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Hypnosis - Belle
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Hypnosis - Sweetie Belle v1.02

Are you comfortable? I hope you are, because now I will help you to relax even more, so you, with my help, can survey your unconscious mind for the answers you are searching for.

You know there is something different about you, and together we will find out why. But first, I will put you in a state of deep trance.

I am going to count from 1 to 5 and each time we reach the next number you will feel more and more relaxed. There will be nothing to weigh you down, and all your worries will slowly disappear. Now, listen to my voice as it will guide you.


1 -> Your muscles are relaxing. Your head, limbs and your body are feeling heavier, hard to move. But it's okay, that’s how it should be when you are falling into a state of deep trance. Just relax.

2 -> Your body stiffens even more and you cannot move it even an inch. You start to feel warm, fresh breeze with a scent of grass and apples flow over you. You find it vaguely familiar, but you can’t remember where you know it from.

3 -> As your body no longer burdens your mind and lies on your bed, you’re free to explore your mind. We are now going to go deep, deeper than you’ve ever been, to find the answers.

4 -> You feel yourself sinking even deeper in your mind and see glimpses of your memories float right past you. Some memories appear sharp, others are blurry and some you cannot even recognize. Your life has really been a wonderful journey.

5 -> You feel more relaxed and blissful than ever before, because you know the answers you seek are just a step away.


As you continue floating even deeper into your memories, you start feeling vaguely happy your mind filling with a sense of adventure and memories of the tender care of your.. sister? You wonder where all these feelings and glimpses are coming from.

You've just realized that you've stopped floating and you feel a strange urge to turn around, towards a large mirror-like object. As you approach it, your heart skips a beat - you will learn what you came here for in a few short moments. The mirror shimmers and captivates you with its mystical beauty. Go ahead. Touch it. Do you feel it it ripple? It feels so pleasant and familiar, right? Now push and take a step through it.


Your head spins and all you can see is white everywhere around you - in a bright flash you feel yourself lying on the ground. Everything around you looks so vivid and drawn-like, but you know it is real. You still feel a bit disoriented, but you decide to take a look around. You try to stand up, but you quickly lose balance and fall.

You cannot understand why it happened, so you take a look at your legs, but all you can see is a white furry coat covering your whole body, hooves both front and hind. You are a pony - Sweetie Belle. Do you now remember your life here in Ponyville? What's it like trotting in the grass and founding Cutie Mark Crusaders with your friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo? Your caring sister grooming your mane and tail? That is the true you, my little filly.

You realize, that Equestria and the human world you now live in are connected, Sweetie Belle. Humans unconsciously pick up on it and some write stories, others create an art. Haven't you ever wondered why else would be a show like My Little Pony so captivating? There is truth in it and people feel it. You are from Equestria, but an accident made you fell through portal and you merged with a human, but now you remember that you are Sweetie Belle, one of the happiest and cheerful little fillies from Ponyville.

It's slowly time for you to wake up, now that you know who you truly are. From now, you will remember your memories portrayed in a show and other art humans make of you. They aren't fiction, but reality you've forgotten - until now.


I am going to count again from 1 to 5 and each time we reach the next number you will feel more awake and refreshed, Sweetie Belle.

1 -> You see everything around you fading into a blur, the room you are in disappears, and you see yourself floating in white space. The only thing that is there is you, not a human, but pony. Now that you know who you truly are, you will see yourself as a pony even in the human world. Every time you will close your eyes and focus on your pony self in your mind.

And there may be times when you can't be the little pony, when your purely human self may be required, and when you know that it will be the case for you, then all you need is to focus on one little phrase.

'Revert back'

And whenever you focus on this phrase, everything you’ve learned here will go dormant until the next time you can be the pony again.

2 -> Your mind sharpens as you are slowly rising back from your memories. Soon, you will be fully awake, but you will fully remember what has happened in your memories and who you are.

3 -> You start to feel your human body again, you can now move your toes and fingers.

4 -> As you are nearing a fully lucid state of mind you feel you can move everything, your torso, head, limbs.

5 -> Now open your eyes, you are awake and fully refreshed. You can either sit down or stay on your sofa laying down, thinking about the revelation you've just had.