, V.M., Study of filtration of anomalous fluids as applied to development of oil fields with the limiting pressure gradient, Doctoral degree thesis, Moscow, 1972. (In Russian)
  62. Entov V.M., Study of filtration of anomalous fluids as applied to development of oil fields with the limiting pressure gradient. A summary of the thesis for the doctoral degree. IPM AN SSSR, 1972 (In Russian)
  63. Entov V.M., Kaminsky V.A., Sinaysky E.G., Capture of small drops by large drops in an electric field, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1973, No. 5, 61-68, [Fluid Dynamics, 1973, No. 5, 729-734]. (In Russian )
  64. Entov V.M., Malakhova T.A., Filtration problems with a piecewise-linear resistance law, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1974,  No. 2, 40-45, [Fluid Dynamics, 1974, vol.9, No.2 ]. (In Russian )
  65. Entov V.M., Odishariya M.G., On a problem of prediction of oil residuals during waterflooding, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1974, No. 3, 88-93, [Fluid Dynamics, Problems in determination of the dimensions of limitingly equilibrium blocks with the displacement of viscoplastic petroleum by water, 1974, vol.9, No.3] (In Russian )
  66. Entov V.M., Malakhova T.A., On the changes of stress-strain state of rocks due to changes of the saturating fluid pressure, Izv. AN SSSR, MTT [Mechanics of Solids], 1974, No. 6, 53-65. (In Russian )
  67. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., Turetskaya F.D., Numerical solution of plane problems of nonlinear seepage theory. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1974, No 39, 84pp. (in Russian )
  68. Entov V.M., Odishariya M.G., Application of the finite element method to free boundary problems of nonlinear seepage, Soobstsheniya Akad. Nauk Gruz.SSR [Comm. of Georgian Acad. of Sci.], 1974, vol.75, No. 1, 157-160 (in Russian ).
  69. Weinshelbaum V.M., Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Influence of a penny-shaped cavity upon stress state of a non-homogeneous elastic body with plane interface. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1974, No 44, 65pp. (in Russian )
  70. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., Self-maintaining regimes for deformation and fracture of solids, Int. J. of Fracture, 1975, vol.11, No. 5, 887-892.
  71. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Entov V.M., To estimation of absorbtion capacity of rocks, Inzh.-Fiz. Zhurn. , 1975, vol. 28, No. 5, 807-810, [ Absorbtive capacity of powders, J. of Engng. Physics, 1975, vol. 28, No. 5, 581-583]. (In Russian )
  72. Entov V.M., Turetskaya F.D., Numerical-analytical solution of problems of nonlinear filtration, mapped on the two-sheet region of the plane of a hodograph, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1975, No. 1, 19-28, [Fluid Dynamics, 1975, vol.14, No.5] (In Russian )
  73. Entov V.M., Polyschuk A.M., Role of sorption processes with the motion of polymer solutions in a porous media, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza,1975, No.3, 68-76, [Fluid Dynamics, 1975, vol.10, No.3]. (In Russian )
  74. Entov V.M., Yagust V.I., Experimental studies of quasistatic cracks growth in concrete, Izv. AN SSSR, MTT [ Mechanics of Solids], 1975, No. 4, 93-103. *
  75. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Variational bounds for stress-intensity factor at the contour of a plane opening-mode fracture, Izv. AN SSSR, MTT, [Mechanics of Solids], 1975, No. 3, 59-64. (In Russian)
  76. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Variational bounds of the stress intensity factor at the edge of a plane opening mode crack, Int. J. Fracture, 1975, vol. 11, No. 6, 955-961.
  77. Entov V.M., Fel'dman A.Ya., Chen-sin E., Modeling of capillary displacement processes in porous media , Izv. AN SSSR, Programmirovanie. [Proc. USSR Ac. Sci., ser. Programming], 1975, No.3, 67-73 (In Russian )
  78. Entov V.M., On the role of the material structure in the fracture mechanics, Izv. AN SSSR, MTT [Mechanics of Solids], 1976, No. 3, 110-118. (In Russian )
  79. Entov V.M., Odishariya M.G., Asymptotic study of locally-nonlinear seepage flows. Trudy Mat. Inst. Gruz.SSR [Transact. of Math. Inst. of Georgian Acad. of Sci.], 1976, v.52. (in Russian ).
  80. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Some qualitative methods in fracture mechanics. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1976, No 76, 53pp. (in Russian )
  81. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Solution of mixed boundary problems by direct variational method, Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1976, No. 78, 59pp. (in Russian ).
  82. Entov V.M., Kaminsky V.A., Lapiga E.Ya., On emulsion coalescence rate in a turbulent flow, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, [Fluid Dynamics], 1976, No. 3. *
  83. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Solution of mixed boundary problems by direct variational method, in: Numerical Methods of Continuum Mechanics, 1976, vol.7, N5, 5-13, Novosibirsk (in Russian ).
  84. Kaminsky V.A., Entov V.M., Lapiga E.Ya., On prediction of the coalescence rate in turbulent mixing, Teor Osn. Khim. Tekhn. 1976, n4, 647-- (in Russian).
  85. Entov V.M., Polytshuk A.M., Flow of anomalous fluids through porous media, 2. In: Rheology: Polymers and Oil, Novosibirsk, 1977, 144-162 (in Russian), [Fluid Mech., 1979, vol.8, No 3, pp.35-47].
  86. Entov V.M., Chen-Sin E., Khavkin A.Ya., Simulation of oil displacement by active additive solutions. In:"Chislennye Metody Resheniya Zadach Filtratsii Mnogofaznykh Neszh. Zhidk" [Numerical methods of solution of problems of multiphase incompressible fluids seepage], Novosibirsk, 1977. (in Russian).
  87. Belikhova M.G., Danilova N.A., Entov V.M., Chen-Sin E. Modeling of nonequilibrium and nonlinear flow through capillary network. In:"Chislennye metody resheniya zadach filtratsii mnogofaznykh neszh. zhidk" [Numerical methods of solution of problems of multiphase incompressible fluids seepage], Novosibirsk, 1977, 17-24 (in Russian ).
  88. Dashevsky I.N., Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Study of strip peeling off taking into account the glue layer viscoelastic behavior. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1977,  No 92. (in Russian ).
  89. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Pavlovsky B.R., Model of hydrogen crack development in a metal , Doklady AN SSSR, 1977, vol.237, No. 4, 828-831, [Soviet Physics, Doklady, 1977, vol.22, No. 12, 762-764]. (In Russian )
  90. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Variational bounds and qualitative methods in fracture mechanics. Fracture. 4, ICF 3, Waterloo, Canada, 1977, pp.353-356.
  91. Entov V.M., Turetskaya F.D., Effects of inhomogeneity of flows in nonlinear nonstationary filtration, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1977, No. 6, 74-78, [Fluid Dynamics, 1977, vol.12, No. 6, 877-881]. (In Russian )
  92. Entov V.M., Ryzhik V.M., Khavkin A.Ya., Simulation of oil displacement by water with adsorbing additives. [In: Problems of Petroleum Geology: Physico-Geological Aspects of Oil Recovery Enhancement], Trudy IGiRGI [Trans. of the Institute for Geology and Development of Combustibles], 1977, vol. 14, 123-129 (in Russian).
  93. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Variational bounds and qualitative methods in fracture mechanics . In: Adv. in Research on the Strength and Fracture of Materials, Pergamon Press, 1977, vol. 4, 93-121.
  94. Entov V.M., Malakhova T.A., Marmorshtein L.M., Effect of variations of the reservoir pressure on flow properties of adjacent strata, Izv.VUZ'ov, Neft'i Gaz, N4, 63-65, 1977 (in Russian ).
  95. Entov V.M., Flow of anomalous fluids through porous media, in Machinery and technology of refining of natural rubber, polymers and latex mixes, 14-27, Yaroslavl', 1977. (In Russian)
  96. Entov V.M., Shapiro G.I., Yagust V.I., Increasing fracture toughness in monolite concrete structures. In: Sci-Techn. Progress in Industr. Monol. Housebuilding, [Sci.-Techn. Society Civil Engineering], 1978. (in Russian)
  97. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., Ivanov V.A., Titova Z.P., On breakthrough oil recovery in areal water injection. [In: Theoretical and practical issues of thermal oil recovery. VNIIOENG [All-Union R\&D Institute for Economics of Oil and Gas Industry], 1978, No 13. (in Russian)
  98. Entov V.M., Stability of capillary jets of elastoviscous liquids, Inzh.-Fiz. Zhurn. , 1978, vol. 34, No. 2, 243-248, [J. of Engineering Physics, 1978, vol.34, No. 2, 159-163.] (In Russian )
  99. Entov V.M., Makhamov S.M., Mukuk K.V., An effect of normal stresses, Inzh.-Fiz. Zhurn.,  1978, vol. 34, No. 3, 514-518, [J. of Engineering Physics, 1978, vol.34, No. 3, 350-353]. (In Russian )
  100. Entov V.M., Odishariya M.G., Problems of pressureless nonlinear filtration, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1978, No. 2, 178-181, [ Fluid Dynamics, 1978, vol.13, No. 2, 310-313]. (In Russian )
  101. Entov V.M., Braginskaya G.S., On nonisothermal oil displacement by solutions of active additives. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1978, No. 112, 60pp (in Russian )
  102. Entov V.M., On the stability of capillary jets of elasto-viscous liquids, Archiwum Mechaniki Stosowanej, 1978, Warszawa, vol. 30, No. 4-5, 435-442.
  103. Entov V.M., Barenblatt G.I., et al., General framework of application of quasi-static fracture theory of predicting strength and lifetime of steel constructions. In: Plastic deformation of light and special alloys. [Metallurgiya Publ.], 1978, vol.1. (in Russian)
  104. Entov V.M., Zheltov Yu.V., et al.,  Development of bitumen reservoirs using thermal methods. In: "Flow Heat Transfer and Oil Recovery in Complex Reservoirs", Moscow, "Nauka", 1978. (in Russian)
  105. Entov V.M., Ivanov V.A. et al., The results of pilot experiment on polymer flooding at Karazhanbas oilfield Neft. Khoz., [Petroleum Industry], 1978, No. 9, 37-38 (in Russian).
  106. Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Application of direct variational method to the solution of mixed boundary value problems, Int. J. Numer. Meth. in Engineering, 1978, vol. 12, 1213-1239.
  107. Entov V.M. On the mechanics of scoliosis.  Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1978, No 117, 34pp. (In Russian )
  108. Entov V.M., Goldstein R.V., Pavlovsky B.R., Development of internal hydrogen cracks in metal. Treshchinostoik. Mater. Elem. Konstr., Trudy Vses. Simp., Izd. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, USSR, 1978 (Publ. 1980), 241-247. (in Russian)
  109. Entov V.M., Konopleva A.V., Semenova N.A., Chen-Sin E., Modeling of electoosmotic extrusion and blockage of porous medium by emulsion on capilary network, Numerical Methods of Solution of Problems of Filtration of Multiphase Incompressible Fluids, Baku, 1978 (In Russian)
  110. Entov V.M., Hydrodynamic theory of filtration of anomalous fluids, Rozprawy Inzynierskie [Engineering Transcations], Polska Akademia Nauk, 1979, vol.4, No. 27, 501-516 (in Polish).
  111. Goldstein R.V., Dashevsky I.N., Entov V.M., On the model of tape peeling with account of glue viscoelasticity, Izv. AN SSSR, MTT [Mechanics of Solids], 1979, No. 2, 110-116. *
  112. Bernadiner M.G., Diyarov D.O., Entov V.M., Zheltov Yu.V., Ivanov V.A., Ogandzhanyanz V.G., Polyschuk A.M., Ryzhik V.M.,  Hydrodynamic analysis of results of pilot field experiment on polymer flooding at Krazhanbas oilfield.  Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1979, No. 119, 56pp. (in Russian )
  113. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., Ugoleva A.V., On the developed stage of unstable displacement in a porous medium, Doklady AN SSSR, 1979, vol. 245, No. 2, 320-324, [Soviet Physics, Doklady, 1979, vol.24, No. 3,  159-161].
  114. Entov V.M., Dynamics of sheets of viscous and elastoviscous liquids. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1979, No 130, 47pp. (In Russian ).
  115. Entov V.M., Taranchuk V.B., Numerical modelling of unstable displacement of oil by water, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1979, No. 5, 58-63. [Fluid Dynamics, 1979, vol.14, No.5] (In Russian )
  116. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., Dynamics of liquid jets. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1979, No 127, 64pp. (in Russian )
  117. Bernadiner M.G., Entov V.M., Ugoleva A.V., A mechanism of solventredistribution in non-homogenous reservoirs. In: Enhancement of oil production. Oil and Gas Institute, 1979, vol. 70. (in Russian )
  118. Entov V.M., Shyganakov N., Countercurrent capillary saturation of a porous medium by an active-impurity solution under nonisothermal conditions, Doklady AN SSSR, 1979, vol. 246, No. 4, 819-823,[ Soviet Physics, Doklady, 1979, vol. 24, No. 6, 426-428]. (In Russian )
  119. Entov V.M., Theory of nonequilibrium effects associated with the flow of nonuniform fluids in porous media, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1980, No. 3, 52-57,[ Fluid Dynamics, 1980, vol.15, No. 3, 365-369]. (In Russian )
  120. Entov V.M., Chen-Sin E., Modeling of micromechanics of porous media using capillary networks. In:"Chislennye metody resheniya zadach filtratsii mnogofaznykh neszh. zhidk" [Numerical methods of solution of problems of multiphase incompressible fluids seepage], Novosibirsk, 1980. (in Russian).
  121. Entov V.M., Some problems of the mathematical theory of nonlinear filtration, in: Boundary value problems of mathematical physics and related problems in the theory of functions, 12. "Zap. Nauch. Seminarov Leningr. Otdel. Mat Inst. AN SSSR (LOMI) " [Sci.Notes of the Leningrad Branch of the Mathematical Inst. of the USSR Ac. Sci.], 1980, vol.96, 30-38 (in Russian ).
  122. Braginskaya G.S., Entov V.M., Nonisothermal displacement of oil by a solution of an active additive, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1980, No. 6, 99-107, [ Fluid Dynamics, 1980, vol.15, No. 6, 873-880]. (In Russian )
  123. Entov V.M., Odishariya M.G., Asymptotic investigation of seepage flows in the case of a power resistance law, Inzh. - Fiz. Zhurn., 1980, vol. 39, No. 5, 893-900, [J. of Engineering Physics, 1980, vol.39, No. 5, 1247-1252]. (In Russian )
  124. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., Dynamical equations for a liquid jet, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1980, No. 5, 11-18, [Fluid Dynamics, 1980, vol.15, No. 5, 644-649]. (In Russian )
  125. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., Transverse stability of a liquid jet in a counter-flowing air stream, Inzh.-Fiz. Zhurn., 1980, vol.38, No. 5, 806-812, [J. of Engng. Physics, 1980, vol.38, No. 5, 495-500].
  126. Entov V.M., Kordonsky V.I. Kuz'min V.A., Shul'man Z.P., Yarin A.L., Investigation of the decomposition of jets of rheologically complex liquids, Zhurn. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz., 1980, No. 3, 90-98, [ J. of Appl.Mech. and Techn.Physics, 1980, vol.21, No. 3, 365-371]. (In Russian )
  127. Entov V.M., Kordonsky V.I. Kuz'min V.A., Shul'man Z.P., Yarin A.L., Investigation of breakup of jets of rheologically-complex liquids, Preprint No.2, Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of Byellorussian Akad. Sci., Minsk, 1980, 36pp. (in Russian ).
  128. Entov V.M., Pankov V.N., Pan'ko S.V., On the prediction of residuals of  visco-plastic crude oil, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1980, vol.44, No. 5, 847-856, (in Russian), [On the analysis of retained residual viscoplastic petroleum, Appl. Math. and Mech., 1980, vol.44, No. 5, 597-603.] (In Russian )
  129. Entov V.M., Malakhova T.A., Pankov V.N., Pan'ko S.V., Calculation of the limiting equilibrium of retained viscoplastic oil displaced from a nonuniform stratified layer by water, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1980, vol.44, No. 1, 113-128, [Appl. Math. and Mech., 1980, vol.44, No. 1, 76-82]. (In Russian )
  130. Entov V.M., Kestenboym K.S., Rozhkov A.N., Sharchevich L.I., Dynamic equilibrium shape of a film of viscous or viscoelastic liquid, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1980, No. 2, 9-18, [Fluid Dynamics, 1980, vol. 15, No. 2, 181-189] (In Russian )
  131. Entov V.M., Physico-chemical hydrodynamics of processes in porous media. (Mathematical models of enhanced oil recovery methods), Preprint IPM AN SSSR, No. 161, 1980, 64pp. (In Russian )
  132. Entov V.M., Kurenkov O.V., Malakhova T.A., et al., Determination of strata parameters from surface subsidence monitoring data, Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo.[Petroleum Industry], 1981, No. 10, 29-32 (in Russian)
  133. Entov V.M., Physico-chemical hydrodynamics of processes in porous media. (Mathematical models of enhanced oil recovery methods), Uspekhi mekhaniki, [Advances in Mechanics], 1981, vol. 4, No. 3, 41-79 (in Russian);
  134. Entov V.M., Ryzhik V.M., Physico-chemical hydrodynamics of porous media. In: Dinamika mnogofasn. sred [Dynamics of multiphase media], Novosibirsk, 1981,7-17 (in Russian)
  135. Entov V.M., Ametov A.M., Mathematical modeling of bacterial generation of highgidrogen sulfide during water flooding of petroleum reservoirs. In: Dinamika mnogofasn. sred [Dynamics of multiphase media], Novosibirsk, 1981. (in Russian)
  136. Entov V.M., Ryzhik V.M., Khavkin A.Ya., Prediction of simultaneous flow of oil and active additive solution in a swelling porous medium. In: Dinamika mnogofasn. sred [Dynamics of multiphase media], Novosibirsk, 1981. (in Russian)
  137. Bazilevsky A.V., Voronkov S.I., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Orientational effects in the decomposition of streams and strands of diluted polymer solutions, Doklady AN SSSR, 1981, vol. 257, No. 2, 336-339, [Soviet Phys.Doklady, 1981, vol. 26, No. 3, 333-335]. (In Russian )
  138. Bazilevsky A.V., Voronkov S.I., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Orientational effects in the decomposition of streams and strands of diluted polymer solutions, in: New in the polymer rheology, Moscow, 1981, 281-285, in Proceedings of XI All-Union Symp. of Reology, Suzdal, 1980 (in Russian)
  139. Entov V.M., Zheltov Yu.V., Martos V.N., Ryzhik V.M., Stupochenko V.E., Khavkin A.Ya., Displacement of oil by water from clay bearing strata, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1981, No. 4, 59-65, [Fluid Dynamics, 1981, vol.16, No. 4, 536-541]. (In Russian )
  140. Entov V.M., Shyganakov N., Capillary permeation of hydrophobic oil-saturated rocks by a solution of an active admixture , Zhurn. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz., 1981, No. 4, 116-118, [ J. of Appl. Mech. and Techn. Physics, 1981, vol.22, No. 4, 542-545]. (In Russian )
  141. Ametov A.M., Entov V.M., Mathematical simulation of biogenic processes in oil strata, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1981, No. 6, 84-91, [Fluid Dynamics, 1981, vol. 16, No. 6, 871-876]. (In Russian )
  142. Entov, V. M.; Malakhova, T. A.; Odishariya, M. G., Application of the method of matched asymptotic expansions to the solution of nonlinear filtration problems,  Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., No.218, 1981, 106--144 (in Russian)
  143. Entov V.M., Rheological effects in dynamics of jets and films. In: Sb.'Novoe v rheologii polimerov [In: New in the polymer rheology, Proc. of XI-th All-Union Rheology Symp.,] INKHS AN SSSR, [ INST. for Petro-Chemical Synthesis Acad. Sci. USSR], Suzdal,1982, No 1, 172-181. (in Russian).
  144. Alishaeva O.M., Entov V.M.,Zazovsky A.F., On the influence of active operations delay on efficiency of oil displacement from natural reservoirs. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1982, No 206, 58pp. (in Russian )
  145. Alishayeva O.M., Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Structures of the conjugate saturation and concentration discontinuities in the displacement of oil by a solution of an active material, Zhurn. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz., 1982, No. 5, 93-102, [J. of Appl. Mech. and Techn. Physics, 1982, vol.23, No. 5, 675-682]. (In Russian )
  146. Entov V.M., Quasionedimensional theory of free liquid jets. In: Jet flows of fluid and gases. Abstracts of All-Union conference, 2-5 June, 1982, Novopolozk, 1982, 139-145, (in Russian)
  147. Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Displacement of oil by a solution of an active and a passive additive, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1982, No. 6, 74-83, [Fluid Dynamics, 1982, vol. 17, No. 6, 876-884]. (In Russian )
  148. Entov V.M., On dynamics of films of viscous and elastoviscous liquids, Arch. Mech. Stosow., 1982, vol. 34, No. 4, 395-407.
  149. Entov V.M., Karpov A.A., Rivkind V.A., A model of leakage development in valves of hydraulic systems.  In: Math. methods in the theory of energy transfer in nonequilibrium and nonhomogeneous media, Minsk, 1982. (in Russian)
  150. Entov V.M., Physico-chemical hydrodynamic of porous media: New theoretical results. [In: Dynamics of multiphase media.], 1983, Novosibirsk, ITPM, 9-22. (in Russian)
  151. Alishayeva O.M., Entov V.M., Influence of inaccessible pore volume on the displacement of oil by a polymer solution, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1983, No. 6, 92-97, [Fluid Dynamics, 1983, vol. 18, No. 6, 910-915]. (In Russian )
  152. Entov V.M., Shyganakov N.A., Capillary imbibition during oil displacement by active additive solutions. In: Problems of using chemicals to improve oil recovery: Math. Modeling of Oil Recovery, Ufa, 1983. (in Russian )
  153. Entov V.M., Mechanical model of scoliosis, Izv. AN SSSR, MTT, 1983, No. 4, 201-208, [Mechanics of Solids, 1983, vol. 18, No. 4, 199-206]. (In Russian )
  154. Entov V.M., Shyganakov N.A., Some coupled problems of filtration and heat conduction in porous bodies, Inzh. - Fiz. Zhurn. 1983, vol.45, No. 3, 434-440, [J. Engng. Physics, 1984, vol.45, No. 3, 1022-1027] (In Russian )
  155. Entov V.M., Azizov Kh.F., On far temperature field of a propagating combustion front. In: Izv. AN AzSSR, Ser. Nauk o Zemle [Proc. Acad. Sci. Azerb. SSR. Seria: Earth Sci], 1984, No 1. (in Russian )
  156. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., Influence of elastic stresses on the capillary breakup of jets of dilute polymer solutions, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1984, No. 1, 27-35, [Fluid Dynamics, 1984, vol.19, No.1] (In Russian )
  157. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., The dynamics of thin liquid jets in air, J. Fluid Mech., 1984, vol.140, 91-111.
  158. Ametov A.M., Entov V.M., On determining parameters of the mathematical model of biogenic sulfate reduction in a water-flooded petroleum reservoir, Izv. VUZ'ov, Neft' i Gaz, [Proc. of High Educational Establishments], 1984, No. 7, 31-35 (in Russian ).
  159. Entov V.M., Pan'ko S.V., Variational formulation of the problem of retained viscoplastic oil, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1984, vol.48, No. 6, 966-972, [Appl. Math. and Mech., 1984, vol.48, No. 6, 707-712]. (In Russian )
  160. Entov V.M., Khavkin A.Ya., Turetskaya F.D., Shyganakov N.A., Numerical simulation of chemical enhanced recovery. Deposed at VINITI [All-Union Inst. for Sci-Techn. Information], 1984, No 8055-84. (in Russian)
  161. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., Dynamics of free jets and sheets of viscous and rheologically complex liquids. (A state-of-art review). Itogi nauki i tekniki, Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza,[Progress in Sci. and Techn., Fluid Dynamics], VINITI, Moscow, 1984, vol.18, 112-197.
  162. Entov V.M., Elastic deformation effects in flows of polymer solutions. In: Heat- and mass transfer in polymer systems. Proc. Int. school, Pt.1, 15-30, Minsk, 1984 (in Russian), Translation: Heat Transfer, Sov. Res., 1986, vol.18, No. 1, 60-73.(In Russian)
  163. Entov V.M., Zak S.A., Chen-sin E., On two-phase flows through porous media with microheterogeneous wettability, Doklady AN SSSR, [Soviet Physics, Doklady], 1984, vol. 274, No. 6, 1334-1337. (In Russian )
  164. Geodekjan A.A., Egorov A.V., Entov V.M., On the primary hydrocarbons migration via isothermal distillation, Doklady AN SSSR, [Soviet Physics, Doklady], 1984, vol. 275, No. 1, 170-173. (In Russian )
  165. Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., On dynamics of oil displacement by thin slug of an active additive solution. In: Transactions of Moscow Gubkin Inst. of Petrochemical and Gas Industry (Trudy MINKhiGP), Moscow, 1985, vol.181, 32-51 (in Russian )
  166. Entov V.M., Kestenboym Kh.S., Rozhkov A.N., Flow of viscoelastic liquids from convergent channels, Doklady AN SSSR, 1985, vol. 282, No. 4, 879-882, [Soviet Phys.Doklady, 1985, vol. 30, No. 6, 511-513]. (In Russian )
  167. Entov V.M., Sultanov F.M., Yarin A.L., Breakup of liquid films under the action of a pressure drop in the ambient gas , Doklady AN SSSR, 1985, vol. 284, No. 5, 1116-1120, [ Sov. Phys. Dokl., 1985, vol.30, No.10, 882-884.]. (In Russian )
  168. Entov V.M.,  Gas dynamics analogies in petroleum reservoirs engineering. In: Modern Aspects of Continuum Mechanics, 1985, 90-95. (in Russian)
  169. Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Elastic effects in the flow of polymer solutions in channels of variable cross-section and a porous medium, Inzh.-Fiz. Zhurn., 1985, vol. 49, No. 3, 390-397, [J. of Engng. Physics,1985, vol. 49, No. 3, 1032-1038]. (In Russian )
  170. Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Nguen Dyk Nu, Numerical modeling of heat and moisture transport in capillary porous media. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1985, No 245, 85pp (In Russian ).
  171. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Elastic stresses in capillary jets of dilute polymer solutions, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1985, No. 2, 3-9, [Fluid Dynamics, 1985, vol. 20, No. 2, 169-175]. (In Russian )
  172. Entov V.M., Chen-sin E., Zak S.A., Modeling the displacement of petroleum by a polymer solution, Inzh. - Fiz. Zhurn., 1985, vol. 48, No. 2, 214-219, [ J. of Engng. Physics, 1985, vol.48, No. 2, 149-153]. (In Russian )
  173. Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Levy B.I., Zaidel' Ya.M., Galimov A.K., Methods of Prediction of One-Dimensional Oil Displacement by Slugs of Solvents (CO2) or Carbonized Water, BashNIPINeft, Ufa, 1985, 55pp. (in Russian ).
  174. Entov V.M., Pankov V.N., Pan'ko S.V., The shape of a block of residual viscoplastic oil during exploitation of a circular deposit, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1985, No. 4, 86-93, [Fluid Dynamics, 1985, vol. 20, No. 4, 567-573]. (In Russian )
  175. Entov V.M., Kosterin A.V., Skvortsov E.V., Estimation of the rate of flow in porous media, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1986, No. 2, 80-87, [Fluid Dynamics, 1986, vol. 21, No. 2, 235-241]. (In Russian )
  176. Entov V.M., Kerimov Z.A., On oil displacement by solution of an active additive having nonmonotonic effect on flow distribution function, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1986, No. 1, 76-82, [Fluid Dynamics, 1986, vol. 21, No. 1, 64-70]. (In Russian )
  177. Entov V.M., Sultanov F.M., Yarin A.L., Disintegration of liquid films subjected to an ambient gas pressure difference, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1986, No. 3, 47-54, [Fluid Dynamics, 1986, vol. 21, No. 3, 376-383]. (In Russian )
  178. Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Feizkhanov U.F., Yarin A.L., Dynamics of liquid films. Plane films with free rims, Zhurn. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz., 1986, No. 1, 47-53, [J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Physics, 1986, vol. 27, No. 1, 41-47]. (In Russian )
  179. Entov V.M., Maksimov A.M., Tsypkin G.G., On the two-phase zone development during a mixture crystallization in porous media, Doklady AN SSSR, [Soviet Physics, Doklady], 1986, vol. 288, No. 3, 621-624. (In Russian )
  180. Entov V.M., Maksimov A.M., The cooling of a salt solution, Inzh.-Fiz. Zhurn. 1986, vol. 51, No. 5, 817-821, [J. Engng. Phys., 1986, vol. 51, No. 5, 1344-1347]. (In Russian )
  181. Entov V.M., Maksimov A.M., Tsypkin G.G., On the formation of two-phase regions during freezing of saturated porous media. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1986, No 269, 55pp. (In Russian )
  182. Geodekjan A.A., Egorov A.V., Entov V.M., On a possibility of reforming of depleted hydrocarbon deposits, Doklady AN SSSR, [Soviet Physics, Doklady], 1986, vol. 288, No. 3, 694-697. (In Russian )
  183. Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F.,Nguen Dyk Nu, Numerical modeling of heat and moisture transport in capillary porous media. J.Mechanics, 1986, No. 2, Hanoi, (In Vietnamese).
  184. Entov V.M., Ivanov K.P., Karpov А.А., Morozov N.F., Rivkind V.Ya., On fluids flow trough narrow channels, Doklady AN SSSR, [Soviet Physics, Doklady], 1986, vol. 290, No. 3, 564-566. (In Russian )
  185. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Ametov I.M., Entov V.M.,Ryzhik V.M., Rheological problems of oil- and gas recovery. (A topical review)., VNIIOENG, 1986, Moscow, 51pp.  (In Russian)
  186. Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Feizkhanov U.F., Yarin A.L., Propagation of small bending perturbation over plane films of water and polymer solutions, Zhurn. Prikl. Mekh. i Tekhn. Fiz., 1986, No. 4, 45-52, [J. of Appl. Mech. Tech. Physics, 1986, vol. 27, No. 4, 512-522]. (In Russian )
  187. Goldshtein R.V.; Entov V.M. Qualitative methods in fracture mechanics . In: Mathematical methods in the mechanics of a deformable solid body, Proch. Vyazko-uprugoplast., "Nauka", Moscow, 1986,No. 166, 36-44 (in Russian).
  188. Entov V.M., Zazovsky A.F., Bedrikovetsky P.G., Polyschuk A.M. Metodika pervichnoj gidrodinamicheskoj ocenki effektivnosti fizikokhimicheskikh metodov povyshenija nefteotdachi plastov [Screening of chemical and gas-based Enhanced Oil Recovery], RD 39-2699325-204-86, MINKhGP, 1986, 144pp. (in Russian).
  189. Entov V.M., Kordonsky V.I., Prokhorov I.V., Rozhkov A.N., et al,  On the intensive uniaxial stretching of polymer solutions of moderate concentration. Preprint ITMO AN BSSR, No 7, (Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer. Academy of Sciences of the Belorussian SSR ), Minsk, 1987, 46pp. (In Russian)
  190. Entov V.M., Up-to-date state and problems of physicochemical subterranean hydrodynamics. In: "Problemy teorii filtratsii i mekhanika protsessov povyshenia nefteotdachi" , [Problems of seepagetheory and mechanics of enhanced oil recovery processes], Moscow, Nauka, 1987, 80-88. (In Russian) *
  191. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., A problem of capillary hydrodynamics, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1987, No. 6, 101-108, [Fluid   Dynamics, 1987, vol. 22, No. 6, 909-915]. (In Russian )
  192. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Karpov A.V., Experimental study of relaxational properties of polymer solutions by filament thinning kinetics. In: Physico-chemical processes in energy transformers, Moscow Physico-Techn. Institute, Moscow, 1987, 98-103. (In Russian)
  193. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Yarin A.L. Strong flows of polymer solutions: theory and experiment, Proceedings of XVIII Symp. on Adv. Probl. and Meth. Fluid Mech. Warsaw, 1987, 147-148.
  194. Entov V.M., Turetskaya F.D., Hydrodynamic effects and identification of reservoir fluids anomalies, Neft. Khoz., [Petroleum Industry], 1987, No. 5, 26-29 (in Russian ).
  195. Ametov I.M., Entov V.M., Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Ryzhik V.M., Hydrodynamics of flow through porous media: problems and prospects, Neft. Khoz., [Petroleum Industry], 1987, No. 12, 30-35 (in Russian).
  196. Entov V.M., Kestenboym Kh.S., Mechanics of formation of fibers, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1987, No. 5, 26-35, [ Fluid Dynamics, 1988, vol. 22, No. 5, 677-686]. (In Russian )
  197. Entov V.M., Fam Khyu Tu, A.L.Yarin, On the equations of the off-shore pipeline. VINITI, N1364-B87, Moscow, 1987, 69 pp. (in Russian).
  198. Entov V.M., Chen-Sin E., Micromechanics of two-phase flow through porous media. Numerical methods of solution of problems of polyphasic incompressible fluids seepage, Novosibirsk, 1987, 120-129. (in Russian)
  199. Entov V.M., Elastic effects in flows of dilute polymer solutions. Progress and Trends in Rheology II. Proc. Second Conf. of Eur. Rheologists, Prague, June 17-20, 1986, Eds. H.Giesekus, M.F.Hibberd., Darmstadt (Suppl. to Rheol. Acta., 1988, vol.26, 260-262.)
  200. Entov V.M., Kordonsky V.I., Prokhorov I.V., Rozhkov A.N., Yarin A.L. et al., Intense stretching of moderately concentrated polymer solutions, Vysokomolekularnye Soedineniia, 1988, A, vol. 30, No. 12, 2486-2491, [Polymer Sci. USSR, 1988, vol. 30, No. 12, 2663-2668]. (In Russian )
  201. Entov V.M., Kordonsky V.I., Prokhorov I.V., Rozhkov A.N. et al., Rapid stretching of polymer solutions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1988, v.301, 867-870, [Sov. Phys. Dokl., 1988, vol.33, No. 8, 628-630]. (In Russian )
  202. Vidyakin V.V., Entov V.M., Taranchuk V.B., Applications of potential theory to determining asymptotic solutions of the problem of displacement of viscoplastic fluid by a viscous one, Doklady AN BSSR, [Proc. Acad. Sci. of the Belorussian SSR], 1988, vol. 32, No. 2, 105-197 (in Russian). 
  203. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Karpov A.V., Studies of degradational processes in polymer solutions. In: Elementary processes in chemically reacting media, Physico-Techn. Institute, Moscow, 1988, 83-84. (in Russian )
  204. Entov V.M., Physicochemical Hydrodynamics of Enhanced Oil recovery , In: Proc. of Conference Petrolgeochim-XII, Solnok, Hungary, 1988, vol.2. (In Russian)
  205. Boxerman A.A., Bogdanov I.I., Entov V.M., Librovich V.B., Stepanov V.P.,Thermohydrodynamics of in-situ combustion as a means of enhancement of oil recovery. In: [Propagation of heat waves in heterogenous media], "Nauka", Novosibirsk, 1988 (in Russian )
  206. Bogdanov I.I., Entov V.M., Chudov L.A., Dynamics of initiation, propagation and relaxation of combustion region in the reservoir. Preprint IPM AN SSSR, 1989, No 375, 45pp. (in Russian )
  207. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., On the theory of the process of forming of preforms for drawing double-layer glass fibres with the prescribed configuration of the core cross section, Proc. of V National Symposium, Warszaw, 21-23 Febr. 1989, vol.III, 80-98.
  208. Entov V.M., Kordonsky V.I., Prokhorov I.V., Rozhkov A.N. et al., Uniaxial extension of polymer solutions of moderate concentration, Proc. Acad. Sci. of the Belorussian SSR, Ser. fiz.-energ. nauk,  No. 1, 72-77, 1989 (in Russian)
  209. Bogdanov I.I., Entov V.M., On hydrodynamics of in-situ heat source with oxidative reactions. In: Dinamika mnogofasnykh sred. VZ SO AN SSSR [Dynamics of multiphase media. Computer Center of Siberian Branch of Acad. Sci. USSR], Novosibirsk, 1989. (in Russian )
  210. Berman L.B., Entov V.M., Ryzhik V.M., Turetskaya F.D., Estimation of effective thickness of oil-bearing strata, Neft. Khoz., [Petroleum Industry], 1989, No. 11, 33-39 (in Russian).
  211. Entov V.M., Physicochemical Hydrodynamics of Enchanced Oil recovery. Proc. V Eur. Symp. on Improved Oil Recovery. Budapest, Apr. 25-27, 1989, 779-788.
  212. Grigor'ants V.V., Entov V.M., Ivanov G.A., et al., Formation of two-layer preforms for optical fibers with shaped cores, Soviet Physics. Doklady, 1989, vol. 34(305), No. 4, 855-860 (In Russian )
  213. Vidyakin V.V., Entov V.M., Taranchuk V.B., Applications of potential theory to a problem of the limiting configuration of the stagnant zones in the displacement of viscoplastic oil by water, Izv. AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1989, No. 1, 182-185, [Fluid dynamics, 1989, vol.24, No. 1, 156-159].
  214. Entov V.M., Yarin A.L., Hydrodynamic problems of fiber spinning and film forming. In: Abstracts of V Conference of Polymer Processing Soc., Kioto, p. 116, 1989.
  215. Ginzburg I.S., Entov V.M. Investigation of the dynamics of a thin impurity plug in a seepage flow. Numerical methods of solving seepage problems, in: Dynamics of Multiphase Media, Izd.Inst.Gidrodinamiki SO Akad.Nauk SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1989, No. 76, 76-81  (in Russian).
  216. Chefter J.G., Entov V.M., Two-Phase Flow Modeling Using Percolation Theory, in: Dynamics of multiphase flows, Izd. Inst. Gidrodinamiki SO Akad.Nauk SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1989, 96-100, (in Russian ).
  217. Entov V.M., Zak S.A., Chen-Sin E., Yudin V.A.,  Micromechanics of two-phase flow through porous media. In: Fundamentals of fluid transport in porous media, IFP, 1990, pt.1, 87-90.
  218. Bogdanov I.I., Entov V.M., Stepanov V.P., Thermal decomposition of carbonate rocks during in situ combustion. Inzh.-Fiz. Zh. [J. of Engng. Physics,] 1990, vol.58, No 5, 828-835. (In Russian )
  219. Bogdanov I.I., Entov V.M.,  Lykov S.N., Stepanov V.P., On possibility of generating carbon dioxide by means of decomposition of carbonate rocks. In: Teplovye metody dobychi nefti, [ Thermal Methods of Oil Recovery], "Nauka", Moscow, 1990. (in Russian)
  220. Entov V.M., On the state of experimental research, Gazovaya Promyshlennost' [J. Gas Industry], 1990, No. 5, 28-29.(In Russian)
  221. Bogdanov I.I., Entov V.M., Thermohydrodynamics of in-situ combustions. In: Teplovye metody dobychi nefti, [ Thermal Methods of Oil Recovery], "Nauka", Moscow, 1990. (in Russian)
  222. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., A technique of studying fluid rheology and "rheotester" device for determining the fluid type and its principal rheological properties. Abstracts of second All-Union Conference on measurements in colloid chemistry and physico-chemical mechanics, Yaremcha, 1990, 76-77. (in Russian)
  223. Bazilevsky A.V., Boizov O.M., Entov V.M., Isikov N.E., Rozhkov A.N., Shemyakin A.N., Measuring setup for image analysing and its using in physico-chemical studies. Abstracts of second All-Union Conference on measurements in colloid chemistry and physico-chemical mechanics, Yaremcha, 1990. (in Russian)
  224. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N. Liquid filament microrheometer and some of its applications. Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee Meeting of the British Society of Rheology and Third European Rheology Conference. 1990, Edinburgh, UK. London and N.Y.: Elsevier Applied Science, 1990. 41-43.
  225. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Yarin A.L. Polymeric jets beads-on-string breakup and related phenomena. Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee Meeting of the British Society of Rheology and Third European Rheology Conference. 1990, Edinburgh, UK. London and N.Y.: Elsevier Applied Science, 1990, 44-46.
  226. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Liquid filament microrheometer and some of its applications. In: Abstracts of second All-Union Conference on relaxational phenomena and properties of polymeric materials, Voronezh, 1990. (in Russian)
  227. Entov V.M., Egorov A.V., Phenomenon of isothermal distillation in porous media and its role in forming and reforming of deposits of hydrocarbons (In Russian ). In: International Conference Development of Gas-condensate Reservoirs, Krasnodar, 1990.
  228. Belozerkovskaya S.N., Entov V.M., Kleinbok D.Ya., Etingof P.I., To problem of shrinking gas-field boundary. In: International Conference Development of Gas-condensate Reservoirs, Krasnodar, 1990.
  229. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Karpov A.V., Lerner M.M., Shvetsov I.A., Relaxation time of polymer solutions. A measurements technique and some of its applications. Preprint IPM AN USSR, 1991, No. 485, 42pp. (in Russian )
  230. Azizov I.E., Entov V.M., Formation of a two-phase region during vaporization in porous media, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1990, vol. 59, No. 4, 552-559, [J. of Engng. Physics, 1991, vol. 59, No. 4, 1251-1257].
  231. Entov V.M., Etingof P.I., Bubble contraction in Hele-Shaw cells, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 1991, vol. 44, pt. 4, 507-535.
  232. Entov V.M., Ginzburg I.S., Teodorovich E.V., Irreversible adsorption and dispersion effects in propagation of thin slugs of chemicals, in: Proc. VI Eur. Symp. on IOR, Stavanger, 21-23 May, 1991, 619-628.
  233. Ginzburg I.S., Entov V.M., Teodorovich E.V., The renormalization group method in a problem of convective diffusion transport with irreversible sorption, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1992, vol.56, No. 1, 68-76, [Appl. Math. and Mech., 1992, vol. 56, No. 1, 59-66].(In Russian )
  234. Entov V.M., Etingof P.I., Some exact solutions of the thin-sheet stamping problem, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1992, No. 2, 24-33,   [ Fluid Dynamics, 1992, vol. 27, No. 2, 169-176]. (In Russian )
  235. Entov V.M., Modelling of Improved Oil Recovery Processes: A Fluid Dynamicist's Viewpoint, in Computational Methods and Tools in Reservoir Modelling, IBM Europe Institute, 17-22 August, 1992.
  236. Entov V.M., Dissipative effects in chemical flooding. In: V.M.Entov ed. Flow through porous media: fundamentals and reservoir engineering applications, Proc. of the International Conference, Moscow, 21-26 Sept., 1992, 22-25.
  237. Entov V.M., Micromechanics of flow through porous media, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1992, No. 6, 90-102, [Fluid Dynamics, 1992, vol.27, No. 6, 824-833]. (In Russian )
  238. Bogdanov I.I., Boxerman A.A., Entov V.M., In-situ combustion - thermofluiddynamics of a technology. In: V.M.ENTOV, ed. Flow through porous media: fundamentals and reservoir engineering applications. Proc. of the International Conference, Moscow, 21-26 Sept., 1992, 112-115.
  239. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Application of elongational microrheometer for investigation of extremely small volumes of biofluids. In: Proc.3d Int. Symp. Biorheol. and Biomech., Moscow, 1992.
  240. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., The first experience of application of RHEOTESTER device in biorheology, Biorheology, 1992, vol. 29, No. 1, 157.
  241. Entov V.M., Zemskih V.I., Computer modeling of in-situ generated foam flow through 3-D capillary network. In: RUTH-Seminar Norw. Petr. Direct., Stavanger, 1993.
  242. Entov V.M., Etingof P.I., Kleinbock D.Ya., Hele-Shaw flows with a free boundary produced by multipoles, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1993, No. 5, 121-127, [Fluid Dynamics, 1993, vol. 28, No. 5, 686-691]. (In Russian )
  243. Entov V.M., Etingof P.I., Kleinbock D.Ya., Hele-Shaw flows with a free boundary produced by multipoles. Euro Jl. Appl. Math., 1993, vol.4, No. 2, 97-120.
  244. Entov V.M., Teodorovich E.V., Renormalization group approach for solving the problem of convective nonlinear diffusion, Theoretich. Osnovy Khimich. Tekhnologii, 1993, vol. 27, No. 3, 218-223, [Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 1993, vol. 27, No. 3, 196-201].(In Russian)
  245. Ginzburg I.S., Entov V.M., Thin-slug dynamics with allowance for diffusion and sorbtion irreversibility, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1993, No. 3, 101-112, [Fluid Dynamics, 1993, vol. 28, No. 3, 373-382]. (In Russian )
  246. Bogdanov I.I., Entov V.M., Boxerman A.A., Numerical investigation of in-situ combustion process. Proc. VII Eur. Symp. on IOR., Moscow, 1993, vol. 1, 337-347.
  247. Entov V.M., Barsoum M., On capillary instability of jets of magneto-rheological fluids. in: Progress and Trends in Rheology IV, Proc. IV Eur. Rheol.Conf., Sevilla, Spain, 4-9 Sept., 1994, 131-133.
  248. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Dynamic experiments in studies of strong flow of polymeric fluids. in: Progress and Trends in Rheology IVProc. IV Eur. Rheol.Conf., Sevilla, Spain, 4-9 Sept., 1994, 466-467.
  249. Entov V.M., Kestenboim Kh.S., One-dimensional dynamics of jet flows of elastic fluids, in: Progress and Trends in Rheology IV, Proc. IV Eur. Rheol. Conf., Sevilla, Spain, 4-9 Sept., 1994, 154-156.
  250. Entov V.M., Murzenko V.V., Steady flow of a homogeneous fluid in an oil reservoir recovery element with a hydrofracture, Izv. Ross AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1994, No. 1, 104-112, [Fluid Dynamics, 1994, vol.29, No. 1, 81-87]. (In Russian )
  251. Entov V.M., Turetskaya F.D., Hydrodynamical modeling of the development of non-homogeneous oil reservoirs, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1995, No. 6, 87-94, [Fluid Dynamics, 1995, vol.30, No. 6, 877-882]. (In Russian )
  252. Entov V.M., Etingof P.I., Kleinbock D.Ya. On nonlinear interface dynamics in Hele-Shaw flows, Euro Jl Appl Math, 1995, vol.6, No. 5,  399-420.
  253. Entov V.M., Barsoum M., Shmaryan L.E., On capillary instability of jets of magneto-rheological fluids, J. of Rheology, 1996, vol.40, No. 5, 727-739.
  254. Entov V.M., Musin R.M., Micromechanics of generation and flow of foam in porous media: mechanisms and network modelling. Preprint N560, Inst. for Problems in Mech. RAS, Moscow, 1996, 56pp. (in Russian)
  255. Entov V.M., Capillary breakup of jets and filaments of non Newtonian liquid phenomena and their 1D modelling . Free Boundaries in Viscous Flows, International Workshop, St. Petersburg, 3-7 Sept, 1996
  256. Bear J., Ryzhik V., Braester C., Entov V., On the movement of an LNAPL lens on the water table, Transport in Porous Media, 1996, vol.25, 283-311.
  257. Alexandrou A.N., Entov V.M., On the steady-state advancement of fingers and bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell filled by a non-Newtonian fluid, Euro. Jl Appl. Math., 1997, vol. 8, 73-87.
  258. Entov V.M., Etingof P.I., Viscous flows with time-dependent boundaries in a non-planar Hele-Shaw cell, Euro. Jnl of Applied Mathematics, 1997, vol. 8, 23-35.
  259. Entov V.M., Musin R.M., Micromechanics of nonlinear two-phase flows through porous media. Network modelling and percolation analysis, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1997, No.2, 118-130, [Fluid Dynamics, 1997, vol.32, No.2, 252-261]. (In Russian )
  260. Gorodtsov V.A., Entov V.M., Instability of displacement fronts of non-Newtonian fluids in a Hele-Shaw cell, Prikl. Mat. Mekh, 1997, vol.61, No.1, 115-132, [Appl. Maths. and Mechs., 1997, vol.61, No. 1, 111-126]. (In Russian )
  261. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Lerner M.M., Rozhkov A.N., Failure of polymer solutions filaments, Vysokomol. Soedinenia, A, 1997, vol.39, No. 3, 474-482, [Polymer Science, 1997, vol.39, No. 3, 316-324]. (In Russian )
  262. Entov V.M., Shmaryan L.E., Numerical modelling of capillary breakup of jets of polymeric liquids, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidkx. i Gaza, 1997, No. 5, 97-106, [Fluid Dynamics, 1997, vol.32, No. 5, 696-703].(In Russian)
  263. Entov V.M., Kestenboym Kh.S., Pokrovsky S.V., Shugai G.A., One-dimensional dynamics of jet flows of elastic fluids, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1997, No. 6, 3-15, [Fluid Dynamics, 1997, vol.32, No. 6, 696-703].(In Russian)
  264. Entov V.M., Hinch E.J., Effect of spectrum of relaxation times on the capillary thinning of a filament of elastic liquid, J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 1997, No. 72, 31-53.
  265. Gordeyev Yu.N., Entov V.M., Pressure distribution around a growing crack, Prikl. Mat. Mekh, 1997, vol.61, No. 5, 1060-1064, [J. Appl. Maths. Mechs, 1997, vol.61, No. 5, 1025-1029].(In Russian)
  266. Alexandrou A.N., Apelian D., Entov V., Feeding model for production of semisolid billets. in: Proc. of the Julian Szekely Memorial Symposium on Materials Processing, Eds.: H.Y.Sohn, J.W.Evans, and D.Apelian, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1997, 439-452.
  267. Voskov D.V., Entov V.M. and Galamay O.V., On dissipative effects in chemical flooding, in: Proceedings of The 27th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Izrael, May 19-20, 1998, 284-286.
  268. Entov V.M., Turetskaya F.D., Pulse testing of wells in reservoirs with a nonlinear seepage law, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1998, No. 3, 104-110, [Fluid Dynamics, 1998, vol.33, No.3, 383-389] (In Russian )
  269. Entov V.M., A theory of flow through porous media, Soros Educational J., 1998, No. 2, 121-128 (in Russian).
  270. Bogdanov I.I., Galamay O.V., Entov V.M., On penetration of liquid contaminants into aquifers, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1998, No. 5, 119-130. (In Russian )
  271. Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Burgos G.; Gilmer R.; Entov, Vladimir; Two-phase model for processing materials in semisolid state light metals, in: Barry Welch, ed. A collection of papers from the 1998 TMS Annual Meeting in San Antonio Texas, February 15-19, 1998, 1081-1086.
  272. Burgos G.; Alexandrou, A. N.; Entov, V.M.; Two-phase model of Flow of Semi-Solid Materials, in: Proceedins 5th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites in Golden, Colorado, June 23-25, 1998.
  273. Burgos G.R., Alexandrou A.N., Entov V.M., Time-Dependent Rheology of Rheology of Semisolid Metal Suspensions, In: Synthesis of Lightweight Metals, III Proc. of the Symposium sponsored by the LMD and SMD divisions of The Minerals, Metals & Material Society, held at the 1999 TMS Annual Meeting in San-Diego, California, February 28 -March 4, 1999 Ed. by F.H.(Sam) Froes, C.M.Ward-Close, P.G.McCormick D.Eliezer, A Publication of TMS, Warrendale, PA, ISBN Number  0-87339-428-3, 221-228.
  274. Entov V. M., Suspension of extensible rods model of extensional  flows of polymer solutions, Proc V Symp. Euro. Rheol., Portoros, Slovenia, 6-11 Sept,ed I.Emri, Springer, NY, 1998, 551-552
  275. Entov V.M., Nonlinear waves in the theory of flows through porous media. in: Proc. International Conf. "Modern Approaches to Flows through Porous Media", Moscow, Sept.6-8, 1999, 14-16.
  276. Voskov D.V.,  Entov V.M., On oil displacement by gas injection: constant partition coefficients case, in: Proc. International Conf. "Modern Approaches to Flows through Porous Media", Moscow, Sept.6-8, 1999, II-32-II-34.
  277. Vinogradov I.M., Entov V.M., Dissipative effects in non-isothermal displacement of oil by solutions of active additives, in: Proc. International Conf. "Modern Approaches to Flows throughPorous Media", Moscow, Sept.6-8, 1999, II-29-II-31.
  278. Entov V.M., Nonlinear waves in physicochemical hydrodynamics of inhanced oil recovery. Multicomponent flows., Proc. of the International Conference "Porous Media: Physics, Models, Simulations, 19-21 Nov., 1997, Moscow, A.Dmitrievsky, M.Panfilov, eds:, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999, 33-56.
  279. Entov V.M.,Polymer solutions in elongational flows: suspension of extensible rods model, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 1999, 82, 167- 188.
  280. Entov V.M., The dynamics of a thin slug of reacting impurity in flow in a porous medium, Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 1999, 63(2), 276-288, [J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 1999, vol. 63, No. 2, 265-276] (In Russian )
  281. Burgos G., Alexandrou A.N., Entov V.M.,On the determination of yield surfaces in Herschel-Bulkley fluids. J. of Rheology, 1999, 43(3), 463-483.
  282. Burgos G., Gilmer R. (Metals Processing Inst); Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Entov, Vladimir,  Time-dependent rheology of semisolid metal suspensions, Source: Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania), 1999,  755-760
  283. Ishlinsky A.Yu., Klimov D.M., Entov V.M., Pryazhinskaya V.G., 80 years of devoted service to science (to centenary of academician P.Ya.Kochina) Vestnik Ross. Akad. Nauk, 1999, 69(6), 559-563. (in Russian)
  284. Entov V.M., Turetskaya F.D., On hysteresis effects in non-steady-state two-dimensional flows through porous media with limiting pressure gradient, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 1999, No.6,134-140 (in Russian ) [ Effects of hysteresis in two-dimensional flows through porous media with a limiting pressure gradient, Fluid Dynamics, 1999, vol.34, No. 6,885-889]
  285. Entov V.M., Microstructural aspects of fracture mechanics, J. of Fracture, 1999, vol.99, N1/2, 13-23 .
  286. Entov V.M., Mathematical models oil recovery enhancement by gas injection. "Nauka i tekhnika uglevodorodov", ("Hydrocarbon Science and Technology") N6 (13), 2000, 84-90 (in Russian).
  287. Alexandrou, A.N., Burgos G.R., and Entov V.M. Semisolid metal processing: a new paradigm in automotive part design , SAE 2000 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, March 6-9, 2000. (SAE Techn. Paper 2000-01-0676), 1-6.
  288. Entov V.M., Voskov D.V., Effective Prediction of Multicomponent Gase/Liquid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs. In: “Dynamics of Multiphase Systems”, in: Proceedings of International Conference on Multiphase Systems, edited by Ilgamov M., Akhatov I.,  Urmancheev S., Ufa: Gilem, 2000, 401-408.
  289. Entov V.M., Voskov D.V., On oil displacement by gas injection, in: Proc. 7th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Baveno, Italy, 5-8 Sept., 2000.
  290. Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Fracture Phenomena in Liquids and Foundations of Fracture Mechanics, EuroMech Colloquium 418, Fracture Aspects in Manufacturing, Moscow, 25-29 Sept, 2000.
  291. Alexandrou A.N., Duc E.C., and Entov V.M., Inertial, Viscous and Finite Stress Effects in Bingham Fluid Filling of a 2D Cavity, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol.96 (2001), 383-403.
  292. Voskov D.V., Galamay O.V., Entov V.M., Self-similar solutions of problems of physicochemical subsurface hydromechanicsIzv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 2001, N1, 126-135, [Fluid Dynamics, 2001, vol. 36, No.1] (In Russian )
  293. Voskov D.V., Entov V.M., Problem of oil displacement by gas mixtures, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 2001,N2, 112-121 ( Problem of Oil Displacement by Gas Mixtures, Fluid Dynamics, vol. 36, No 2, 2001, 269-278.) (In Russian )
  294. Burgos G.R., Alexandrou A.N., and Entov V.M.,Thixotropic Behavior of Semisolid Slurries, Journal of Material Processing Technology, vol.110, 164-176, 2001.
  295. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Breakup of a liquid bridge of an Oldroyd fluid as a technique for rheological testing of polymer solutions. , Vysokomolekuljarnye Soedinenia, vol. 43, No 7, 1161-1172, 2001 [Polymer Sci.A. Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2001, Vol. 43, No. 7, 716-726] (also in Russian)
  296. Gordeyev Yu.N., Entov V.M., Osmotic mechanism of fracture growth in saturated porous media, Izv. Ross. AN, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, 2001, No. 6, 125-131, [ Fluid Dynamics, 2001, vol.36, No 6, 964-970 ].  (In Russian )
  297. Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Living Filament, Soros Educational Journal, 2001, Vol.7, N8, 115-121 (in Russian).
  298. Entov V.M., Voskov D.V., Turetskaya F.D., On Approximation of Phase Equilibria of Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Mixtures and Prediction of Oil Displacement by Gas Injection; Proc., 8th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Freiberg, Germany, 4-6 Sept., 2002.
  299. Alexandrou A.N., Le Menn Ph., Georgiu G., Entov V.M., Flow instabilities of Herschel-Bulkley fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2003, vol.116, 19-32.
  300. Alexandrou, A.N. Entov V.M., Kolganov S.S., Kolganova N.V., On bubble rising in a Hele-Shaw cell filled with a non-Newtonian fluid, Euro. Jnl. of Applied Mathematics, 2004, vol.14, 1-13.
  301. Entov V.M., Adler P.,  On Large-Scale Electrokinetic Phenomena in Natural Porous Media, submitted, J. Geophysical Research.
  302. Adler P., Entov V.M. On large-scale electrokinetic phenomena in natural porous media, Preprint N 754, Inst. for Problems in Mech. RAS, Moscow, 2004, 43pp.
  303. Adler P., Chekhonin E.M., Entov V.M., Gordeyev Yu.N., On magnetic field generated by flow to a hydraulic fracture, Preprint   N 748 Inst. for Problems in Mech. RAS, Moscow, 2004, 35pp.
  304. Adler, P. M.; Entov, V. M. Surface electromagnetic perturbations induced by unsteady-state subsurface flow, in: Surface waves in anisotropic and laminated bodies and defects detection, 2004, 189--204, Proc. of the NATO ARW, Moscow, 7-9 Febr. 2002: R.V.Goldstein and G.Maugin, Eds. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2004.
  305. Baishev E.V., Glivenko E.V., Gubar' V.A., Entov V.M., Ershov T.B., Gas-Pulse Action on the Well Bottomhole Zone, Izvestia Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, N4, 2004  (in Russian), [Fluid Dynam. 2004, vol.39. No.4]
  306. Entov, V. M., Mathematics of enhanced oil recovery. In: Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2002, Series: Mathematics in Industry Series: The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, Vol. 5 Buikis, Andris; Ciegis, Raimondas; Fitt, Alistair D. (Eds.) 2004, 31-40.
  307. C. Classen, J. Bico, V. Entov, G.H. McKinley, Video-rheology - Studying the Dripping, Jetting, Breaking and "Gobbling" of Polymeric Liquid Threads,  XIVth International Congress on Rheology (ICR2004), Seoul (Korea), August 22.-27, 2004
  308. J. Bico, C. Clasen, V. Entov, , G.H. McKinley,  Gobbling drops: the jetting/dripping transition in flows of polymer solutions, ICEM12 - 12th International Conference on Experimental Mechani 29 August - 2 September, 2004, Politecniko di Bari, Italy
  309. V.M.Entov, Dynamic experiments with elastic fluids. From thinning filaments to gobbling drops. Stanford, USA, April 13, 2004          
  310. Entov V.M., Kolganov S.S., Kolganova N.V., Motion of inviscid fluid tongues and bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell occupied by a viscoelastic fluid Fluid Dynam., 2005, vol.40, no. 1, 103--109;  translated from  Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza  2005, no. 1, 117--123 (In Russian )
  311. Chekhonin E.M., Entov V.M., Thiercelin M., Fracture/reservoir interaction in hydraulic fracturing: fluid dynamics, Hydrailic Fracturing Summit V, Canada, June 22-24, 2005.
  312. Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Break up or fracture of fluids. Center for Nonlinear Studies Workshop on Physics and Mathematics of Growing Interfaces, January 8-13, 2006, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
  313. Entov V.M., Rozhkov A.N., Rheology and fracture (breakup) of liquids. The Society of Rheology, 78th Annual Meeting, October 8-12, 2006, Portland, Maine, USA.
  314. Alexandrou A.N., Bazilevsky A.V., Entov V.M., Isaev K., Rozhkov A.N., On tensile testing of concentrated suspensions.  The Society of Rheology 78th Annual Meeting October 8-12, 2006,  Portland, Maine, USA.
  315. Chekhonin E.M., Entov V.M., Gordeyev Yu.N., Calculation of magnetic field around a fracture in porous media, 2006, Vestnik OSU, N10, 230-234 (in Russian)
  316. Entov V.M., Voskov D.V., Turetskaya F.D., Phase behavior approximation for multi-component systems and oil displacement by injection of gas computations, Oil and Gas Technology, 2006, no. 3 (in Russian)
  317. Entov V.M., P.Etingof, On a class of free-boundary Hele-Shaw flows in the presence of an external field, in: New Applications of Conformal Mapping in Physics, SIAM annual meeting, July 10-14, 2006, Boston, USA 
  318. Etingof P., Entov V., On a Generalized Two-Fluid Hele-Shaw Flow, European Journal of applied mathematics, 18(2007), no.1, 103-128,
  319. Clasen, C., Bico, J., Entov, V. and McKinley, G.H., 'Gobbling drops': the jetting/dripping transition in flows of polymer solutions, J. Fluid Mech. (2009), vol. 636, pp. 5–40.
  320. Entov, V. M.; Chekhonin, E. M. , Calculation of electroosmotic inflow to hydraulic fracturesFluid Dynam. ,2007, vol.42, no. 3, 453--462;  translated from  Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza  2007, , no. 3, 134--144 (in Russian)
  321. Entov, V. M.; Chekhonin, E. M., Pressure field around a well in a stratified inhomogeneous bed. Fluid Dynam.,  2007, vol.42, no. 1, 71--78;  translated from  Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza  2007,  no. 1, 83--90 (in Russian)
  322. Entov, V.M; Chekhonin, E.M; Detournay, E.; Thiercelin, M., Fracture propagation in high-permeability rocks: The key influence of fracture tip behavior, Source: SPE - Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference 2007; 2007; v.2007, 352-362
  323. Chekhonin, E., Entov, V., Thiercelin, M., Coupled problem for steady propagating hydraulic fracture: the influence of tip behavior, in: Hydraulic Fracturing Summit, Timber Ridge resort Mableton, GA, USA, 22-26 May 2007, 7-8.
    Conference: SPE - Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference 2007; Jan 29-31 2007; College Station, TX, United States
  324. Etingof P., Entov V., On the breakup of air bubbles in Hele-Shaw cell, Preprint, 2008


  The works which need identification

1. V.Entov, Conformance control and its hydrodynamical modeling in Russia: A fluid dynamicist's viewpoint.

2. V.M.Entov , Kh.S. Kestenboim. Hydrodynamical aspects of melt spinning.

3. В.М.Ентов, Т.Б.Ершов. О нестационарных процессах в трубопроводе с подвижным отражателем и воздушным колпаком.

4. В.М.Ентов, Т.Л.Чугунова. К задаче о вытеснении нефти смесями газов. Одномерная задача многокомпонентного вытеснения. Нефтегазовое машиностроение. 2003

5. V.M.Entov, On contact capillary imbibition., circa 1998

6. V.Entov, Free boundaries in theory of flow through porous media.

7. V.Entov, Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: Basics and Discussions of Capillarity Driven    

    Flow, IPM RAS, Moscow, 1999

10. Vladimir Entov,  On some fluid-dynamical aspects of hydraulic fracturing.

                  IPM RAN, Gubkin Oil and Gas Univ.

11.  Andreas N.Alexandrou, Gilmer R. Burgos, Vladimir M. Entov,  Rheology of semisolid suspension: current understanding and future challenges.

12. V.M.Entov, Modelling of Improved Oil Recovery Processes. A Fluid Dynamicist's Viewpoint, [Computational methods and tools in Reservoir modeling], Austria, 1992.

Entov, V.M., Filtration Theory, in Encyclopedia of Modern Natural Sciences, 238-245 (In Russian)

Entov, V.M., On unstable displacement in a porous medium, In Oil Hydrodynamics, 74-83, circa 1982 (In Russian)

Barenblatt G.I., Vavakin A.S., Goldstein R.V., Entov V.M., Salganik R.L., On approach of quasistatic fracture theory application to forecasting of strength and longevity of structure elements 170-180, circa 1975-76 (in Russian)