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BEDH Public Participation at Board Meetings
Updated automatically every 5 minutes



All school districts are corporations; accordingly, the Mascoma Valley Regional School Board functions as a corporate board. The Board will meet and conduct business in an orderly and productive manner. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the press and public. The Board reserves the right to meet and to adjourn or recess a meeting at any time to discuss such matters as are properly considered in non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3.

The Board welcomes the public at its meetings. In order to hear persons who wish to appear before the Board and, at the same time, conduct its meetings properly and efficiently, the Board adopts the following guidelines for pubic participation at Board meetings.

1. A set time will be reserved at the beginning of each meeting, the length to be determined by the Chairman, for citizens to address the Board. A second time will be set aside for public comment, at the end of the meeting when the Board has concluded its business.

2. Any individual desiring to speak shall give his or her name, town of residence, and

the group, if any, that is represented.

3. Oral comment should be as brief as possible. Written comment is encouraged for more extensive presentations. For items which the public would like the Board to deliberate, a public member should contact the Superintendent so an agenda item can be considered.

4. The Board cannot hear personal complaints of school-affiliated personnel in public session. Complaints involving individuals should be brought to the attention of the Superintendent.

The Board vests in its presiding officer authority to terminate remarks of any individual, as necessary, to adhere with this policy.

Legal References:

RSA 91-A:3, Public Records and Meetings: Non-Public Sessions

Adopted 11/13/89 Revised 5/12/98 Revised 6/27/06

MVRSD Policy